Fortress Forever

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Circuitous 03-19-2008 11:16 PM

Mabinogi - Fantasy Life
Okay so this is one of those Asian MMOs that gets Americanized and is cutesy and fun in an arcade-y sort of way, the kind of game Nexon is known for (see: Maple Story).

Apparently this one wants to try and be more about playing a character and doin' the kinda shit fantasy people do. You get part-time jobs (another name for quests by the looks of it) and you make your money and you ply your craft. Yeah you can fight shit, too, and apparently the combat system is less click-and-watch and more click-and-watch-shit-go-down-for-reals. Friggin' girls uppercutting bears into the sky with wooden clubs and stuff.

Also the NPCs are cute with big boobs.

Aaaaanyway I'm gonna try it. I'll probably quit in two days, and that's fine. I'll give my report back once I've gone a couple rounds in it.

If anyone wants to try it with me and experience the hilarity for themselves, by all means download the ridiculously big file and let's do this thing.

Suite307 03-20-2008 12:56 AM

I've been wanting to Beta that crap, buttt i decided against it. Tell me how it is :D

Circuitous 03-20-2008 03:12 AM

It's exactly what you'd expect it to be.

Tailoring, sewing, harvesting, and musical skills play a larger part in the game than normal.

I haven't left the first city yet and already I've seen about fifteen self-made bards play remarkably accurate renditions of video game soundtracks on their low-poly lutes and make a killing in gifted gold.

The graphics are pretty good (unfortunately anti-aliasing doesn't work - ever - even when it's forced by the card), the movement is smooth, the lag is negligible. Combat is fairly interesting, but also fairly obnoxious at times. Enemies can tell what skills you're using, generally faster than you can see theirs, and can adjust accordingly. So instead of defending and then countering, you just get your ass handed to you. It doesn't happen that often, but it does happen.

I'm working on my textile skills right now... the part-time job system is sort of frustrating if you don't know how to do what's being asked of you. I had one with an eight-hour deadline and I wasted it looking up how to find the item required to do it.

That's one neat feature, though - you can access the game's forums through an in-game browser. Good for answering questions quickly.

I forget what server I'm on. It was the second in the list. Name in-game is Circuitous HOLY HELL THAT CAME FROM LEFT FIELD.

Oh. The way you finish quests and learn skills is bizarre. You really have to use it to comprehend it... you get a skill, right, by just hearing about it. Then you TRY and use it.

You start out with Combat Mastery and Sharp Mind. CM is levelled by, well, fighting. SM is levelled by analyzing enemy attacks. You can't do that yet, but you can fight. So CM will level quick - after using it a bit, it says you've "figured it out." Now you can actually learn it and begin applying it.

After learning it, it shows you what you can do to finish learning it. They're all ???? at first - when you do them, or are told them, then you can use the skill properly. You can level a skill without learning all the ways to use it, but you don't get as much experience.

I know, right?


If anyone wants to try it out that'd be awesome.

Desyphur 03-20-2008 05:17 AM


I installed it, started the game, and the next time I looked at my clock it was and hour later. Fun game.

StrickNine 03-21-2008 12:30 AM

I tried this a while ago........ it sucks. Though I do commend them for trying some different things.

Suite307 03-21-2008 12:52 AM

I slaughtered racoons for 5 minutes and lost interest :O

Desyphur 03-21-2008 05:27 AM

Did any quests? Seriously :P

paranoidkirb 03-25-2008 01:21 AM

My friend's been trying to get me into it, but it seems like just another Korean MMO. I'll pass for the time being.

Credge 03-25-2008 02:56 AM

I couldn't get into it at all... mainly because the graphics simply did not mesh with each other. Models look fine by themselves, as does the environment... but the two together just make things terrible looking.

This is coming from someone who still plays UO on his own :|.

Suite307 03-25-2008 03:49 AM

UO after playing games that look good, i can't play old shite anymore :o

Backstaber 03-25-2008 03:59 AM

I never played web games cause they just couldn't ever compare to regular games. Why would I want to play a game that seems to be more restrictive in its gameplay. Idk, these games never struck me as being good.

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