Fortress Forever

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o_rebo 02-10-2005 12:56 AM

Community FAQ
This is a thread so that the community can provide FAQ answers to common questions. It should be especially useful to answer those questions that get asked again and again. The rules of this thread are ..

a) The question must be stated in bold
b) The answer can either be quoted or paraphrased. If the latter do not put your own opinion in try to answer on facts you know about.
c) At least one or more urls must be pasted which backup your answer.

Do not post unless you are supplying a FAQ question and answer, you can post comments or further questions about points in this thread but you must always provide a FAQ question and answer. This is so this thread stays clear and useful. If you disagree with someones answer contact them by pm.

You may post on any aspect of FF or TFC in general. If its about TFC please make it clear that is what you are talking about.

This thread will be heavilly moderated

Furthermore, some advice for new posters posting previously-answered questions:

1. If a new poster posts a frequent question...


reply with an insult
reply with a macro
reply with a silly answer which just serves to confuse


Paste this simple message


Welcome to the forums, please note that the questions you asked can be found by using the search function. I'm directing you there so this forum doesnt fill with repetition, thanks.
And thats it really. Thats all you need to do, no need to top or repeat this message just one reply by one person should alleviate the problem.

Starter Question

How can I become a beta tester?


When our mod approaches beta phase we will release details of a beta testing programme on these forums. So stay tuned get involved and you'll have more chance of becomming a beta tester when the time comes.

o_qbaler 02-10-2005 02:35 AM

If TFC:S is released what will happen to FF?


Originally Posted by rebo
We intend to develop FF to completion and that wont be affected by other mods in development. We feel we have a great product, community support and opportunity to revitalise the fortress style.

o_sobe green 02-10-2005 07:01 AM

Player Models/Death Animations/Gibs

Q: Will the FF team be porting over the old models?
A: No, newly designed models are being worked on, check the media page for more info.

Q: Will there be gib deaths in FF?
A: Yes, depending how the player dies.

Q: Will the ragdoll effect be in FF?
A: Yes, depending on how the player dies.


Q: Will the nailgun weapons be more powerful (like the original TF) or more like the TFC version (SG killers)?
A: Most likely have the power they have in TFC.


Q: Are any of the old official TFC maps going to be made?


Q: Will footsteps be on or off by default?
A: Currently being debated.

Skill Related (Conc, Rocket, Pipe, ect)

Q: Will there be any rocket jump/conc jump/pipe jump/skill maps with the official release?
A: They are aiming to release atleast one map in the official release.


Q: Is anything being done to help reward players who carry the flag/key/objective to their base but do not make the actual capture?
A: Nothing set in stone has been said other than they are working on rewarding players for teamwork and making it more rewarding to go after the objective than to stay on the defensive side of things.

That is as much as I got, I'll maybe add some more later if I get bored.

*Edit I couldn't find the rest of the links I had previously found. They seemed to have disappeared. Posts without links have been removed.

o_returner 02-10-2005 01:33 PM

Will player models have an animation for throwing grenades?

This is not going to happen, I'm afraid.

Will there be female player models?

All the classes will almost certainly be male. We have discussed a female medic/spy/whatever but in the end the majority of the team went for blokes. Hitboxes were a slight consideration - a male model would be taler than a female model but females tend to have two pointy bits on their chest. If you let people choose the model than the hitboxes must also change. People would very quickly identify which model had the biggest hitboxes and use it to their advantage. Added to all of this the extra time that would have to be spent modelling and skinning the extra models - its all a bit much for a bit of political correctness

We have discussed having a female player model (or two) but ultimately decided not to go for it (at least not at the moment).

Will there be a grappling hook/other climbing device in the game?

We're not going to add anything like this I'm afraid.

Will there be a radar/GPS in the game?

It doesn't fit in with TF's speed of gameplay and would only be suited to a small number of classes (perhaps the scout & spy). I strongly doubt anything like this will be added.

Will sentryguns have cameras in them?

