Fortress Forever

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rdrt 10-19-2013 06:07 PM

4 team Last Man Standing LUA
Got it. Thx.

Dexter 10-19-2013 06:57 PM

can you post what you've got so far and what exactly isnt working/any error messages? i'll give it a shot

rdrt 10-19-2013 07:01 PM

Thanks a lot Dexter. Fortunately I did figure it out using the available LMS LUA for 2 teams. I also removed the zero-self-damage. This is what works below.


-- Global Variables (these can be changed to whatever you want)

BLUE_TEAM_NAME = "Blue team"
RED_TEAM_NAME = "Red team"
GREEN_TEAM_NAME = "Green team"
YELLOW_TEAM_NAME = "Yellow team"

-- Functions

function startup()
-- set up team limits
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kBlue, 0 )
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kRed, 0 )
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kYellow, 0 )
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kGreen, 0 )

SetTeamName( Team.kRed, RED_TEAM_NAME )
SetTeamName( Team.kBlue, BLUE_TEAM_NAME )
SetTeamName( Team.kGreen, GREEN_TEAM_NAME )
SetTeamName( Team.kYellow, YELLOW_TEAM_NAME )

-- Blue Team Class limits
local team = GetTeam( Team.kBlue )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSoldier, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kDemoman, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kPyro, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kScout, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kMedic, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSniper, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kHwguy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSpy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kEngineer, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )

-- Red Team class limits
team = GetTeam( Team.kRed )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSoldier, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kDemoman, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kPyro, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kScout, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kMedic, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSniper, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kHwguy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSpy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kEngineer, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )

-- Green Team class limits
team = GetTeam( Team.kGreen )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSoldier, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kDemoman, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kPyro, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kScout, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kMedic, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSniper, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kHwguy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSpy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kEngineer, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )

-- Yellow Team class limits
team = GetTeam( Team.kYellow )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSoldier, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kDemoman, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kPyro, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kScout, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kMedic, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSniper, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kHwguy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSpy, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kEngineer, 0 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )


-- Everyone to spawn with everything.
function player_spawn( player_entity )
local player = CastToPlayer( player_entity )
player:AddHealth( 400 )
player:AddArmor( 400 )

player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kNails, 400 )
player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kShells, 400 )
player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kRockets, 400 )
player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kCells, 400 )
player:AddAmmo( Ammo.kDetpack, 1 )
player:RemoveAmmo( Ammo.kGren2, 4 )
player:RemoveAmmo( Ammo.kGren1, 4 )

function precache()

-- Calls a function to check if a team has won every time someone dies
function player_killed( killed_entity )
local player = CastToPlayer( killed_entity )
player:Spectate ( SpecMode.kRoaming )
player:SetRespawnable( false )
CheckTeamAliveState( killed_entity)

function Spectate( player )
player:Spectate( SpecMode.kRoaming )

-- Checks to see if people are still alive. If one team is all dead, declare the other team the winners.
function CheckTeamAliveState(killed_player)
ConsoleToAll( "CheckTeamAliveState" )

local blue = Collection()
local red = Collection()
local green = Collection()
local yellow = Collection()

-- Filter players online into seperate teams. Ignore spectators.
blue:GetByFilter({ CF.kPlayers, CF.kTeamBlue })
red:GetByFilter({ CF.kPlayers, CF.kTeamRed })
green:GetByFilter({ CF.kPlayers, CF.kTeamGreen })
yellow:GetByFilter({ CF.kPlayers, CF.kTeamYellow })

-- If either team has no players, then exit. Just one person running about shouldn't get boxed up.
if (blue:Count() == 0) or (red:Count() == 0) or (green:Count() == 0) or (yellow:Count() == 0) then
AddSchedule("respawnall", 1 , respawnall)

local bAlive = 0
local rAlive = 0
local gAlive = 0
local yAlive = 0

-- Check all blue team players to see who is still alive
for temp in blue.items do
local player = CastToPlayer( temp )
if player:IsAlive() then
bAlive = bAlive + 1

-- Same for red
for temp in red.items do
local player = CastToPlayer( temp )
if player:IsAlive() then
rAlive = rAlive + 1

-- Same for green
for temp in green.items do
local player = CastToPlayer( temp )
if player:IsAlive() then
gAlive = gAlive + 1

-- Same for yellow
for temp in yellow.items do
local player = CastToPlayer( temp )
if player:IsAlive() then
yAlive = yAlive + 1

