Fortress Forever

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Rck 12-29-2012 10:01 PM

Password for "RageQuit" server?
Does anyone know the password? There are 9 people on there and I would like a game but dont know the password

FDA_Approved 12-29-2012 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rck (Post 497668)
Does anyone know the password? There are 9 people on there and I would like a game but dont know the password

The passworded servers are generally pickup servers, running organized games with a strict rule set. So you can not just hop into a game there any time you wish.

If you'd like to play in a pickup you can join the channel #ff.pickup on quakenet.

It's strongly recommended that you learn at least how to bhop and conc jump first though. Other wise you're likely to not have a very fun time.

Learn some of the basics such as bunnyhopping and conc jumping, and then spec a couple pickup games to get an idea of how things play out.

If you'd like any help feel free to ask me either on the forums or on steam.

Rck 12-29-2012 10:11 PM

How do I join #ff.pickup? Is it twitter?

KubeDawg 12-29-2012 10:49 PM

Channel: #ff.pickup

Once there, you can type !add to see if there is a pickup started and you would like to add to the pickup. Most of the time there is but one pickup going on at a time, so if you see a bunch of people in a locked server, chances are you will have to wait till it is over before being able to add yourself to a pickup.

You can, however join the server while people are in it as everyone knows the password by now, just make sure to stay in Spectator mode as you don't want to interrupt a live match.

I hope this helps! :mrgreen::thumbsup:

Rck 12-30-2012 12:26 AM

Whats the difference between this and the TALOS server?

WubbaDucky 12-30-2012 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rck (Post 497672)
Whats the difference between this and the TALOS server?

It's private . it's more a 'pick a map' and then ots o Vs D for 15 min and the teams switch from O to D and so on.

but like FDA said: you are like me, learn more first, and just stick around. I played a couple pickups (got raped in 6 ways), was a bit criticed and cheered at the same time. (since i don't care if they get angry or not lol)

Don't focus too much on the pickups, have fun in the game, and do like me, just keep on playing. I am adding some efforts in 2013 to get Fortress Forever more alive and more euro players as well.

Just playing and stay helpful (if possible) on the ones that are also new makes the game more pleasant and increases the chance of more regular players (lack of players demotivates sometimes)

And I hope you stay since u are also a Euro like me and we need that as well :thumbsup:

FDA_Approved 12-30-2012 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rck (Post 497672)
Whats the difference between this and the TALOS server?

Talos is a pub server, where you can get on when ever you want, and play how ever you want to.

The pickup servers, run organized games with strict rule sets, in a competitive format. For example there are certain class restrictions, as well as things you aren't allowed to do.

Pickups are all in the name of fun. But they're meant to cater towards a higher level of skill and experience

Rck 12-30-2012 11:31 AM

Thanks, sounds like good fun. I'll try and join one tonight

FDA_Approved 12-30-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Rck (Post 497678)
Thanks, sounds like good fun. I'll try and join one tonight

Ok. But I really can't stress enough that if you want to get the most out of your experience in a pickup, you should know how to bhop and conc well. And spectate a few of the games first.

Rck 12-30-2012 04:49 PM

I have no idea what that means LOL, but will have a go!

FDA_Approved 12-30-2012 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rck (Post 497682)
I have no idea what that means LOL, but will have a go!

I mean, please for your own good, learn this stuff first, before you play on one of the passworded servers:

KubeDawg 12-30-2012 09:00 PM

I kinda wish someone would make a new set of video tutorials because a lot of stuff has changed since those were made. Something with hud_speedometer ON as to give a visual of how you gain more speed by strafing, and a better example of showing how air acceleration works in general.

A getting started video would be good to show players how to:
- Enable Developer console
- Set rates to get more optimum gameplay/smoothness
- Enable hud_speedometer
- Change their player name

Then there could be a section called FF Movement Tutorials and another set of videos for Class Specific Tutorials and maybe even one for Advanced Movement Techniques and such. If someone would like to head up this project, I'd love to help.

Rck 12-30-2012 09:52 PM

YouTube is blocked here currently, so can't view

I will be on in 30mins or so and will join for a game

Thanks by the way spoon

Rck 01-04-2013 05:59 AM

I have been really busy this week so no time to play, but will be on tonight and ready to play!

Elmo 01-08-2013 05:15 PM

Did anyone overlook the Training in FF which ought to be able to teach him to do these things?!

Check out the training option when you open FF Rck. If you do, if you have then let us know how it goes.

Features- 01-10-2013 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Elmo (Post 497823)
Did anyone overlook the Training in FF which ought to be able to teach him to do these things?!

Check out the training option when you open FF Rck. If you do, if you have then let us know how it goes.

Fundamentally those training sessions are good... but in the end spec a pickup and learn from someone who has played the game for awhile.

Rck 01-10-2013 08:15 PM

I dont really have time, I only play for a few hours every weekend so would rather spend it online shooting than offline doing some jumps!

I will bite the bullet and do a pickup this weekend with WubbaDucky as we are both Euros

Rck 01-11-2013 10:52 PM

Thanks for everyones patience, the first game was played and I enjoyed it!

XPelargos 06-03-2013 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Rck (Post 497670)
How do I join #ff.pickup? Is it twitter?

I rated this post helpful because it helped me lol. :mrgreen:

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