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XPelargos 05-12-2013 11:48 PM

2.46 Gibs
Post your new gib configs. I have a decent enough rig to get some good gibs going on, just a little confused about what all the new gib commands change.

Can someone break it down for me? :mrgreen:

squeek. 05-13-2013 07:42 AM

  • cl_gib_count: Number of gibs. Self-explanatory.
  • cl_gib_force_scale: Force multiplier for the gibs starting velocity; they start out with a velocity dependent upon the force of the attack that killed the player (for example, if you die from an explosion in front of you, your gibs will fly backwards). Increasing this will make gibs fly faster/further in the opposite direction of the killing blow
  • cl_gib_force_randomness: For each gib, a random force between -<value> and <value> will be added to the starting velocity. Increasing this will make gibs spread out more and fly in increasingly different directions
  • cl_gib_lifetime: Amount of time before gibs disappear
  • cl_gib_blood_scale: Size of the blood cloud sprites and the length (in distance, not time) of the blood spray
  • cl_gib_blood_count: The number of blood sprays to emit
  • cl_gib_blood_force_scale: Similar to cl_gib_force_scale, but determines how fast/far the blood cloud moves. Haven't really experimented with this one too much myself
  • cl_gib_blood_force_randomness: Again, similar to cl_gib_force_randomness. Increasing this will make the blood clouds spread out more (useful if you increase _blood_count)

You can also use thirdperson and spawngibs with sv_cheats 1 to spawn gibs on top of your player to test your settings.

A simple tweak that I thought looked pretty good (lots and lots of blood):
cl_gib_blood_count 10
cl_gib_blood_scale 40
the rest default

XPelargos 05-19-2013 05:09 AM

good look :mrgreen:

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