Fortress Forever

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Lynus 12-31-2010 06:32 AM

It breaks my heart..
that instead of people !add'ing to 4v4 CTF pickup games and better'ing themselves, that they'd rather bitch n moan about every little fucking thing that they think is wrong with FF.


WiFiDi 12-31-2010 07:13 AM

ive gotten on and from what i seen no one is on so i get off i try agian later ussually the nextday and nobody home. or maybye therse 1 perosn on 3 different servers.

Lynus 12-31-2010 08:59 AM

the public servers for this game... the popular ones are terrible... they are fucking pathetic.

we have 3 main public servers.

INX (euro) decent server, cept i dont like the high ping.

Old Timers is complete garbage, they use leaked maps from the beta and have just about the whole ff community banned from their servers from anything from saying piss to racism to switching classes too many times within a minute. Their bans are wayy too harshe and contribute to the lack of playerbase in FF.

Talos is the main public server that the community uses and is bad because the map rotation and the Rockthevote system they have configured FORCING people to play 15 minutes of each map before you can rock the vote. FIX THE ROTATION AND FIX YOUR RTV SYSTEM PLEASE! Make it have a warning to !nominate maps so you have some time to nominate maps that are fun! And let the Voting go on for more than 15 seconds. Please.

I know that there are people that want to play but dont see anyone in any servers for the reasons above and do not join to try to populate them.

Pickups are the way to go so please come and play a pickup even if you suck! Just play by the rules and dont take the shittalking that goes on serious. #ff.pickup IDLE THERE AND REQUEST A PICKUP, I will start one and I'd be happy to help anyone learn the game and get pickups alive again!

Lt Llama 12-31-2010 09:42 AM

GenghisTron 12-31-2010 01:29 PM

Maybe there's a reason people don't want to add to a pickup, and a reason why they'd rather play in pubs. Think about it for a minute.

Iggy 12-31-2010 04:35 PM

Gonna break this down for ya:


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480737)
the public servers for this game... the popular ones are terrible... they are fucking pathetic.

we have 3 main public servers.

INX (euro) decent server, cept i dont like the high ping.

I've never played there.... so I don't know what separates it from these(so feel free to elaborate):

Old Timers is complete garbage, they use leaked maps from the beta and have just about the whole ff community banned from their servers from anything from saying piss to racism to switching classes too many times within a minute. Their bans are wayy too harshe and contribute to the lack of playerbase in FF.
OT doesn't suck. They have rules, just like any other server. The people who play there are generally friendly, and just looking for a fun time.... just like you. Also, there was only 1 map from the beta server(that I am aware of), and it was quickly taken down. On that note, I still have the original layout of ff_genesis on my drive. I personally loved it, and think it was better than the released version. That's my personal opinion, and no, I'm not going to upload it somewhere because it violates the agreement I have with the dev team. Not worth it.

Talos is the main public server that the community uses and is bad because the map rotation and the Rockthevote system they have configured FORCING people to play 15 minutes of each map before you can rock the vote. FIX THE ROTATION AND FIX YOUR RTV SYSTEM PLEASE! Make it have a warning to !nominate maps so you have some time to nominate maps that are fun! And let the Voting go on for more than 15 seconds. Please.
I agree that the voting system could use some changes... However, part of the reason that the system works is that it requires a majority of people to choose one. If you don't like the map selected, either play it and initiate RTV when you can, or leave. Obviously, enough people on the server chose the map and want to play it. Sucks for you if you don't like it.

I know that there are people that want to play but dont see anyone in any servers for the reasons above and do not join to try to populate them.
I used to go sit in the "official" servers for over an hour, waiting to see if people would join. Even when there were more players, no one wanted to join a near-empty server. Maybe you should look at why those servers ARE populated, and try to emulate that. OT, when I have been on, only has 2-3 of their clan in the server. That means that 15 or so regular Joes join up, because they either like the map being played, can play without cussing up a storm, and aren't looking for a pure competative game. That's what Pick-Ups are for.

Pickups are the way to go so please come and play a pickup even if you suck! Just play by the rules and dont take the shittalking that goes on serious. #ff.pickup IDLE THERE AND REQUEST A PICKUP, I will start one and I'd be happy to help anyone learn the game and get pickups alive again!
People who suck aren't going to enjoy a pick-up. They will get pwn3d, and no one likes that. Especially with the "Ha ha, you suck" attitude of many players. If you want to do something productive, hold a "training" style pick-up, where one or two "pros" show the ropes to some people who don't have the same level of skills. Show them the ins and outs, strategy tips, and help them to learn the basics.

Ok, I'm going to go on a tangent for a minute, so either skip it, or read it. Your choice.

