Thread: Mapping Sizes
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Old 06-20-2007, 09:30 AM   #4
Custom mapper
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Originally Posted by Ihmhi
Uh... the only thing that would really effect things is trimping. You can trimp off of ramps going up for a vertical boost or off of ramps going down for a horizontal boost... that is about it. Concing and such is more or less the same as squeek has already said.
Concing is the same but combine a conc with a trimp or double jump and you fly baby! So if you put a ~30-45 or so degree ramp somewhere and a tall jump you might see some interesting things. Something to think about and maybe add to the yard.

On the subject of yards don't assume the offence will all be medics and scouts! Even in leagues that will probably change so bare that in mind. This has an impact on the size of maps and their midfields, if you have a map with Large bases then consider a smaller/no midfield. FF doesn't have to have all the action in the yard or even a yard at all in all CTF maps.

I had a thought about alternatives to the big concrete box for a midfield, its simple have 2 or three separate routes which could maybe link up or be separate like underground tunnels or some such.

Last edited by own3r; 06-20-2007 at 11:00 AM.
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