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Old 01-07-2007, 03:59 PM   #239
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Originally Posted by Guy Incognito
The medic doing the immunity thing wont make much of a difference on Pub servers, so thats fine, heh..

Oh happy day, quite enjoy the way you've worked around the feign...

though, a cloaked person isn't all that hard to spot if your looking for it... which might result in alot of ass-handage.

Like, in QTF/TFC if someone fell for the feign, then great, they go past you and you get up and shank them, but this you drop a body, but by rights they should see the blurry guy running down the hall...

Also... I be torn, I really like the idea of messing with the SG's, as you know a large part of being a spy is to be the bain of a Engy's exsistence... but it's sort of... the spy didn't lose an ability yet he gets a new one kind of thing seems a little unfair.

It's just if you look at how badass Mr.Spy is, everyones gonna want to play him, and he used to be a class that more or less 3 people in a 20 player game would play... It's always quite embarasing to brush by another disguised spy

Thats my incorrectly strung together two cents, but on the other hand... released as it is, would still stop me from sleeping untill I was a zombie, like the old QTF did
hasnt got to be tit for tat though.
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