I'm afraid it won't be implemented. It's technically possible but not really required or good from a gameplay pov.

sorry no camera
its pointless, and laggy

Are these going to be attached to the main post by moderators? I didn't organize them or anything. By the way, there are at least three FAQs here right now. This thread, the official FAQ and the "things not included" thread. They should be merged.

o_storm 02-14-2005 11:24 AM

Is fov going to be a variable?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Fov will be supported, we haven't set anything in stone yet, though. Limits are a possibility (i.e. disallow fovs lower than x and greater than y to stop people exploiting / gaining a large advantage by doing so). :)

Will Firendly fire continue to be a server side variable.


Originally Posted by rebo
There will be FF off and FF on server modes.

roger rebo :)

o_storm 02-17-2005 05:27 PM

What are you going to do about cheating?


Originally Posted by rebo
We have some good anti cheat ideas and technology available to us but of course I hope you understand that we cannot give details at present.

I've seen screenshots of warpath, its a bit rough what's the deal with that defrag you newb!?


Originally Posted by sev
Unless it's on the media page of our website, it's not ours :).

Is it ok for me to link directly to the images on the media page.


We love that folks are enthusiastic about our media releases, but we ask that anyone interesting in linking to the images not use the full-size (150kb+) flavors. Rather, if you don't have a host of your very own, use the thumbnail image (~15kb) and link to that image's media page.

is the flag going to respond to physics?


Originally Posted by Defrag
This has already been posted under general physics topics. The flag (or any other game objects that are important to gameplay like pipes etc.) won't be affected by the physics of explosions and stuff like that.

o_rebo 02-19-2005 07:12 PM

storm, questions in bold please:x.

o_storm 02-27-2005 01:56 PM

Will FF have a built-in multi-jump function for the +jump command so that people using a script to do it don’t have an advantage over those than do not know how to script?

Originally Posted by Defrag
We want to make it so scripting the jumping will have zero advantage over other players. Since jump scripting is the most common scripting found in HL-based mods, we figured it was a good idea to bring everyone that potential functionality. The jumping system won't be the HL2 standard; there won't be a need for jump timing scripts as a result. Our goal is to make it so everyone jumps with the same tools and additional scripting will yield no advantage. However, this does not mean jump timing will be eliminated.

Will concing an opponent have a completely randomized effect on their vision?

Originally Posted by defrag
the conc effect should not be random. Randomness in games is bad from a skill vs luck point of view. It also decreases the amount you can learn / be skilled at. While the conc effect itself won't be random or annoying (annoying in terms of "OMG THIS IS NOT FUN TO PLAY", not "oh dear I seem to have missed a shot, bad show old chap"), it will certainly be more effective than TFC's conc effect. It's time for the conc to reappear as an actual weapon instead of just being used as a movement tool.

I understand FF (friendly fire) is going to be a server variable so that admins can turn it on and off but is it going to be on as default?

Originally Posted by rebo
FF wont be on by default as its not newbie/casual player friendly. Plus its not really compatable with assault gameplay.

In what way are you going to change the detpack?

Originally Posted by sev
We are working with some nifty visual effects for this, and while nothing is yet finalized, you can expect the final result to be quite... fitting for a detpack explosion.

Our current idea is to allow for user defined detpack times, but nothing has been finalized yet.

o_ivaqual 03-12-2005 07:11 PM

When will Fortress Forever be released ?

Fortress Forever will be released in the first quarter of 2007.

o_accrede 04-08-2005 01:07 PM

Will the FF install contain any spyware or adware either for the purposes of cheat detection or as a means of sponsorship (Or for any other reason)?


Originally Posted by rebo
No, there will be no spyware software, adware software , spyware or adware or any combination thereof for whatever reason.

o_dr.freeman 07-27-2005 06:10 PM

Q:Will we still have the old vox voice?

Originally Posted by Ghroth
it wont be the same sorry

o_sizeablessonic 09-25-2005 10:13 PM

Will there be driveable vehicles in FF?

Originally Posted by Defrag
We've already answered this many times:

The humvee isn't driveable, but that doesn't mean there's no possibility of having driveable vehicles in FF where it suits the mod. One official map currently has a driveable vehicle in it (you can probably guess which one).

No except for the one map Defrag mentioned.

o_ivaqual 11-14-2005 06:36 PM

What specs will be needed to run Fortress Forever comfortably ?