When I first start playing ANY game, I don't expect to be able to kick it's ass. I expect to learn how to play it, and that means getting my ass kicked for a bit. My goal, is to LEARN how to beat it. Most of todays gamers have this "Instant Gratification" problem, where they want to load it up, play, and kick it's ass their first time out. It goes deeper than just as a gamer, it's societies new modus-operandi. Veering away from that point and getting back to my own experiences; I saw people conc-jumping... and asked them how they did it. I had a few people tell me to fuck off, or completely ignore me. I finally encountered someone who took a little time to show me how it's done. Then I could do it, too. I still suck at HH, but that's ok with me. I don't have to be perfect at everything to enjoy playing. I saw a guy on 2fort(TFC), stand on a dispenser and use an EMP nade to jump to places I thought unreachable(pipes above basement resupply), and I stood there and watched him do it. I figured out the mechanics of it, and went and tried it on my own. Within a few attempts, I got it down. So I went on other maps, and looked for places to do the same feat. They are all over the place; Crossover2 has several, Badlands has a few, and other maps as well. It opened my mind up to the possibility of doing things like that, and I actively looked for places to get to, that someone else might not have spotted before. Thinking creatively is almost a requirement for this type of behavior. That's another thing that's being "frowned upon" in society. But that's enough of that. My point being, that I am among a special breed that likes a challenge. I want to learn. I prefer the abilities to be there, and I'm fine with having to take time to learn them. The sad fact is, there are too many gamers out there who simply DON'T have the attention span to do this. Like I said, "instant gratification" is what they are after. Simply stated, that's not how a Fortress game works. Which is part of the reason I consider TF2 to NOT be a true Fortress game. I'm not saying it's a BAD game, it's popularity says it's not. But it's a dumbed down game, catering to the average gamer who wants to not bother learning jack shit. Games worth playing, in my opinion, no matter if it's a FPS, RTS, Platformer, whatever... have a measure of skill, and replayability. You won't win every time, and that's something that(far too) many of the new-school gamers can't deal with.

Bridget 12-31-2010 05:19 PM

The irony is that you're bitching and moaning about something you see wrong with Fortress Forever: People not adding to pickup games.

GambiT 12-31-2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480737)
the public servers for this game... the popular ones are terrible... they are fucking pathetic.

thats YOUR opinion...


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480737)
INX (euro) decent server, cept i dont like the high ping.

never played there...


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480737)
Old Timers is complete garbage, they use leaked maps from the beta and have just about the whole ff community banned from their servers from anything from saying piss to racism to switching classes too many times within a minute. Their bans are wayy too harshe and contribute to the lack of playerbase in FF.

there was controversy over ONE map, that i know of, and they do NOT have the "whole ff community" banned.

don't take it out on them that you can't follow their fucking rules, it's their server so its their right to ban you for anything they see fit. my clans server rules are not all that different from OT's.

bottom line, if you don't like how other ppl choose to run their server get your own and stay your ass in there.


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480737)
Their bans are wayy too harshe and contribute to the lack of playerbase in FF.

nah, i think its more to do with elitist mofo's who ride newb's asses about not being good enough. ALOT of our player base, myself included, doesn't give a flying fuck about pickups, leagues, or anything competitive, we just want to pub play with other ppl who just flat out want to have fun(without the competitive BS)


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480737)
Talos is the main public server that the community uses and is bad because the map rotation and the Rockthevote system they have configured FORCING people to play 15 minutes of each map before you can rock the vote. FIX THE ROTATION AND FIX YOUR RTV SYSTEM PLEASE! Make it have a warning to !nominate maps so you have some time to nominate maps that are fun! And let the Voting go on for more than 15 seconds. Please.

never played there..


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480737)
Just play by the rules

lol, now thats funny, your bitching about OT banning ppl for NOT following their rules, yet your going to tell other ppl to follow yours??


CHURCHMOUTH 12-31-2010 07:32 PM

saying u arent looking for a competitive is so dumb. pickups are just games running in the form of an actual game. 2 teams worth of people doing productive things for their team. 2 teams worth of people trying to win... who doesnt play to win? i dont understand its so much more fun when u win or lose rather than just not keeping score at all and fucking around being worthless.

Pixel 12-31-2010 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480734)
that instead of people !add'ing to 4v4 CTF pickup games and better'ing themselves

Sounds like a chore to me. Games are suppose to be fun.

moosh 12-31-2010 08:13 PM

Some people play the game to have fun, other people play it to compete against others and to get better. Is that so hard to understand? :|

CHURCHMOUTH 12-31-2010 08:41 PM

yeah its hard to understand because there is nothing FUN about playing for fun in a pub server where there are people playing offense against no defense and people playing defense against no offense or just people running around in the yard picking fights with everyone

GenghisTron 12-31-2010 08:53 PM

I guess you've never heard of subjectivity.

