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Old 09-24-2007, 10:47 PM   #250
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
What did you find fun? The speed of the play was nice. I really liked all of the built-in options. The new graphics were great and I liked the look of the old maps remade. A Team Fortress Classic sequel that is player made is just really cool. I had great fun trying it out.
What surprises did you experience? Sniper seemed kind of like it did nothing even though I shot right at a guy several times. I couldn't find the console button.
Was there anything frustrating or annoying for you?
The game crashes for no apparent reason a bit after playing and I have to reopen it. I can't tell what color a player is because the models are too dark though everything else is bright. I have good movement in TFC, but it seems strafejumping and bunnyhopping does just about nothing in FF. That's it really not bad for a player mod of TFC that was just released. I am impressed. You guys really gotta add bunnyhopping and air speed gains or the game just isn't going to be intricate enough. Might be fun to clan in still <shrugs> I would still play TFC over it for the great movement in it.
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