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Old 05-06-2005, 11:14 PM   #168
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Washington State
Posts Rated Helpful 0 Times
Back in high school(2000) I was an avid Q2DM player. I owned HL, but the multiplayer aspect was lost on me, especially because most of my Q2 playing was done from school where I could install it on every machine in the building and get random kids to play with me.

Sometime after I graduated that summer I convinced my mother to allow me to have a broadband connection in my room(read: set it up without her permission and paid for it, so she couldn't argue much about it). I discovered TFC around then. I've been all over the board, reading about you guys(and girls?) playing on maps like 2fort and such. I'm not too great at remembering names, but I remember all those maps details with a passion.

I never liked being a heavy, way too slow for me. My favorite was the soldier or the medic. When I got sick of blowing shit up, I'd switch to the suicidal medic and try my damnedest to infect everyone on the opposite team(while occasionally healing teammates).

I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this Mod, even if it isn't finished yet, because I was so disappointed with the HL2 multiplayer aspect. I can't imagine how people enjoy CS, and HL2DM is just pure and utter crap in my eyes. I can't deal with deathmatch that doesn't even provide you with the slightest spawn protection. *shrugs* It irks me.

Anyways, I'm rooting for you guys and wish I could contribute in some more meaningful way. Alas I have not mapped since the days of Q2, and I barely made anything of worth then.
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