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Old 04-16-2006, 06:33 PM   #150
Join Date: Apr 2006
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I am working on a remake of the Quake1 TF map "Spit" by Phon.

I am currently ... 20% done and will have some screens up next week of the halls to the flag room, sniper deck and the front of the fortress, along with the first entrance room at the bottom floor.

URL will be

mmm I may as well post one pic... or 3, for the hype factor.

This is the room before the flag area, the dark hallway directly ahead leads to a respawn.

This is another shot of the room, looking at the other side, seeing the boiler I made <3

This is a shot of the hallway on the way to the flagroom, to the left at the end of the hall is the final ramp up to the flagroom.

The front of the base got carved out last night, along with the entrance, and entrance arena.
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