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Old 09-24-2007, 03:08 AM   #98
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
And benjpac it's quite clear you have never discovered most of the advanced features TFC/FF had to offer, most likely because they were slightly to complicated for you to get your head round.
I played in multiple top clans in TFC for over a period of 4 years. I know all the little tricks in the game. Obviously I found the play style extremely fun to play it for 4 years. My entire point is that FF brings us nothing new. After 4 years of TFC, most of us are ready for a new and improved team fortress. What is different about FF? Most people are about as excited about FF as people were about the port of counterstrike to the source engine... and more people still play the old counterstrike...

Once again - I realize tfc/ff has a lot of depth.. do not try to belittle my comments saying that I am too stupid to master these games. I played in multiple top clans and I throughly enjoyed playing TFC. I am not saying the game is not fun... it just isn't new. You will not get a huge player base over time because TFC has been out for too long. It would be like releasing the old school super mario bros and only updating its graphics slightly... no one would buy that.
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