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o_theres *nothing* here 05-21-2006 06:27 AM

Next door mommy beating up on six year old kids.
I hear the mom screaming all the time, then the kids running off crying. I can even year them getting beat. I'd see the stuff happening sometimes too.

Dammit.. I get mad whenever I hear them. I can very much relate to it. What the fuck? I swear it's almost everyday. Burns me up.

Part of me wants to call the cops, or go over and beat up the mom. But part of me wants to leave them alone- Not because it's the way that Chinese people bring up their children, but because stuff like this will probably make them stronger kids.

What is this I feel? I don't know. It doesn't feel right, though.


o_d3pth charge 05-21-2006 07:06 AM

I was beat as a child--it doesn't make you stronger. Call the cops.

o_puppychow 05-21-2006 07:07 AM

my thought is why do you edit every single post you make..?

oh, and for the topic, call the cops if you really have some sort of evidence.

o_rebo 05-21-2006 08:29 AM

Call the cops and tell them your concerns. Worst case scenario nothing comes of it. If you dont call the cops worst case scenario a kid could end up seriously hurt and you'd have to live with your inaction.

o_lithium 05-21-2006 08:33 AM

I'd rather call the cops also , kids will see this as a viable option for punishment and will do the same for their kids. It's not a pretty thing , it ruins lives.

o_ivaqual 05-21-2006 08:42 AM

That shit ruins entire lives. I'm not really adding anything to what has been already said, but please do call the cops.

o_mescalito 05-21-2006 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by LithiuM
I'd rather call the cops also , kids will see this as a viable option for punishment and will do the same for their kids. It's not a pretty thing , it ruins lives.

See, there's a difference. An "educational slap" when your kid does something really stupid (prevent raising up as a spoiled brat like a few ppl from this forum:o), and "punishing" your kid for YOU being drunk or a crack whore is not the same.
When i'm gonna have a kid or two and he's gonna talk in a disrespectfull way to me or his mother he's gonna get slaped. If i catch him stealing or something, he'll be slaped then i'll say "stealing is bad, mm'kay?".
But God damn me if i'll ever touch my punk ass kid just becouse i got back tired from work or becouse i'm pissed at something else. Some parents think kids are a nice way to "dis-charge" their frustration on. Parents like this should be hanged on a tree.

So yeah, i say slap the bitch! (not infront of her kids though) and wait till she calls the cops. If she doesn't, slap her again and when they come and ask you "why did you slap the whore?" tell them you tried to protect the kids and there was no time to call the police. Tell them you're sorry :D

o_bully 05-21-2006 09:06 AM

Im a youth and community worker and its a sad fact that bad things happen to children everyday. Please report this to your local authority ASAP.

You may find this helpful

o_lithium 05-21-2006 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mescalito
See, there's a difference. An "educational slap" when your kid does something really stupid (prevent raising up as a spoiled brat like a few ppl from this forum:o), and "punishing" your kid for YOU being drunk or a crack whore is not the same.
When i'm gonna have a kid or two and he's gonna talk in a disrespectfull way to me or his mother he's gonna get slaped. If i catch him stealing or something, he'll be slaped then i'll say "stealing is bad, mm'kay?".
But God damn me if i'll ever touch my punk ass kid just becouse i got back tired from work or becouse i'm pissed at something else. Some parents think kids are a nice way to "dis-charge" their frustration on. Parents like this should be hanged on a tree.

So yeah, i say slap the bitch! (not infront of her kids though) and wait till she calls the cops. If she doesn't, slap her again and when they come and ask you "why did you slap the whore?" tell them you tried to protect the kids and there was no time to call the police. Tell them you're sorry :D

Slap and beat is 2 different things.

o_mescalito 05-21-2006 10:07 AM

There's no reason in the world to beat your kid (unless you live in 1939 and your kid snitched you to the nazi's).
I can't think of one..

I quoted you becouse you mentioned "punishment". So i wanted to point out that this mom doesn't really punish them for something they've done. She's prolly beating them um cuz she's an unstable bitch. But i can't really talk about it couse i'm not there. *nothing* sais she beats them on regular basis.

o_qwertyuiop 05-21-2006 12:55 PM

I'd throw rocks at the mother.

Actually I probably wouldn't, but I'd like to. I do suggest that you throw rocks at her though.

o_ekim 05-21-2006 12:57 PM

Are you for real? Contact the appropriate authorities, immediately.

o_yomamashouse 05-21-2006 01:35 PM

Who is real? Oh ya and call the cops, it doesnt make them stronger it makes them more like their parents.

o_deadly furby 05-21-2006 02:13 PM

Child protection service links in Canada

o_frenchtoast 05-21-2006 03:17 PM

Stop being a pussy, beat your kids.

o_ekim 05-21-2006 03:28 PM

Stop being a fucking irritating fifteen year old Canadian gimp. olol i luv maddox hes so outragous!!! child abuse is teh funnies!!

o_frenchtoast 05-21-2006 03:31 PM

As I said, someone needs a vacation. You see, Maddox is what is known as 'humour'. Being the sour old douche you are you may never have heard of such a thing. He's meant to be funny, not taken literally.

Go outside.

o_ekim 05-21-2006 03:32 PM

You have an immature sense of humor. That doesn't mean I don't have one.

o_frenchtoast 05-21-2006 03:33 PM

There may be a good reason for that. You have the sense of humour of a raisin.

o_ekim 05-21-2006 03:34 PM

Because I don't find you brilliantly putting an ancient maddox link in every tenth thread funny? That the kind of logic you pick up in tenth grade debate team?

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