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Old 09-18-2007, 04:50 PM   #118
Join Date: Sep 2007
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I'll start off by saying that I'm a die-hard TF fan from way back. I stopped clanning in TFC in 2002 but eagerly anticipated this day ever since. I have long hoped that TF2 would put TF on top the multiplayer heap and gain the recognition it deserves.

In the words of Zorg: I am ... disappointed. Very, very disappointed.


- The look. Everyone knows this. The game is beautiful.

- The little touches. Each class has its own melee weapon and they're all cleverly done. Around the maps are neat little nuggets of flavor.

- Classes:
----- Scouts take command points twice as fast. Perfect mechanic.
----- I like the engy teleporter. Great mechanic that can easily shift gameplay.
----- The medic gun is spectacular. Just what the medic needed.
----- Spying is pure joy. Cloak-disguise-unloak is a cinch and timer on the cloak seals the deal.

And that's all the good things.


- No grenades. Is it less spammy? Perhaps, but in every previous TF each class had its own combination of grenades that made it useful. And in every previous version, people found a way to deal with them.

- No speed control. You just walk everywhere you go. It's slow and unnecessary. Speed control is what separates the good players from the mediocre ones.

- The hit zones, combined with the inherent lack of accuracy, saps all the fun out of close combat. Additionally, the melee weapons are FAR too powerful.

----- Sniper: the secondary gun is too powerful. If you're a sniper and you find yourself in close combat, you've already failed. Your weaponry should reflect that.
----- Soldier: rocket jumping is weak and underpowered. Don't bother.
----- Demo: you can't blow up your sticky grenades until they've stuck into something. So they're practically useless.
----- Heavy: is it just me or is Sasha pretty weak? I found myself up close and personal with a scout who I should be able to reduce to paste in about a nanosecond. Instead, he stood in my line of fire for about two seconds, made it behind me and killed me with 3 swings of his little baseball bat. Have I mentioned that melee weapons are too powerful?
----- Engy: Ah yes. I've now watched hordes of witless noobs get mowed down by a single SG placed out in the open. The invulnerable engy just stood behind it, whacking away all the while. If you take away grenades, you need to make the SG's less powerful or slower to track. Even the spy sapper is worthless against a slightly competent engy.


WHOSE FUCKING BRILLIANT IDEA WAS IT TO HAVE RESPAWN TIMES IN A TF GAME?!?!?!? IT'S TEAM FORTRESS FOR FUCK SAKE. When I step onto my battlements exactly 5 seconds after spawning only to get picked off by a sniper, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT 20 SECONDS TO SPAWN AGAIN.
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