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Paft 03-22-2008 06:44 PM

[TFC] Some scripts are sluggish and dodgy online
...but fine offline on LAN. Why is this?

1) Quick switch and fire script.
Online it does as it should only it fires the current wep once before the switch.

2) Just playing around and experimenting I wrote a slow kind of "realistic type of sniper scope zoom". Online it's all choppy so it's worthless. Works fine on LAN.


Player 03-22-2008 07:57 PM

a copy of your scripts please!

Paft 03-22-2008 08:06 PM

It isn't the scripts themselves because they work as they should on LAN. It's something beyond my knowledge causing the shitness only when online. :(

Dr.Satan 03-22-2008 08:50 PM

post your script...also it could just be lag. But looking at the script we will be able to tell you better.

Paft 03-22-2008 09:05 PM

Isn't the scripts but I know you want to be sure so:


//Quick SNG and fire     
alias +qfire "use tf_weapon_superng;wait;wait; +attack"
alias -qfire "-attack;lastinv"
bind "MOUSE2" "+qfire"


//Sniper Zoom
alias r1 "fov 20; wait"
alias r2 "fov 30; wait"
alias r3 "fov 45; wait"
alias r4 "fov 70; wait"
alias r5 "fov 90; wait"
alias r6 "fov 0; wait"
alias zoomin "r5; r4; r3; r2; r1"
alias zoomout "r2; r3; r4; r5; r6"
alias +snipe "zoomin"
alias -snipe "zoomout"
bind MOUSE2 "+snipe"

Oh yeah, I only play on servers in my own region so ping is around 40-70. I know scripts delay more the higher the lag, but this isn't the same.

Dr.Satan 03-23-2008 09:39 AM

well first off why are you using "use tf_weapon_superng;wait;wait; +attack"

just use this:


//Quick SNG and fire     
alias +qfire "slot4;wait;wait; +attack"
alias -qfire "-attack;lastinv"
bind "MOUSE2" "+qfire"

That could be your problem right there since your trying to use a command that doesn't exist any longer (or isn't needed at least).

Also what class are you playing as?

And the sniper script works for you? Cause I'm positive that fov is locked to be between 90 and 120 and if it's working then that's not good lol.

Paft 03-23-2008 09:45 AM

Team Fortress Classic
Scripts are for TFC.

Yeah, fov is locked 90-120 but this isn't for FF :}

Dr.Satan 03-23-2008 10:24 AM

oh...well that's a completely different story lol sorry.

Player 03-23-2008 10:43 AM


alias +pointyprojectilegun "tf_weapon_superng; (wait; )* +attack"
alias -pointyprojectilegun "-attack; lastinv"
bind "MOUSE2" "+pointyprojectilegun"


You do not need any waits for your quick switch script; however, if you do not like illusions, throw in one wait. You do not need 'use', either.

Do you really need the scroll effect for your sniper script? :P

Anyway, scripty poops like that are largely dependant on fps as well (the higher the better), and with your well-known hardware problems, I must ask this question:

What is your frames per second?

Paft 03-23-2008 10:57 AM

Thank you but as I expected the current weapon still fires once before the switch ONLINE. This has always happened for as long as I've played I think. well, on this machine anyway. Can't remember after that. First time I've asked about it.

Do I really need the Snip zoom? Probably not but I can't even give it a go.

Ha "scripty poops".

Max FPS 60.

So do these work fine for you online exactly like they do and should offline? I deleted all my .cfgs to ensure nothing is doing naughty things but no change.

Player 03-23-2008 11:40 AM

I have a quick switch script similar to yours (slot4 replaces tf_weapon_superng); I have included 'dropitems', too.

The only time I have the ILLUSIONSHOT is if I remove all 'wait' commands.

It has worked fine for me online and offline for years (with 99 fps)

I don't have the scroll effect for my sniper zoom script, though:

alias +zoom50 "fov 50"
alias -zoom50 "fov 110"
bind shift "+zoom50"

I tested your scripts online, and I had no issues with them.

Is there any reason for having fps_max set to 60?

Paft 03-23-2008 11:45 AM

Mmm I have all the luck don't I.

I meant my fps at it's highest is 60.

I'm getting some hardware upgrades soon which BETTER improve my comp performance or I'll slap myself silly. But that still doesn't really explain this. Or maybe it does. Dunno.. :/

Doompiggy 03-23-2008 11:53 AM

Your scripts work fine for me online. Sure it's not your hardware? Cause I just got a new mouse and my zoom script is a bit sluggish on LAN or internet game.

Paft 03-23-2008 01:32 PM

I've had problems with my computer from day 1. TFC is barely playable as it is. Getting a couple of upgrades in a few weeks, hopefully then this issue will f off. And I should be able to run FF which will be nice! Not counting on it though.

Thanks for the responses, I'll let you know.

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