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Drakonal 05-27-2011 12:52 PM

Engineer Buildable Ideas - gogogo?

Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 484737)
It was initially an engineer buildable idea, but it fits extremely well with the HW and its nice to get rid of the MIRV overlap.

Engineering getting a new buildable sometime in the future seems likely, but we don't have many ideas.

One idea i have is similar to the Teleporter building scheme but used for a build able laser grid. It would be two buildables, one being the laser origin, and the other being the laser connector. As long as there is line of sight, you can build the laser grid to be any length as long as the two pieces can see each other. It would obviously have to be a wall mounted-only design unless there is a way to code it, after you build it you hold it and can throw it at walls or ceilings or floors whatever.

Another idea would be a tracking field generator, while the device is up it emits a sonar pulse that puts a box around an enemy similar to the sniper tag. could be 2 to 3 levels of the build that emits a higher field of vision per level.

One more idea right off the top of my head would be a electro magnet device of some sort, it has a considerable amount of health, and it pulls nails, rockets towards it, but not shotguns blasts, AC fire. Every nail, or rocket that it pulls does damage to it so it would be a type of build and forget device for extra defense.


Hammock 05-27-2011 02:44 PM

Lol I knew as soon as squeek said "we don't have many ideas" people would start posting suggestions in this thread.

Could a new thread be started for that, and just keep this one to chatter about the new patch as much as possible?

Elmo 05-27-2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock (Post 484746)
Could a new thread be started for that, and just keep this one to chatter about the new patch as much as possible?

Agreed and done!

Drak... can I merge a few sentences into a paragraph an remove the double spaces? :p Its annoying :D Sorry mate but I decided to do it anyway lol

Aside from that I quite like the ideas there!

Peon 05-27-2011 04:39 PM

How about a re-spawn portal generator? Any enemy who goes into one is automatically sent to their re-spawn. They only last 30 (or so) seconds, but can be recharged......and damage discharges them.....I'd say 1 nade's worth of damage should remove them instantly.

Strategic placement could radically alter the flow of most maps, especially if an Engy can sustain one near the enemy base.

Edit: Oh, yeah.....anyone with a flag on a CTF map can't go in.

Bridget 05-27-2011 04:51 PM

Hey guys. The sentry gun sucks. What should we do? Let's focus all of our time on suggesting a new buildable and completely ignore it. Good job!

Peon 05-27-2011 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 484754)
Hey guys. The sentry gun sucks. What should we do?

How about a build-able that helps trolls remove their heads from their asses? If that's not possible, then maybe one that simply sterilizes them?

Bridget 05-27-2011 05:00 PM

You ignore the point, attack my character, then imply I'm the troll? Good one.

Peon 05-27-2011 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 484756)
You ignore the point,

My it's clear to me that we need one to keep you from humping the dog.

Gwarsbane 05-27-2011 05:26 PM


Increases the detection range of the the owers SG.
Has 3 levels. First level 10% increase, second level 20% increase, third level 30%.
Requires 140 to 150 cells to increase each level.
Needs cells to continue running. Say 200 cells for 3 to 5 minutes. If it runs out, SG works like usual. Any friendly engi can feed it.
Can be sabbed by spy. Sab removes the 10/20/30 percent range bonus and reduces the normal range by 10%. After 20 seconds, it blows up (returning the normal range to the SG) and does enough damage to be able to take out a dispenser. Sab is not picked up by SG and there is no change to identify it as sabbed. If spy sabs an SG and radar that that SG gets the bonuses it normally would if neither were sabbed.
Has to be placed within a certain distance of the SG.
Level 1 radar can take about same damage as dispenser, level 2 can take about 10% more, level 3 can take about 25% more.


Connects the dispenser to the SG. Automatically feeds more ammo to the SG and automatically repairs it when its not taking damage. (can't take damage for 3 to 5 seconds before the auto repair kicks in)
Only has 1 level.
Requires 200 cells to make.
Dispenser and SG have to be within a certain range of this for it to work. Will only build if both are within range.
Can take same damage as dispenser.
If dispenser is destroyed, auto feeder starts removing ammo from sg. Same thing happens to the dispenser if SG is destroyed while hooked up.
Can be sabbed. If sabbed while hooked up to both dispenser and SG, the both of them are automatically sabbed too.
Feeds and repairs SG at a quarter to half the speed the engi can do it at. (basically takes 2 to 4 times the amount of cells and stuff)

If there are no increase to the SGs range in upcoming patches the first one would be the slightly better idea I think. If there is then the auto-feeder/repairer might be the better idea.

episkopos 05-27-2011 05:26 PM

I actually like the sentry gun as it is, both playing against engis and playing as engi.

Not sure if many of these suggestions would actually be fun though.

KubeDawg 05-27-2011 06:17 PM

Teleporters! :O But make them so they're not so sucky.:thumbsup:

WiFiDi 05-27-2011 06:22 PM

well seeing as the scout has 1 build-able already. what about a teleporter, no not for the engineer but for the spy because it would be awesome. :mrgreen: just a random idea to throw around.

also heres an idea for a thrid engineer which will never be implemented do to the fact that we will never see another patch. :lol:

new sentry model: to explain my build-able idea i have to first explain how the the regular sentry gun would have to have more kick than the current because frankly i want to be pushed back by this ones its defensive right.

a quick build sentry and or Offensive sentry. this sentry would only have 1 form no upgrades (or its own set of upgrades as it be a separate kind of sentry.) you can only build one type of sentry at a time. it would do more damage but have next to no or very little push-back almost like what we have now. as for as damage it would do more damage to counter this. as i called it a quick build this thing goes up in seconds but doesn't have a whole lot of hp. it would be something i could put up right behind the front line to support my allies and then charge into the front line. :mrgreen:

the engineer doesn't need new build-ables so much as fixing the ones he has. also your thinking to hard the engineer buids sentrys to many things and it becomes tf2. also as a weapon what about land mines for the engineer that either slow poeple down or kill them. :D

Raynian 05-27-2011 08:31 PM

I'd rather see tweaks to what the engi already has, first. Like Bridget said. We'll have to see if the SG gets buffed enough this upcoming patch, and I'd also kind of like to see dispenser dets normalized some. They're buggy as hell right now.

