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o_lithium 01-03-2007 02:10 AM

Working out and Weight loss.
Soo lately i've been trying to get in shape , but i can't kill my gut

so my first question would be how to kill the gut :D i'm rather slim sooo... yeah.

and also , how do you work on triceps with weights ?

o_captain_cadaver 01-03-2007 02:35 AM

The only thing that kills gut or fat, is cardio. Swimming, running, jazzercise or whatever. I personally enjoy racquetball. And change your diet up. Nothing big like eating soy, just try to order the chicken sandwich instead of the quadruple stacker at Burger King, and no snacking after dinner...period.

As for triceps, do as follows:

1. Hold the wieght only on one end with both hands above your head.
2. Slowly let the weight drop behind your head until you cant go farther.
3. Repeat. This is called "Tricep extensions".

Are you looking for muscle mass or muscle tone when you work out?

mervaka 01-03-2007 02:42 AM


o_smax 01-03-2007 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by captain_cadaver
The only thing that kills gut or fat, is cardio. Swimming, running, jazzercise or whatever. I personally enjoy racquetball. And change your diet up. Nothing big like eating soy, just try to order the chicken sandwich instead of the quadruple stacker at Burger King, and no snacking after dinner...period.

What he said, just eat better and do cardio...develop a routine. Psychologists say that if you perform a routine for 2 months your body starts to miss the activity and becomes dependent on it.

o_lithium 01-03-2007 03:10 AM

Dang , that's gonna take a lot of willpower ,here we go.
As for cadaver , right now , i'm doing 20x3 for biceps daily . with 1 minute space between the series. (and of course , i take a break when i still hurt from the day before ). I'll focus on mass for now.

o_ivaqual 01-03-2007 04:03 AM

don't forget that more muscle = higher metabolism = more calories burned too.. it's all pretty much intertwined. be sure to at least do some of eating right, cardio and weight training

o_uber 01-03-2007 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by smax
What he said, just eat better and do cardio...develop a routine. Psychologists say that if you perform a routine for 2 months your body starts to miss the activity and becomes dependent on it.

wtf mate? I was getting up at 6 am during high school for over 8 months and that never happened. I think psychologists are wrong on this one!

o_|404|innoc-tpf- 01-03-2007 04:59 AM

persistence, time, nutrition, sleep are needed to make things happen with your gut. What specifically are you doing to address your abdomen... You're trying to get into shape what exercises are you doing for your gut?

o_paft 01-03-2007 06:57 AM

Deprive yourself from sleep for so long that you become almost used to it as though you suffer from insomnia and you soon loose appetite for food. But this comes at a price, you look haggard as hell and fall over alot.

o_uber 01-03-2007 07:09 AM

One word: crack.

o_dr zoidberg 01-03-2007 09:33 AM

I've heard that when you get older you get fat for a candy bar in 1 month before its gone... *shudders* ill be a fat muther fucker then... =(

o_voipme 01-03-2007 11:51 AM

Michael Thurmond 6 week body makeover. Google it.

o_lithium 01-03-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by |404|Innoc-TPF-
persistence, time, nutrition, sleep are needed to make things happen with your gut. What specifically are you doing to address your abdomen... You're trying to get into shape what exercises are you doing for your gut?

Well i got a slim build even thought i'm tall , a slim guy that's fat in the gut is ugly. i just want to stay fit and not look like crap. This summer there'll be plenty of sweating.

o_|404|innoc-tpf- 01-04-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by LithiuM
Well i got a slim build even thought i'm tall , a slim guy that's fat in the gut is ugly. i just want to stay fit and not look like crap. This summer there'll be plenty of sweating.

Gotcha...I assumed that from your earlier post. But my question was what exercises are you specifically doing to address your stomach? Since that seems to be an area of concern you should be doing some exercise that focuses on that part of the body.

o_uber 01-04-2007 12:33 AM

Stop drinking beer.

o_deadly furby 01-04-2007 12:49 AM

Have you tried bulimia?

o_tennovan 01-04-2007 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by |404|Innoc-TPF-
Since that seems to be an area of concern you should be doing some exercise that focuses on that part of the body.

