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Ihmhi 05-16-2008 08:53 PM

Night Fights European Test
ATTN Euros.

We will probably be hosting a Night Fights test round on :e0:'s server Monday at 3:00 PM EST. That will be 8:00-9:00PM for most of you Brits and some other Euros.

Ping is a consideration, but basically I want to see if play is feasible from that great of a distance.

So basically, we're just going to test things out. I'd like as full of a match as possible. Monday at 3:00 PM EST (That's GMT-5) - make it to :e0:'s server and let's play a few rounds of FF.

If the ping is unbearable we'll have to find another server on the US East Coast or somewhere in Europe. As a backup plan, if you do have a server on the east coast or Europe and you would be willing to dedicate 2 hours a day, weekdays, to Night Fights, please PM me. The conditions for Night Fights being hosted on your site are as follows:

-Current Night Fights map schedule must be run
-Night Fights staff (myself and whoever I and the server operator agree on) must have basic admin - mapchange, kick, etc.
-Ability to have staff present during the playtime - even if it's only one guy, it helps.
-If possible, a closed server available to pull aside players and teach them things if they wish to know it.
-During Night Fights: Friendly Fire Off, No Class Limits, 30 minute Rounds, and again, our official map schedule.

That's the lot of it. Tell your Fortress Forever playing friends and we'll have a test going.

GeoKill-----> 05-16-2008 08:54 PM


maximi 05-16-2008 09:53 PM

pls.. some european server... im from Finland and i have ~170 ping on :e0 server

GeoKill-----> 05-16-2008 09:57 PM

but this is the other e0 server in Michigan I believe

maximi 05-16-2008 10:01 PM

Michigan.. Still not in europe.

I know there is few european servers (~30-40 ping)

I'll check some eu clans tomorrow on qnet and talk to them about this..

myersjr 05-16-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by maximi
Michigan.. Still not in europe.

I know there is few european servers (~30-40 ping)

I'll check some eu clans tomorrow on qnet and talk to them about this..

are you familiar with House of Lords Clan?? They have a UK based server that they might be willing to loan for this purpose. Honestly, i played on it before, the ping wasnt that bad. 175 was what it was and im here in California. It played pretty smooth..

Talk with HoL, they might be interested..Either Mie, thiz, Cobra or Armchair..those guys can get it crackin..they're waiting for some FF action over there..not sure, but i think this might be something they would be interested in doing. Talk with them to be sure..

zE 05-16-2008 10:19 PM

We have 2 euro servers atm(uk located with good pings for eruros), i can share one of them with rcon or sm_admin acess.
Add me to steamfriends if interested

Ihmhi 05-17-2008 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by =AS= zE
We have 2 euro servers atm(uk located with good pings for eruros), i can share one of them with rcon or sm_admin acess.
Add me to steamfriends if interested

I am, but right now I want to see if it's really unberable for people in Europe to play over at :e0:. Higher pings in this game is not as bad as it is in TFC due to some excellent counterlag coding by the devs.

No offense to the guys at =AS=, but clans I know get first dibs on this. If :e0:'s server really is a terrible bust (this is why this is a test), then I'll start scouting European servers.

Pon 05-17-2008 01:57 PM

I'd go with the offer from the =AS= guys, purely to make your life easier Ihmhi :)

As soon as anyone from North America connects, there will be whining about ping. Reality is no deterent to those who wish to whine :D

Personally, I don't care... been playing on the :e0: server recently and it's always been ok ping-wise to me. I'll be there, time permitting.

pF 05-17-2008 06:48 PM

I won't be able to make it on monday unfortunately.. at least not that early (personal business, the timeslot as such is fine!). I'd go with AS's server as well, i get fairly good pings from germany. While the lag isn't very noticeable, playing on US servers tends to delay rpg fire and such..

maybe we should find a server somewhere in iceland or greenland or so? ;)

Aaaanyway: Great to see this happening. Will spread the date and time.

Ihmhi 05-17-2008 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pon
Personally, I don't care... been playing on the :e0: server recently and it's always been ok ping-wise to me. I'll be there, time permitting.

See this is what I mean. Some people whine and some people say there's no problem.

That's why we're having a test run. If it's really as bad as some of you say it is, I'll arrange a test with the =AS= server.

Barsteward 05-19-2008 08:48 AM


Just dropped you a PM - I have a server that is rarely used. Completely unbranded and just sitting needing players.

Happy to donate the server full time - can arrange all the details via email/pm.



Ihmhi 05-20-2008 06:46 AM

Yeah so I completely spaced on this. Completely my bad, I was absorbed in work.

Did anyone actually show up? How did it play?

Pon 05-20-2008 01:22 PM

I turned up for a bit at both 8pm and 9pm (hate timezones!). Saw no-one after 10-15 mins both times :(

Ihmhi 05-20-2008 04:44 PM

How were the pings?

Firefox11 05-20-2008 05:29 PM

In US servers, mine is always between 160-200. (Not that it matters that much, in Euro servers it's always between 80-140 anyways >_>)

Pon 05-20-2008 11:35 PM

Pings were in the range of 140-170 for me.

Dr.Satan 05-20-2008 11:49 PM

yeah...I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you should be using an EU server for this...

pF 05-20-2008 11:52 PM

Couldn't make it either unfortunately.. didn't get home until about 2 am. Will keep an eye on this thread though, it'd be great to have regular Euro fights to get things rolling again over here..!

Ihmhi 05-21-2008 03:28 AM

Well, okay then. I'll be arranging another test with someone in Europe.

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