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Old 09-27-2007, 06:16 PM   #35
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
lolz @ rannibunny :P That is an interesting way of doing it. So you really only need two of those :P (e.g. +f with +r OR +b with +r OR +f with +l OR +b with +l) what I did in TFC is I added in the _special repeat script to the wiggle walk so it repeated the alternateration of the strafe keys ultra fast while you hold forward. Ehhh, it was funny to walk around with it as HW. That's how I got 140% speed of any class. It really wasn't too useful actually. I think Oracle did it manually to get more speed off his pipejumps or something, not sure if it worked.

Like it doesn't get you to 140% any faster than other strafe methods as it seems to limit control ability. (since it's basically mashing a direction button down and trying to play and dodge only using that key lol - so you end up doing circles).

A TFC player can also alternate strafing in the air and wiggle and use it to increase speed some. It's a bit different though as you have to turn the mouse. (for instance when you turn off gravity, as someone mentioned, you can strafe right and left and move kind of while on the ground, well you can do that in the air too at the end of a glide or strafe jump Oracle and Verse used it a lot, and DuM saw me doing it one day and really liked it.

Last edited by moogle; 09-27-2007 at 06:26 PM.
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