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Old 05-03-2005, 12:02 PM   #165
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Northampton, England
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I picked me up a copy of HL the day it came out & had it completed within 2 weeks (didn't we all?) I wasn't on the internet at the time & it took me a good couple of months to convince me m8 'Wicksman' to get the game & play it online. At the time Q2dm > all.

So eventually when I convinced Wicks to play it online we had to download the patch which contained the 1st release of TFC. We hopped straight onto a pub server & soldiered taking 1 map each for a good few hours. The PC had no sound card & so we had 'Right Here, Right now' by fatboyslim on repeat!

After a few hours of play we were hooked & joined the 1st clan that offered us a place, which was [KASAP], a british clan that played on Wireplay (inbred isp) only.

Wicks took over the clan & took it from being a bunch of n00bs to a bunch of elitist c u next tuesday's. However we couldn't depose the likes of DW BC & SHS from the top of the UK clan scene.

I used to spend hours practicing concs pre TF1.5 when the toned em down considerably. Then I spent hours practicing bunnyhop until valve toned that down too... it seemed that everything that gave tfc renewed life would be 'reviewed' by valve.

So I started playing hwguy & still do... I've been playing TFC since the start & hwguy is the only class I can play to what can be loosly be described as a decent level!

Looking forward to FF as mainly due to the fact that I've known (or known of) most of the Dev team, including being clanned with Rebo & Billdoor & the many KASAP/DW flames with Defrag!

TFC being remade by TFC players can only be a good thing...
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