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[AE] 82694 05-09-2008 04:04 PM

goodfellas/:e0: I'm sorry
Ok it has come to my attention that a map was changed via rcon/hlsw during the Goodfellas vs :e0: match. Gator came to me this morning saying they thought it was my IP that did it. I was a little stumped at this point. Upon furhter investigation I found it was my IP and it was done through HLSW so I'm owning up to this. Niether team in the match had done this nor had any knowledge of it.

This is what happened,

About five days ago I updated hlsw all sorts of servers came back up that I have helped set up for other people. I deleted the all the ones again that I had nothing to do with anymore. Well it turns out I missed the :e0: server.

I run three servers right now two are for the [AE] Clan and one for 417's son and my boy who is 10. He was locking up and wanted to change the map on his server I told him it was ok to do it with hlsw on my PC. From my conversation with Gator this morning I drilled my kid before he left for school and you all can see what happened.

So since it was my hlsw program and PC that fucked shit I take full responsibility. The [AE] Clan had nothing to do with this it was unintentional but still needs to be owned to by myself.

Please lock this thread it is just a public apology.

Dr.Satan 05-09-2008 04:05 PM


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