-- checks to see if either team is all dead. If so, declare other team the winner, and start new round. If not, set the killed player to spectate
if (bAlive >= 1) and (rAlive == 0) and (gAlive == 0) and (yAlive == 0) then
BroadCastMessage(BLUE_TEAM_NAME .. " wins!")
BroadCastSound( "misc.bloop" )
local team = GetTeam (Team.kBlue)
AddSchedule("respawnall", 3 , respawnall)
elseif (rAlive >= 1) and (bAlive == 0) and (gAlive == 0) and (yAlive == 0) then
BroadCastMessage(RED_TEAM_NAME .. " wins!")
BroadCastSound( "misc.bloop" )
local team = GetTeam (Team.kRed)
AddSchedule("respawnall", 3 , respawnall)
elseif (gAlive >= 1) and (bAlive == 0) and (rAlive == 0) and (yAlive == 0) then
BroadCastMessage(GREEN_TEAM_NAME .. " wins!")
BroadCastSound( "misc.bloop" )
local team = GetTeam (Team.kGreen)
AddSchedule("respawnall", 3 , respawnall)
elseif (yAlive >= 1) and (bAlive == 0) and (rAlive == 0) and (gAlive == 0) then
BroadCastMessage(YELLOW_TEAM_NAME .. " wins!")
BroadCastSound( "misc.bloop" )
local team = GetTeam (Team.kYellow)
AddSchedule("respawnall", 3 , respawnall)

-- Respawns all players.
function RespawnEveryone()
ApplyToAll({ AT.kRemovePacks, AT.kRemoveProjectiles, AT.kRespawnPlayers, AT.kRemoveBuildables, AT.kRemoveRagdolls, AT.kStopPrimedGrens, AT.kReloadClips, AT.kAllowRespawn, AT.kReturnDroppedItems })

-- Scheduled functions

function respawnall()

-- spawn validty checking

-- makes sure the VIP can only spawn in their teams base
normal_spawn = info_ff_teamspawn:new({ validspawn = function(self, player)

-- Ties the map's spawn entities to the above functions
normalspawn = normal_spawn:new()

-- team spawns, if wanted
team_spawn = info_ff_teamspawn:new({ validspawn = function(self, player)
return player:GetTeamId() ==

bluespawn = team_spawn:new({ team = Team.kBlue })
redspawn = team_spawn:new({ team = Team.kRed })
greenspawn = team_spawn:new({ team = Team.kGreen })
yellowspawn = team_spawn:new({ team = Team.kYellow })

Dexter 10-19-2013 07:11 PM

ah cool :)

rdrt 10-28-2013 03:31 AM

After some playtesting, the above code works if n=2, however after the first kill even if players left are >1 the map will reset. I'm going to work with the code a bit as I think it is just a matter of added green and yellow teams somewhere, but someone with more experience may recognize what to do easily. Thanks in advance.

rdrt 11-26-2013 10:59 PM


Wanted to see if anyone might be able to help. The above code works correctly when 2 people are playing, however with three or more players, once the first frag occurs, the map resets. The code was originally made for 2 players and I would like to apply it to a 4 player map. The code in the original post has some modification as far as adding in the green and yellow teams, however it's very base and I need help with the nuances. Anyone please? Thanks in advance!

ddm999 11-28-2013 10:09 PM

I think you should remove this:
-- If either team has no players, then exit. Just one person running about shouldn't get boxed up.
if (blue:Count() == 0) or (red:Count() == 0) or (green:Count() == 0) or (yellow:Count() == 0) then
AddSchedule("respawnall", 1 , respawnall)

It skips game winning if any team has 0 players, meaning it'll only work with 4 players (one per team). That code is part of CheckTeamAliveState, so it is run on a kill.

If I'm right, then with 2 players your game isn't actually working, and neither team will be getting points, messages, etc. It will just reset in 1 second (should reset in 3 with points added, a message onscreen and a bloop sound effect).

-- If there aren't 2 players, speed up respawn and disable points for the 1 person / no-one.
if (blue:Count() + red:Count() + green:Count() + yellow:Count() < 2) then
AddSchedule("respawnall", 1 , respawnall)

If everything I've said before works, plonk this in where the old code was. Bear in mind that if there are 2+ players, but they are on the same team, it will causes the team to receive points if one suicides. I may be able to make some code tomorrow that only allows teams with the least players to be picked to be joined.

Hope this works for you.

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