Originally Posted by trepid_jesse
If your current setup runs HL2 fine, FF will run better.. that's the generalized answer I think.

o_geokill-----> 11-14-2005 11:56 PM

Is the FF Team going to have Control Over Bots?


Originally Posted by Defrag
We keep telling people that we can either have some semblance of control of bot development (and do it inhouse thanks to DrEvil) or someone will make 3rd party bots regardless, over which we have no control (so they could be terrible but popular). The added bonus of doing it inhouse is we can use bots for other stuff like training maps.

As for the bot status, DrEvil has fully functioning HL2 bots, but we haven't really done a huge amount of work on integrating them with FF just yet (not hard to plug them in). That's coming up very soon. We have a lot of good ideas for making bots contribute to the mod.


Why are the sniper ears so far back?


Originally Posted by rebo
To the guy who mentioned about the ears, your correct the version we have ingame atm has his ears moved forward to the correct place.


What Maps Are In Production By the FF Team?

What Maps Are In Production By The Comunity

o_sizeablessonic 11-15-2005 02:48 AM

What are some basic rules about the forums?
1. Respect and be polite to everyone.
2. Most important... HAVE FUN!!!

Circuitous 11-15-2005 04:12 AM

Will the double-tap grenade bind be an option?

There will be many options for grenade throwing:


Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
you can hold, double tap or prime and throw with seperate buttons

How, exactly, is bhop gonna work?


Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
currently ff is set up like q1, where you can't just hold down the jump button but as long as you've released it and pressed+held it again before you hit the ground then you will just jump back up again

binding it to your mousewheel will still work if you prefer it, although while not being any less effective than in tfc it'll not be as effective as the press+hold, press+hold, press+hold method

In short: press to jump, release, and hold jump again before hitting the ground to jump as soon as you land.

Can I post a suggestion for balancing classes/gameplay specifics?

Use Search to see if a thread relevant to the class you want to discuss has been posted. If you can't find one (try digging back a few pages), then you can post a new thread if you need to - a forewarning, however, some members may not take kindly to this. Don't just keep making new threads willy-nilly; condense your thoughts if you can.

Will HDR be implemented?


Originally Posted by Dospac
We're considering it but you likely won't see it implemented in any of the maps at release. Maybe later on.


Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
Yeah, if VALVe includes it in the base SDK stuff then it will definately be availabe for us to add later on. But for now we're not planning on doing anything with it. We probably won't add it until after we release an initial version - or at least the beta.

Please note HDR is always toggleable, and if your system can't support it, it will default to OFF.

Circuitous 11-17-2005 02:29 AM

What's the deal with the Engineer's railgun? Will it be made useful?


Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
The railgun...

It bounces/reflects off of surfaces (all depending on the angle it hits the surface at...) up to 2 or 3 bounces - I can't remember. And it changes color after each bounce. The other specifics I can't remember as I believe FryGuy actually coded it so you'd have to ask him or someone who's played with it more than I have!

o_geokill-----> 11-24-2005 07:16 PM

Links are wrong due to forum change
Is there going to be any Anti-Cheat in FF?


Originally Posted by Defrag
We were originally going to try and get some anti-cheat stuff built in (as in, stuff above and beyond the usual mod file-checks etc) but since billdoor (our most knowledgeable cheat/anti-cheat coder) is no longer active, we had to shelve the plans, unfortunately. It's something we will definitely consider in the future, but at the present time we don't really have the manpower / expertise to implement anything great.


Originally Posted by Defrag
As I have previously said on the matter, our chief anti-cheat expert (billdoor) hasn't been active for the mod for 3/4 of a year. We have limited resources. We will do our best to stop cheating, but there's not a huge deal a mod team can do about it without:

A: The time to spend
B: The expertise required in that area

Many game developers are turning to the likes of specialist anti-cheat companies like evenbalance/Punkbuster to rid their games of cheats, and even they can't succeed all of the time (there's plenty of hacks around for BF2, for example).

o_syntax 11-25-2005 12:14 AM

Will FF cost anything?


o_geokill-----> 11-25-2005 07:42 PM

Links are wrong due to forum change
What Kind of Jumps will be in FF?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Strafe jump = jumping while holding a strafe key, makes you go slightly faster and jump longer

Glide jump (aka circle jump) is when you hold forward, strafe and then turn the mouse (in direction of strafe you're holding) ~90 degrees towards the direction of travel. Most people do this without knowing it's a glide jump. It makes you go a little further still versus a strafe jump.