Lynus 12-31-2010 11:18 PM

Im not gonna sit here and quote everyone on all the spewing shit. Ima keep it simple.

Old Timers server does suck. I understand why they have rules, but the penalties for breaking them are way too harshe... and the rules don't apply to everybody. I wouldnt have a problem if the bans were like 30 days or even 60 days... but what the fuck, thats like going to the store, stealing a candy bar as a kid and being thrown in prison for fucking life. Fuck that, and fuck you if u disagree with me. I'm right - you're wrong.

Secondly, Talos's RTV system doesnt represent the people in the server. Half of the people press a number trying to switch a gun and inadvertently choose a random ass map. Also, there is no warning to allow for people to nominate maps... it simple asks you to vote for the predifined maps that may not be fun for the 4 people that are in there... hmm 2v2 ksour sounds fun. Fuck that, and fuck you if u disagree with me. I'm right - you're wrong.

Lastly, pickup rules are pretty straightforward. Basically no cheating, no leaving, no giving up, and yes no yard DM'ing... yes oh my god you actually have to play defense in your base(that was designed specifically for you to defend) or offense when its your turn!!! Sounds tough.. gee golly willockers I dont know if I can actually play the game how it was designed to be played offense or defense... such a new concept to me...

And for the record faggot - they're not my rules, they're squeeks rules.

Okay I'm ready for my infraction now.

GenghisTron 12-31-2010 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480786)
Half of the people press a number trying to switch a gun and inadvertently choose a random ass map

If only they had a !revote command... oh wait, they do!

Lynus 12-31-2010 11:25 PM

by the time I realized I voted for a random ass map, killed the enemey or died and type !revote... voting is finished.

Whens the last time you even played FF? scumbag.

Iggy 12-31-2010 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480786)
Old Timers server does suck. I understand why they have rules, but the penalties for breaking them are way too harshe... and the rules don't apply to everybody. I wouldnt have a problem if the bans were like 30 days or even 60 days... but what the fuck, thats like going to the store, stealing a candy bar as a kid and being thrown in prison for fucking life. Fuck that, and fuck you if u disagree with me. I'm right - you're wrong.

No, because being banned from OT doesn't ban you from other servers. It's like going to a store and stealing, and being thrown out of the store and not allowed back in. Doesn't mean you can't go be a dick elsewhere... you just can't do it there.
Soooooooooo........ yeah..... I'm wrong. :rolleyes:

Secondly, Talos's RTV system doesnt represent the people in the server. Half of the people press a number trying to switch a gun and inadvertently choose a random ass map. Also, there is no warning to allow for people to nominate maps... it simple asks you to vote for the predifined maps that may not be fun for the 4 people that are in there... hmm 2v2 ksour sounds fun. Fuck that, and fuck you if u disagree with me. I'm right - you're wrong.
You might want to pay a smidgeon more attention.... because you DO get notices on when to nominate maps. Just because it's not right above your crosshairs in glowing pink letters, doesn't mean it's not there.
Also, since you don't like thier voting system, quit bitching and play elsewhere... I'd suggest OT, but you're probably banned from there.... probably for being an assbag.

Lastly, pickup rules are pretty straightforward. Basically no cheating, no leaving, no giving up... yes oh my god you actually have to play defense or offense when its your turn!!! Sounds tough.. gee golly willockers I dont know if I can actually play the game how it was designed to be played offense or defense... such a new concept to me...
Not everyone WANTS to play pickups. What part of that don't you get? Some people enjoy just going into a random server(that has people playing), and do whatever they feel like from one moment to the next. Feel like playing O? Go for it. Want to switch to D for a few minutes? Be my guest. Just run around and DM? Why the fuck not? Have fun, but don't violate the servers rules.


And for the record faggot - they're not my rules, they're squeeks rules.

Okay I'm ready for my infraction now.
Don't tempt me like that.

Bridget 12-31-2010 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 480789)
by the time I realized I voted for a random ass map, killed the enemey or died and type !revote... voting is finished.

Whens the last time you even played FF? scumbag.

So, instead of blaming your incompetence, you blame our voting system. Lol, retard.

Lynus 12-31-2010 11:46 PM

Anything or anyone that is associated with you Bridget is to blame. You're complete garbage.



And for the record faggot - they're not my rules, they're squeeks rules.

Okay I'm ready for my infraction now.
Don't tempt me like that.
I explicitly called gambit a faggot, and you're not gonna give me an infraction? You are also whats wrong with this game.

Bridget 12-31-2010 11:51 PM


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