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Old 09-19-2007, 02:09 PM   #226
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Originally Posted by summit
Little bit over the top, don't you think? Wasn't there a spawn timer for Ut2004 for Assault? My point is that people attached to the series are more likely to view games with a bias - one that, if the game doesn't conform to a preconceived notion of how the game should be, is a failure in the eyes of whoever as a Fortress game.

I'm trying to not argue opinions, just reasoning behind them. Okenora is right - I don't have nearly as much experience (in this game) as many do here - maybe that's why I approach things the way I do.

My belief a good compromise would be a cut down to 5-7 second respawn. I've caught the tailend of a spawn before and had to wait ~15 seconds, I agree it isn't the best part of the game (I'd rather be playing), but it's a part nonetheless.

Anyway I digress - from what I can remember, things are seldom "broke" by something as trivial as a spawn delay / pace slow down. Comparatively the pace might be slow as all hell, but putting things in perspective it isn't unbearably slow, just different I guess. (For me anyway :P)
The thing is, when you have to cap right near enemy spawn or run by the enemy spawn into a chokepoint to cap, you have to have the timers or some way to nerf the defense.

If you have instant respawn the offense has you run across the entire map , past every other hazard present, then past the immediate and heaviest defense to the goal. If you have flying and bhop the goal is to somehow get by so quickly that you entirely avoid all combat until you make it to the heavy defense at which point you will entirely avoid them until you get to the goal. Think about the 2nd point on dusbowl, almost every time I have seen it capped it was from a bending pipe jumper who landed directly on the point, bypassing all combat.

And if you actually try combat it doesn't matter because the enemy will repsawn instantly and be back in 1-2 seconds to reinforce whoever isn't dead still defending. So you have to create "rules" to benefit the offense like no chasing or whatnot because at a certain point it gets impossibly difficult to completely avoid combat and meet the goal.

But with just the addition of respawn timers (very short/non-existant for offense, long for defense) the amount of time it takes offense to get to the goal is about equalled, and combat becomes a viable option. Once you kill two people that is like a powerplay in hockey. They are less of a team for a significant amount of time so you have a much easier time to score, balancing the game and giving the offense a chance.

Personally, I prefer combat and shooting in a first person shooter. Other people perfer avoiding combat. Different games for different people.

But the thing is, if you just turn off the respawn timers in TF2 you are really going to screw up the game. People generally move slower and there are less ways to cross big parts of real estate like in TFC, so that, AND the defense spawning right on top of the goal instantly will crush balance so in favor of the defense that you are going to really have to compensate SOMEWHERE to make up the difference. You thought the pro-offense rules in TFC were bad? You'd have to have even more extra rules to still give offense a fighting chance.
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