Trimping = Quake technique that makes you jump higher if you jump on an inclined surface (e.g. a ramp). Some of your horizontal velocity is transfered into vertical velocity. This is not the same as sliding/rampsliding

Sharking (aka speedboating) = holding jump when you hit the water and then skimming the surface without losing much speed.

FF will have all of the above. The current plan is to have trimping and ramp sliding in harmony, and you can't trimp mid-ramp slide. I.e. the person has to choose which to do before they hit the ramp, as it'd be too useful/unpredictable to start sliding then pop up into a trimp.


What sort of things are LUA being used for?


Originally Posted by eat
Basically it should allow you to do anything with the entities that your mind can think up. We will release standard entity sets so people can just pop them into their maps without too much work.


Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
yeah, lua is only being used for scripting your map, it's not like in gmod where you can create a whole new game's worth of weapons and player classes with it

it does however let you make pretty much any sort of map imaginable which is quite neato


So what's being done with the SG?


Originally Posted by rebo
The gun can be placed as a weapon slot (as well as the tradtional menu/command). The same for dispenser and detpack. This is so that new players have a consistent interface in building/affecting the environment.

SG rotation and placement is much more intellegent than in TFC.

SG Targetting aquisition is more intellegent than in TFC.


Originally Posted by eat
The Sg system is ace now. When you select the SG weapon slot a transparent SG appears in front of you so you can see where it will go and where it will face, and whether the engine will allow you to place it in a certain position. Then after its built the spanner comes out so you can add ammo. Then if you press that weapon slot again when the SGs is built it will go kapoom.


Where else can I find more info on Fortress-Forever?


Will the conc grenade beep? as in three beeps then boom like tfc?


Originally Posted by rebo
yes but there will be an alternative option of a voice countdown.


Will FF have a visual grenade timer?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Afaik the visual grentimer was already implemented, but needs re-coded. I'm 99% certain it'll make it into the release version of FF.

Will buildables of any kind be able to be moved/ and/or derailed.


Originally Posted by eat
SGs and Dispensers wont be moveable by explosions or any other way. Trains and other stuff, well that is up to the mapper.

Is FF going to have Multi-language Translations?


Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
There's already plans for making sure the in-game localised text exists in all the main languages, i'm not sure whats been planned for the manuals and stuff yet though

Will FF Suport so we don't get the HL2 Icon?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Yeah we'll definitely try to do this.


Will it be possible in FF for the Player Class Helmets to be blown/shot off?


Originally Posted by Defrag
I think it's a cool idea, and something we could look at adding (time permitting).


Is there going to be anyway to stop noobs from holding the flag to long?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Thanks for reminding me about this. I've just started a thread on the dev forums about people ruining the game for others by deliberately stopping their team achieving the goals. We'll sort something out without the solution appearing invasive, no doubt.


How are you going to make Hunted more playable?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Yeah, we'll definitely have rewards for the prez and possibly the bodyguards too, since the bodyguards facilitate the prez's escape. Say 10 points for the prez escaping, and 3 points per bodyguard (or whatever, just an example).


Originally Posted by Defrag
Thinking about it, it may be a good idea to support a rotation method for the president, be it a server option or a vote option. There's nothing worse than playing hunted with a prez that either doesn't have a clue (despite everyone telling them how to play the map and giving advice) or is deliberately killing himself. Disabling the kill command for the hunted might be a good thing, too.

In this way, the president should be able to be overthrown if the majority of the bodyguards want a new president, or they will be swapped out after a number of deaths (say five) due to their team's wishes.

We will also have to look at the friendly fire options for hunted. I don't think I've ever played a good game of hunted where FF was on.


Can we going to have Custom Models/sprites/etc?


Originally Posted by Defrag
We'll probably support modification for all files that are non-critical in terms of cheating. If there's scope for hax0ring by changing a file, it'll be locked.


