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Pon 10-27-2007 05:48 PM

[WIP]ff_basicbowl Beta2 [Update May 13th]
I got a bit irritated with the lack of much of anything other than CTF and Conc maps (fair enough if you enjoy them I guess, I just don't so much), so I started a new AvD/Dustbowl style map... :)

Nothing new, different, or in any way startling as the name suggests. Quick and dirty is the best way to describe it I guess...

Still needs a fair bit of work, but the layout is done and it all works. Detail and improved lighting to be done mostly, as well as the area gates looking like a bag of shit...

So, screens so far:

Starting spawn
First cap area
Cap 2 start area
Second cap area
Cap 3 start area
Final cap area

As well as a Beta (has a shitty loading screen :P, so extract to the base FF folder and it should all work fine.): ff_basicbowl_b1

EDIT: Can't be bothered to clean up the topic :P But, here's Beta 2 for those interested. See my latest post in the topic for more info:

(No loading screen, just map, lua, txt and res)

own3r 10-27-2007 06:29 PM

A few things which strike me immediately:

You have very dark depressing lighting, change it to sunset or sunrise as they are far more interesting and you can actually see whats going on!

Texture theme is quite generic, why not try something a bit different;
Have most of the structural walls as cliffs and have metal 'additions' to the walls to make detail elements such as doorways and roof supports. It will make the map a lot more interesting if you do it right. Or you could have the detail you have already got blend into cliffs/rocks.

Pon 10-28-2007 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by own3r
It will make the map a lot more interesting if you do it right.

That's why I've kept it simple! I'd fuck it up somehow if I tried to make it more complex :P

Seriously though, yeah it does look pretty generic, mostly due to the speed I was trying to make the map in (around 4 days or so), coupled with my inexeperience in mapping - was on a deadline for a gather, but then it never even got used 'cos the server admin wasn't there to add it :( . I'll think of something to make it look less bland though, just not sure what yet.

zSilver_Fox 10-28-2007 03:27 AM

I'm agreeing with own3r on this one (WTF APOCALYPSE). It's just too dark :(. Need moar lights.

KubeDawg 10-28-2007 05:54 AM

Great lookin map, but needs to be daylight. It seems that is my main irk for FF maps. Leave dark maps for maps like Rock2 or CZ2..

Crazycarl 10-28-2007 04:54 PM

yeah, moonlight is never so bright that you can see colors. It looks like you have a great big floodlight in the sky. Put some streetlights around. You can even use lighting to make the geometry look more interesting. A light that is absent, or a different color, makes a point of interest.

Try something random to make things seem less monotonous, like a window or a vent sticking out, or some damage. It will get you out of a familiar rut.

Pon 10-28-2007 10:24 PM

Well, I've altered the environmental light (probably needs a bit more ambient tho), changed the sky to something a bit brighter too... Also had a go at adding in some detail.

Anyways, crappy little screenshot so you can get an idea of the general direction: here.

Improvement? Start again? Stop offending everyone's senses? :P

KubeDawg 10-29-2007 12:31 AM

that's a much better improvement. I like the dawn type setting it presents.

own3r 10-29-2007 01:10 AM

**Golden stamp of approval**

Man thats a lot better! Keep going, a random thought arches in the middle could do with some more 'bulk' and a physical connection between them. Also try and add some height variation to the level's border. Add a large over baring cliff?

Lighting could be brighter, more intese orange/yellow and at a less shallow angle.

GeoKill-----> 10-29-2007 02:29 AM

Way Better than before

barronofhellion 10-31-2007 01:03 AM

looks good to me! i like the layout and didn't bother me with the night setup but this looks good too..

stino 10-31-2007 09:45 AM

keep the night theme, but add a few lights to the walls to brighten things up.

Pon 11-03-2007 02:29 PM

Well, I've not kept the night theme, gone with the dawn theme as I posted in the last picture, along with some other changes...

Few shots to illustrate the direction (WIP, things aren't complete yet, but mostly I'm posting them for feedback on the theme rather than detail/layout etc.)

Spawn 1 View
Capture Point 1
Capture Point 2 start area
Capture Point 2

(Now with added sucky photoshopped description on the pics! :P)

own3r 11-03-2007 04:50 PM

The theme is shaping up very nicely indeed, the grey trim I can't help but think would be better replaced by something else with a more interesting colour but otherwise its looking good. Don't be afraid to have interruptions in the cliffs though with a few trees and maybe an opening to a lake in the distance (inaccessible of course).

zSilver_Fox 11-04-2007 05:20 AM

Looking beautiful :).

Crazycarl 11-04-2007 07:19 PM

USE MOAR TEXTURES. Seriously, it'll get monotonous if you use the same arcitecture everywhere. If you put in one unique feature every once in a while it will act as a point of visual interest. If you put something big that sticks out near each cap point, players can use it to orient themselves.

Work on your light_environment values. Try making the ambient color brighter and warmer. The shadows are really dark now, too dark for dawn.

own3r 11-05-2007 12:08 AM

Themes really dictate detail have you decided a theme like industrial or high tech or whatever... ?

Pon 11-05-2007 01:02 PM

I know it needs MOAR TEXTURES :P Mostly I haven't done a hell of a lot aside from the basic layout and the displacements. Details/proper texturing I tend to do closer to completion.

I find it easier that way, mostly because the layout is more important, and it's more difficult and/or aukward (usually) to change/alter detail once it's been put in if the surrounding layout changes.

As for a theme, I seem to be flipping between the two you mention own3r :). It'll probably end up as a bit of a mix, though likely more industrial than high-tech.

Pon 02-07-2008 09:51 AM

Just on the offchance anyone is interested, I've begun work on this one again, after a break due to christmas/broken hammer model browser/Lazyness.

It still sucks due to me being crap at mapping, but seeing as it is pretty much the only AvD map in development, some folks might be interested :)

Updated screenies soon, maybe.

Firefox11 02-07-2008 11:08 AM

Ahaha, I already tested the new version! =P

And it looks great =D!

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