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Old 07-09-2007, 05:50 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by zSilver_Fox
Really? How about what Scuzzy didn't post?
I believe he said those things to try to backtrack because one person laid into him personally from your community, but later on he did post the "We can still crash your server" comment. Either way you spin it, he's made his policy clear.

Also, I have no said that all ESAD members are server crashers, that is not my contention. I have made it clear that there probably are intelligent well respect members of ESAD, albeit I have yet to meet one myself. I'm mearly stating that I am not going to take the chance considering their clan's policy makers.

Originally Posted by zSilverFox
Everyone's taking it too seriously and is only getting one side of the argument here
Untrue, SisCos has been here, and you yourself gave a good description of their side of the story earlier:

Originally Posted by zSilverFox
Sorry, but I'm a buddy of Muchez, and I've been crashing with him before. Learn to expect it when your server is infamous for its rules in a community as small as this, especially when you have elitists assholes such as myself and others. Muchez IS one of the best players I've ever been with, and one of the worlds most elite pipejumpers (right up there with Mule). In the current state of TFC, you should expect this kind of stuff to happen. The only people left are the hardcore players, and they don't like strict rules like what you have. In short, you should have seen this one coming.

Do I agree with it? Yes and no. I find it rather hilarious and congratulate Muchez, but I do feel sorry for the interruption of gameplay.

Also, ESAD is, afaik, more of a loose clan with a CTF focus. They're a big name because of the maps that Trojan has made. You have NO IDEA what ESAD is about, or the US elite skills community, Scuzzy.

GJ Manchez.
"Player Quality, not Quantity, is what we strive for." - The LLama Wrangler
"A clan is defined by the nature of it's enemies. - The Llama Wrangler
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