Originally Posted by Defrag
Model replacements are subject to dimension checks, from what I recall. There's no harm in using a replacement model unless it has some feature that provides an advantage.


Will the AR (Auto-Rifle) by any different in FF?


Originally Posted by Defrag
The AR is changing anyway. It's no longer a mega-fast-ultra-accurate-huge-clipped gun that can be used to 'snipe' in the traditional sense. It's less accurate at range, has a slightly slower rate of fire and also is going to have a clip, meaning it requires a (brief) reload. If it's still annoying (or made useless) after all that, we'll change it even more until we get something that has a decent blend of attributes.


Will Fall Damage by simmilar to TFC in FF?


Originally Posted by Defrag
All the fall damage values will be similar to TFC with one exception; the spy is going to be able to fall longer distances, take less damage and make less noise.


Will spy be able to climb ladders and swim quietly?


Originally Posted by Defrag
It's something to think about, for sure Smile No promises, though.


Is FF going to have a map/flag timer?


Originally Posted by Defrag
A map timer is a possibility, a flag timer most certainly is not (as it's basically removing a skill from the game [timing and awareness]).


Is the Hunted going to have better armour against AR(Auto-Rifle)?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Yeah the Hunted will be getting more protection from the rushing snipers.

Nailing/ARing the president doesn't really take much skill, and sometimes there's very little the bodyguards can do about it.

None of this stuff will be customisable to avoid confusion, though. The chances are that we'll just kit the prez out with armour that is nail & ar resistant so he can take more punishment from weapons other than the sniper rifle.


Is the Rocket size going to be increase?


Originally Posted by Defrag
We're going to tweak a few things here and there. One of the things we'll be looking at is giving the rocket a bigger hitbox when doing collision tests against players / objects, as at the moment you need a large amount of luck to hit bodyshots, even if you lead the target accurately. It'll mainly affect airshots, and if it's too powerful / easy then we'll remove / tweak it.


A few questions answer from Defrag (defrag answers in bold)


Originally Posted by Defrag

Originally Posted by ^viper
1) Smaller gren radius than tfc, more like qwtf size - Yup, gren splash radius is smaller. Damage will be much the same.
2) Soldiers rockets sped up to qwtf speed, with damage radius decreased - Nope, the FF maps are inkeeping with the TFC dimensions, so there's no real need to increase rocket speed at present. This can always change, though
3) Pyro rockets sped up also - No real need for this, as pyro rockets have a fairly large blast radius.
4) Nail grenades don't explode when they 'go off', or make the explosion small / unpowerful - We're doing something similar to this
5) sniper rifle requires no charge time, but decrease its damage - Nope, the TF charged rifle is a traditional and interesting feature of the mod :).
5) Decrease AC damage - I think this is a given.
6) Increase bhop cap to 200% or more, and make it so when you reach that speed you don't get suddenly slowed down to 1x speed - We're trying to keep the speeds down a bit, but we're not having the 'brick wall' cap -- it'll feel more elastic and fluid.
7) Trimping + Double jump ;D Can't say much on this other than there's some new movement stuff in the mix
8) make engineer rail gun actually useful (somehow) - We've got something in place, but it may be removed if it's too random/lacking in skill.


Is The soldier going to have a +special where it shoots out all four rockets and also you could reload from 0 rockets faster by pressing +special But by doing this you cannot change your weapon or interupt the reload process; Yet it is faster than normal reloading one at a time?


Originally Posted by Defrag
We've already considered this. We could always try it, it just depends on how intuitive it is to use, and whether it could be frustrating if you accidentally trigger it etc.


Is the scout going to have caltrops as a secoundary granade?


Originally Posted by eat
We have a replacement idea for the calltraps. Its pretty original so its gonna need loads of testing to make it into the game, but I think its gonna be so much fun theres no way we cant put it in :)

Can you tell us what is the replacement for the caltrop?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Not a chance ;)


Can we have a grenade that reverses the players controls, like left = right, forwards = back etc.?


Originally Posted by Defrag
Too annoying. Plus, a lot of people would simply have a config they would exec when their controls were swapped around. The config would simply bind their keys the other way around :P


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