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Training Mode requirement before able to do online play and class specific training Issue Tools
issueid=361 07-20-2011 07:11 AM
Nade Whore
Training Mode requirement before able to do online play and class specific training

With the current Training Mode, it gives people the ability to learn some of the basic movement techniques and such, but doesn't really go into a whole lot of detail as far as class specific features like the Radial menu to cloak or build a sentry gun.

I see no harm in making it a requirement to go through Basic Training before you can play this mod, and Basic Training would teach you about the different HUD elements, movement, basically everything in the current training map, but also how to choose a team and class and then the Class-Specific Training would start.

It would then ask the player if they want to continue training to get an idea of how to play each class, or just play the game. If the player chooses to go through training, it'd start with the Scout and go down the list until each class has been unlocked. Mind you, these would have to be some very basic and simple tasks that still show what the class is all about. Once you have unlocked all the classes, you are finished with Training and can always refer back to the training if you need help.

For class-specific training, imagine it would put you in a room with a target on the floor and someone's voice tells them how to build a jump pad as well as how to use it and how to destroy it. Setup a level 1 sentry gun behind a glass wall to use as target practice for the class so it explains what weapons are effective and from what ranges too.

Anyway, just some ideas.
Issue Details
Issue Type Feature
Project Fortress Forever
Category Classes (Scout/Engineer/etc)
Status Suggested
Priority 1 - Highest
Suggested Version Undefined
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 1
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-20-2011 01:21 PM
Slayer of humans
When I get a new game I expect to be able to jump online right away. Being forced to go through training before I get online would tick me off with any game.

I'd have to vote no on this idea.
07-20-2011 02:12 PM
Nade Whore
Yeah just go play, not knowing anything how the game works at all? Usually whenever I start a COD game, I go through the single player mode first so I can get used to the controls. It is very important that people get an idea of how to play, but I also wouldn't be opposed to a button that says

I already know how to play, no need for Training.

And that'd allow you to bypass it, but it still needs to be a requirement so newcomers are aware the training will be useful for most.

Today's game is quite lazy compared to some of the old school gamers I know. People just want to jump right into the action, but that's a big flaw in FF I think.
07-20-2011 06:53 PM
What if when the person pressed Find Servers a message popped up urging them to try training mode before playing online?
07-20-2011 08:09 PM
Nade Whore
That might be nice. I just think there needs to be a higher importance put on the introduction to this game, so how ever we can find a way to do that, all the better.
07-21-2011 06:54 AM
internet user
you're forgetting the fact gamers dont want to deal with a game of depth that has a learning curve these days! these weak babbies dont know gaming. back in my day, I had to walk uphill 2 miles in the snow each way ..
07-21-2011 01:16 PM
Nade Whore
hehe! I don't think you give today's gamers enough credit. Like I said before, the training mode would have to be pretty simple to complete. Make it so if you don't complete a certain task within, let's say a minute or two, it then allows you to skip and come back to that at a later time, and if you complete the training after having skipped some sections, it'd tell you about the ones you didn't complete. At that time you'd be able to either go back and finish the ones you didn't complete, or it would allow you to Play the Game or move onto Class-Specific Training.

Someone new told me it took the better part of 20 minutes to complete our current training mode. To me, that says Training still can be improved.

Has anyone thought about having a ghost character for the Training mode that would make a generic path that leads them to the finish line for each level?

It'd be nice to actually have video tutorials embedded into the Training Mode, but until FF is on OB, I doubt that is even possible. But, what if those training videos were just another option in FF under Training called Video Tutorials. Instead of embedding the videos in game, they'd be separate. Is it possible to at least embed videos into FF, but not while a user is connected to a game such as a server or the training map?
07-21-2011 01:47 PM
Slayer of humans
Originally Posted by KubeDawg
Yeah just go play, not knowing anything how the game works at all? Usually whenever I start a COD game, I go through the single player mode first so I can get used to the controls. It is very important that people get an idea of how to play, but I also wouldn't be opposed to a button that says

I already know how to play, no need for Training.

And that'd allow you to bypass it, but it still needs to be a requirement so newcomers are aware the training will be useful for most.

Today's game is quite lazy compared to some of the old school gamers I know. People just want to jump right into the action, but that's a big flaw in FF I think.
If its a multiplayer only game like FF then yes I jump right in not knowing anything and learn from there. Thats what I did with TFC when it came out, I just installed it and started playing.

I'm not saying don't offer the training, heck I'm not even saying don't suggest to players that they should do the training first.

What I am saying is just don't force people to do the training before I can go online.

Even the button that asks you if you want training should be a 1 time thing.

Remember people play games differently. When it came to Hal-Life Death Match, I never played the single player. In fact it was nearly 6 years after Half-Life came out that I finally played single player. (my net connection was down one night and flaky for the rest of the week)
07-21-2011 01:50 PM
Nade Whore
I still don't see a problem with making it a requirement.

Hell I've already made my own compromise in my head where Class-Specific training would be optional.

Basic training at least needs to be required so everyone new will be able to see that there IS a way to learn this game without having to get pwned when they join a server. That's called learning it the hard way. It'll still be difficult for new players who join a server, but not as difficult because they'll understand the basic fundamentals of this game.

AND, when they complete training, immediately it gives them the option to PLAY NOW or continue onto Class-Specific Training. Even if they chose the PLAY NOW option, they still know in the back of their minds there is always that Class Training mode they can fall back on if they feel like they are struggling to learn a class.
07-21-2011 02:07 PM
Slayer of humans
The reason why making it a requirement is because it would tick off people like me who just want to jump into the game and learn from there. I prefer learning on the fly and against humans.

Forcing people to do things is the wrong way to go about it. Make suggestions, tell people that they should train before playing. Have a banner at the bottom that says "Try the training sessions before going online to get you used to the weapons and some of the advanced things that can be done with the classes"
07-21-2011 02:50 PM
Nade Whore
That's actually a really good idea. But where would the banner go? Bottom of where? You know how they have it set where you get a pop up when you try to connect to a server that is using a different version of FF than you have?

How about a message like that that would pop up a number of times(let's say 5 times before it just never appears again) that would tell people about the training like you said instead?
07-21-2011 05:29 PM
What if, in the future, achievements and stats were added to the game to increase replay value and make new players feel accomplished? Completing training could be unnecessary but could award an achievement, making people feel the need to do it.
07-21-2011 06:05 PM
Slayer of humans
Originally Posted by KubeDawg
That's actually a really good idea. But where would the banner go? Bottom of where? You know how they have it set where you get a pop up when you try to connect to a server that is using a different version of FF than you have?

How about a message like that that would pop up a number of times(let's say 5 times before it just never appears again) that would tell people about the training like you said instead?
I'm just thinking of a line of text at the bottom of the splash page. (on the image where the medic is running with the flag).

A little thing that pops up 4 or 5 times would be ok, though as long as it has a counter on it so people know it will only open X amount of times. Maybe even a button "never ask again" or some kind of switch that people can hit in the options to remove it for good without having to see it 5 times.

As far as I know you can't join servers that have a different version number unless you have that version installed, though you would have to open that version up to play that version.
07-21-2011 08:30 PM
Nade Whore
Originally Posted by oaties
What if, in the future, achievements and stats were added to the game to increase replay value and make new players feel accomplished? Completing training could be unnecessary but could award an achievement, making people feel the need to do it.
Perhaps new updated FF player models? I'd complete that shit in an instant just to get some cool new player models. :D

Gwar, I'd definitely like a pop up window that you could have a check box to never display again, but like any EULA, who ever reads that stuff and just clicks "I agree to the terms and conditions" instead?

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