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Old 09-08-2007, 04:44 PM   #7
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Toughsox
While the cards mentioned here will all work, in my opinion, you are going to go out and buy a card that will play these games just fine and all, which is good. However, they will barely run some of the upper end games that are out now, most notably Supreme Commander.

Might I suggest saving a few extra coins and going top-end, that way when more new games come out, you willbe able to fly through them just as well as the specs you are talking about now.

Why spend $200-$300 on a card when, if you wait a couple more months, the higher end cards will have come down somewhat....and in that time you could save a few extra bucks to afford them.

And yes, this coming from someone with a BFG 8800GTX OCx2
Because that philosophy means you'll never get a video card because you're always waiting.
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