And we also don't want to start heading down the path of TF2, with alternate loadouts. It's irritating to have to guess what an enemy is using first run (or if he switches), and also just dealing with 50159375 weapons is irriating for an FPS.

Teleporters were a bad bad idea in TFC. More than anything else, they encouraged base rape, or were just used in respawns because then they couldn't be taken out by attackers in half a second.

My suggestion, if we DO need another buildable? Go the Neo-TF route and make a gun which can be changed by teammates. (etc medics give an infection gun)

Ricey 05-27-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 484756)
You ignore the point, attack my character, then imply I'm the troll? Good one.

You sound like a broken record.

Hi, Troll.

episkopos 05-27-2011 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Raynian (Post 484772)
I'd rather see tweaks to what the engi already has, first. Like Bridget said. We'll have to see if the SG gets buffed enough this upcoming patch, and I'd also kind of like to see dispenser dets normalized some. They're buggy as hell right now.

Pretty much this, I'm not that bothered about the SG, but if people think it needs tweaking, then sure.


Originally Posted by Raynian (Post 484772)
Teleporters were a bad bad idea in TFC. More than anything else, they encouraged base rape, or were just used in respawns because then they couldn't be taken out by attackers in half a second.

I agree.


Originally Posted by Raynian (Post 484772)
My suggestion, if we DO need another buildable? Go the Neo-TF route and make a gun which can be changed by teammates. (etc medics give an infection gun)

NeoTF always struck me as a little bit haphazardly thrown together. If this was done, it would work best if it was the defensive classes that could apply the upgrades. How about HWGuy increases bullet damage, Solly increases rocket damage and fire rate, Demoman adds mortar, Pyro adds incendiary cannon? Of course there would be a limit of one upgrade per sentry as in NeoTF.

Bridget 05-27-2011 10:32 PM

I'm not a troll. You people are just deluded. I'm motherfuckin' Galileo. I keep shouting "E pur si muove!" while you drag me off to the gallows for speaking the truth time and time again. It's the truth. The sentry gun sucks. Stop wasting your fucking time thinking up new Engineer buildables. Even if you guys nailed down a really cool one, do you think you'd ever see it? I mean, the fucking Sentry Gun already exists and could be easily tweaked, but has it?

If you guys can't even tweak what you already have (which shouldn't be hard, actually, because Squeek said "Oh, well, all we'll do is tweak damage and push" when I inquired about Sentry Gun changes for 2.42. Ah, so it's that easy, at-least to tie people over? Why hasn't it been done?) what makes you think you're going to add new content that requires tons of coding, modelling, skinning, and playtesting? It ain't happening. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Again, deal with the truth. I know it hurts. I know you like shooting the messenger and stomping on his message. I know I'm abrasive, but being gentle isn't going to scrub away the filth. P.S. I'd rather be a troll than have the smell of the development team's assholes permanently fixed in my nasal cavity like you, Ricey. Get mad.

squeek. 05-27-2011 10:37 PM

Because in Bridget World, false dilemmas are best dilemmas.

WiFiDi 05-27-2011 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ricey (Post 484774)
You sound like a broken record.

Hi, Troll.

nah if you look closely ill bet its hard to see he does have a point to what he said. (fix what you have first don't start making new stuff.)

Bridget there not gonna listen to you they are already turned you into a laughing stock (they aren't gonna listen to the troll.) just get out of here, don't waste your opinions on them. its not worth it. ive learned that lesson else wear id suggest you do the same. :mrgreen: its time to move on and find something else to do with your free time, because these guys aren't gonna listen to you and they aren't planning on it anytime soon.

episkopos 05-27-2011 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 484778)
I'm not a troll. You people are just deluded. I'm motherfuckin' Galileo. I keep shouting "E pur si muove!" while you drag me off to the gallows for speaking the truth time and time again. It's the truth. The sentry gun sucks. Stop wasting your fucking time thinking up new Engineer buildables. Even if you guys nailed down a really cool one, do you think you'd ever see it? I mean, the fucking Sentry Gun already exists and could be easily tweaked, but has it?

If you guys can't even tweak what you already have (which shouldn't be hard, actually, because Squeek said "Oh, well, all we'll do is tweak damage and push" when I inquired about Sentry Gun changes for 2.42. Ah, so it's that easy, at-least to tie people over? Why hasn't it been done?) what makes you think you're going to add new content that requires tons of coding, modelling, skinning, and playtesting? It ain't happening. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Again, deal with the truth. I know it hurts. I know you like shooting the messenger and stomping on his message. I know I'm abrasive, but being gentle isn't going to scrub away the filth. P.S. I'd rather be a troll than have the smell of the development team's assholes permanently fixed in my nasal cavity like you, Ricey. Get mad.

Oh, you card.

Iggy 05-27-2011 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 484754)
Hey guys. The sentry gun sucks. What should we do? Let's focus all of our time on suggesting a new buildable and completely ignore it. Good job!

Thank you, we're trying.

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