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Old 11-18-2006, 11:19 PM   #181
o_darken_hellspawn's Avatar
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You are still a lonesome worth of nothingless to me. You are the epitomy of a useless shell of a man who once had self worth. Now you tinkle here on the internet believing you have a voice and that some actually hold you in high regards. Not your team and not the forums believes in you except for the other troll flamers you post with. Not even the Blue team will stick up for you and that is your OWN team. How sad is that to not even have the backing of your teammates. I know it is hard to come to grips with but when you are a speck of dust no one is going to care about you.

You should send me a thank you card for evenly acknowledging your presence her in my posted thread to my yellow brothers. Do me a favor next time you post, try to become something greater then yourself and just maybe your team of Blue Orcas will accept you



Last edited by o_darken_hellspawn; 11-18-2006 at 11:28 PM.
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