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Old 05-19-2006, 03:58 AM   #106
o_osiris's Avatar
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I've never liked them either. I dont live in California, but yeah, not a band I like to listen to at all.

I hate rap, absolutely hate it. I'm not stereotyping (in my particular school/area atleast) that people who listen to rap seem to think they're all hot shit. They all borrow their parents car, they're all unemployed, and they all act like they have something to prove, they cant fight their own fights and have to call their "backup" before anything happens. I mean if it wasn't for having to grow up around this, maybe I could TOLERATE the music. It's when my friend (Note, 1 person) get's jumped by a group of almost 30 people because one of their little buddy's had a problem with my friend, they trashed his car, busted his guitars he had with him, and ran off after. This started what still to this day is like a war at my school. There's practically every single of the "g-units" in my school, and some of their graduated and older friends (and cousins they call for backup) starting shit with anyone who listens to metal like they have to prove that they're top shit in high school. I can get along with pretty much anyone in real life (maybe not here) but I've still had the fuckers smash out the windows in my truck because im friends with this guy, never had a problem with them personally. Now im ranting, sorry. It's just this whole culture of gangster wannabees in my area that's really ruining what respect I could have for their choices.

PS: The "metalheads" and punks in my school are some of the nicest people you could ever meet, and I dont think I could have better friends, even if I've taken some shit because of it.
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