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Old 06-08-2006, 06:13 PM   #20
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Originally Posted by MarineXGEN
Online distribution is the future. It is so much cheaper to advertise it through a central system and allow users to download it rather then packaging everything up and so on.

Not to mention people are lazy and internet is so quick these days that it's just easier to download over night.
It may be cheaper for the company to distribute that way, but it's not cheaper for us. I am allowed a monthly bandwidth limit. I go over that limit, and I get charged extra. HL2 needs 4.5 GBs.... I'm allowed 18GBs a month :/

Yes, people are lazy, but they're impatient too. I don't want to sit around downloading 4 and a half gigs. Even with my broadband connection, that would probably take a couple hours. I could drive (wich I do) to the store and buy the game, have it on CD/DVD in less than half the time it would take to download.

Also, what if your download gets corrupted? Man, that would piss me right the fuck off (If I were dl'ing a 4GB file).Are they going to reimburse you for that bandwidth you wasted?
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