Though you can target muscle gain, I was under the impression that you can't target weight loss. I must say that strengthening the abs/core would make you appear skinnier since it increases resistence against your stomach. If I were you, I'd just mix up cardio, weight training, and a decent diet. Give it a couple months

o_the russian 01-04-2007 01:46 AM

I too struggle with the belly... and cardio works well, Cadaver got it 100%, including the part about raquet ball, which I find is the absolute BEST way for me.

This is how I do it... I am competitive by nature, so in a raquetball game, I cannot stop myself from responding to agression by my partner... and I begin to not notice the fact that my lungs are burning, my feet are hurting, I slammed my shoulder into the wall 20x, and my arms feel like cinderblocks. All of this is acomplished through our friend, adrenaline. The best friend you could ask for when losing weight.

I would greatley recomend excersises that get your adrenaline runing over excersises that just push your lungs. You'll like the first more, and be able to do them for longer. Runing is not my cup of tea, but I'm a raquet-ball fiend and am consistently under-estimated because of my physical size and peoples presumptions.

Btw, this is a known fact... 2 cups of coffie about 1 hour before you start to excersise, hinder the exaustion receptors in your body, so you can push your cardio excersise longer without feeling it. But dont be a moron, there is an obvious down-slope eventualy but not for a very long time... especialy if you work out in the morning.

The more protein in your diet, the harder your system works to incorporate it into your body... eat real animal meat proteins like fish, chicken, jerkey, etc... it actualy speeds up your metabolism aprox 14% after a week of protein heavy dieting in the studies I've read.

I am a huge guy myself, 6'2" and 340lb, however I have only 15% body fat... I liked my size and I trained for strength, not for tone, over the years I was at my university. For strength you do slow weight lifting, you hold on the way up and the way down... and you allways over-burden yourself, that is the way to build strength. It is better to do 5 lifts at 320, than 10 lifts at 280, trust me.

o_paft 01-04-2007 02:04 AM

Working out is so American. ; )

o_|404|innoc-tpf- 01-04-2007 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Russian
I too struggle with the belly... and cardio works well, Cadaver got it 100%, including the part about raquet ball, which I find is the absolute BEST way for me.

This is how I do it... I am competitive by nature, so in a raquetball game, I cannot stop myself from responding to agression by my partner... and I begin to not notice the fact that my lungs are burning, my feet are hurting, I slammed my shoulder into the wall 20x, and my arms feel like cinderblocks. All of this is acomplished through our friend, adrenaline. The best friend you could ask for when losing weight.

I would greatley recomend excersises that get your adrenaline runing over excersises that just push your lungs. You'll like the first more, and be able to do them for longer. Runing is not my cup of tea, but I'm a raquet-ball fiend and am consistently under-estimated because of my physical size and peoples presumptions.

Btw, this is a known fact... 2 cups of coffie about 1 hour before you start to excersise, hinder the exaustion receptors in your body, so you can push your cardio excersise longer without feeling it. But dont be a moron, there is an obvious down-slope eventualy but not for a very long time... especialy if you work out in the morning.

The more protein in your diet, the harder your system works to incorporate it into your body... eat real animal meat proteins like fish, chicken, jerkey, etc... it actualy speeds up your metabolism aprox 14% after a week of protein heavy dieting in the studies I've read.

I am a huge guy myself, 6'2" and 340lb, however I have only 15% body fat... I liked my size and I trained for strength, not for tone, over the years I was at my university. For strength you do slow weight lifting, you hold on the way up and the way down... and you allways over-burden yourself, that is the way to build strength. It is better to do 5 lifts at 320, than 10 lifts at 280, trust me.

Ok, without pictures I am calling you out that you either typoed your weight or you're shoveling. If you are in fact bing truthful then it's my opinion that you're nearly worthless on the racquetball court at 6'2" and 340 pounds. Racquetball plays to agility which the Law of Inertia guarantees that 340 pounds won't have.

Also, lower reps and higher weight is only good for certain types of training.

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