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Nite]M[are 01-10-2009 02:07 PM

Left-handed WASD transfer
Lefthanded people probably have trouble playing FPS games due to the question "How do I use my other hand on the stupid mouse thingy???" I'm building this for them, and for my own use. I think this is where it would go, if not, please point me in correct direction, but anyways, I'm moving the entire WASD (or ESDF) configuration over to the number pad. Leftys can use their left hand on mouse, and right hand on number pad, similar to how us righthanded people use mouse with our favorite hand and have our left hand do the easy work.

Also, as stated above, it's for my use. I'm not lefthanded, but I want to be ambidextrous. While I wasnt born that way, I think I could train myself to sorta becom..... yeah, that.

Put this wherever you like, I'm going to bind its activation to a certain key so that it doesn't come completely undone by my class scripts -- I can just hit the key to reactivate it.

First WASD relocation:

unbind kp_uparrow
unbind kp_5
unbind kp_leftarrow
unbind kp_rightarrow

bind kp_uparrow "+forward"
bind kp_5 "+back"
bind kp_leftarrow "+moveleft"
bind kp_rightarrow "+moveright"

A right-hander pinky is on the Ctrl, which is the crouch (by default), ~ an inch away from the A-key finger. Also, the thumb is about an inch away from the D-key finger.

unbind kp_enter
unbind rightarrow

bind kp_enter "+duck"
bind rightarrow "+jump"

We need that E key, dont we?

unbind kp_home
unbind kp_pgup

bind kp_home "+use"
bind kp_pgup "drop_"

I have my mic button on "X" for easy access, and I also use a script I found somewhere here, the drop_ script for rogues, and I have that bound to Z (can someone please give a link to where the rest of the script is?). In addition to those two bottom-row keys, I have V bound to my class special. It activates alternative engy mouse config, toggles medpack, rogue sab menu, etc. Alternatively, I have a "nonades" key to help launch all my grenades. I wont show it here. If you have something of similar function, bind it to kp_end.Assuming you like my configuration, you would have...


unbind kp_pgdn
unbind kp_downarrow
unbind downarrow

bind kp_pgdn "drop_"
bind kp_downarrow "+voicerecord"
bind downarrow "Have class configs change this to a class special."

To reload, you may have to stretch your finger, but it's in the same location.

unbind pgdn

bind pgdn "+reload"

Walking. Not many people do it, but for stealth purposes (nobody wants the enemy to know that a soldier's coming up from behind until its too late), we'll make kp_plus the walk key.

unbind kp_plus

bind kp_plus "+speed"

Kaboom. We need nades!

unbind kp_slash
unbind *

bind kp_slash "toggleone"
bind * "toggletwo"

Did I forget anything major? Please note that the main reason I built this was for above reason, however I also just wanted to script /something/. There isnt a wait command in CS:S so its kind of hard building scripts for that...

//Edit1: Oops, EVERYBODY needs the mouse... hehe...

unbind mouse1
unbind mouse2

bind mouse1 +attack2
bind mouse2 +attack1

Agent Buckshot Moose 01-10-2009 03:03 PM

I'm left-handed and use the mouse with my right hand.

The fun thing is though I can pretty much naturally use the mouse with my left hand as well. It's not as precise as it is with my right hand, but it's far better than say my parents who are both right handed and fail horribly at using the mouse with their left. :)

CaLeB- 01-10-2009 04:09 PM

I write and throw with my left but do everything else with my right.

Mooga 01-10-2009 11:44 PM

Most of the leftys I know using their right hand for their mouse.

hlstriker 01-13-2009 07:49 AM

I'm left handed and also use my right hand for my mouse.

But, for the people that do use the mouse in their left hand then that config may come in handy.

caesium 01-13-2009 12:04 PM

i'm left handed. is this why i suck at FF? :(

EquilibriuM 01-13-2009 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by caesium (Post 420162)
i'm left handed. is this why i suck at FF? :(

Ye :\

Ihmhi 01-14-2009 12:10 AM

It would be nice if we could have this as a checkbox in a future patch. Lefty flip, like Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

Would a lefty swap left and right click as well?

caesium 01-14-2009 10:18 AM

i don't know, ihmhi, i guess so.

sorry for silly previous post lol.. serious point now though: i really am left handed, but like many left handed ppl i use my right hand for the mouse. i've wondered for a long time if that's the reason i'm much more into movement than aim/dm (i.e. cos my best hand is doing the button bashing).

would be interesting to do a poll with the options:
1) i use the mouse in the same hand i write with and i'm more into movement than aim/dm.
2) i use the mouse in the same hand i write with and i'm more into aim/dm than movement.
3) i use the mouse in the opposite hand i write with and i'm more into movement than aim/dm.
4) i use the mouse in the opposite hand i write with and i'm more into aim/dm than movement.

and then compare the percentage of ppl more into movement for same/opposite handed ppl. hmmmmmmm.. :)

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