Fortress Forever

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Crazycarl 09-20-2009 08:06 PM

I'm thinking this: As soon as we get the font done, we can release language packs. There's no reason to wait for a patch. If we add new strings, I'll just add the string in English on the end of the file. Then you can translate them whenever you like.

Gordon 01-19-2010 04:50 AM

That is a Russian translate. It's not over and I continue work with it.
P.S my English is awful :shock:

"Language" "Russian"
"Game_connected" "Подключился!"
"GameUI_Play" "Играть"
"GameUI_FortressOptions" "Опции Фортов"
"GameUI_Crosshairs" "Прицелы"
"GameUI_Timers" "Звуки"
"GameUI_DLights" "Динамическое освещение"
"GameUI_Misc1" "Графика и геймплей"
"GameUI_Misc2" "HUD"
"GameUI_Misc3" "Оптимизация"
"GameUI_GameMenu_FortressOptions" "Опции Фортов"
"GameUI_PrimaryCrosshair" "Первичная форма"
"GameUI_SecondaryCrosshair" "Вторичная форма"
"GameUI_Shape" "Вторая форма"
"GameUI_Size" "Размер"
"GameUI_Red" "Красный"
"GameUI_Green" "Зеленый"
"GameUI_Blue" "Синий"
"GameUI_Alpha" "Прозрачность"
"GameUI_UseGlobal" "Испльзовать опции по умолчанию"
"GameUI_UseGlobalAll" "Использовать стандартный прицел для всего оружия"
"GameUI_TimerHelp" "Скопировав звуковой файл wav в папку sound/timers/ ты можешь выбрать его здесь, чтобы использовать в игре. \n\nДлина таймера должна быть 4 секунды."
"GameUI_KillBeepHelp" ""Скопировав звуковой файл wav в папку sound/player/deathbeep/ ты можешь выбрать его здесь, чтобы использовать в игре. \n\nЭто звук проигрвается при убистве вами врага."
"GameUI_FortressGameModes" "Режимы игры Фортов"
"GameUI_Scenarios" "Сценарий"
"GameUI_Training" "Тренировка"
"GameUI_Bots" "Боты"
"GameUI_Map" "Карта"
"GameUI_AllowedClasses" "Доступные классы..."
"Training_AvD" "Тренировка Атаки и Нападения"
"Training_AvD_Desc" "Здесь две команды-одна атакует точки, а другая-защщает."
"Training_Spy" "Тренировка Шпиона"
"Training_Spy_Desc" "Научись играть шпионом действительно хорошо. Ты можешь резать со спины и стреять из пистолета."
"TITLE_SERVERINFO" "Информация о сервере"
"TITLE_MAPINFO" "Информация о карте"
"TITLE_SERVERVARS" "Настройки карты/сервера"
"TITLE_MAPSCREENSHOT" "Кликни, чтобы уменьшить/увеличить"
"TITLE_SCOREBOARD" "Таблица очков"
"FF_CLOSE" "Закрыто"
"FF_Timelimit" "Лимит времени"
"TEAM_STATS" "Очки:\nИгроки:\nЗадержка:"
"FF_PLAYER_SCOUT" "Разведчик"
"FF_PLAYER_HWGUY" "Пулеметчик"
"FF_PLAYER_PYRO" "Поджигатель"
"FF_PLAYER_RANDOM" "Случайный класс"
"FF_PLAYER_INVALID" "Выбор класса невозможен"
"FF_PLAYER_MANCANNON" "Прыжковая платформа"
"FF_SCOREBOARD_PYRO" "Поджигатель"
"FF_TEAM" "Команда"
"FF_SPECTATORS" "Наблюдатели"
"FF_UNASSIGNED" "Не выбрано"
"FF_HELLO" "Добро пожаловать в Fortress Forever!"
"FF_HELP_SCOUT" "Как самый быстрый и наиболее уязвимый класс, Разведчик хорошо справляется с захватом точек и флагов ."
"FF_HELP_SNIPER" "Снайпер является первой линеей обороны, способный убивать врагов на расстоянии своей винтовкой с прицелом."
"FF_HELP_SOLDIER" "Солдат, подходящий для обороны баз, является маневренным и имеет достаточную силу, чтобы остановить врага."
"FF_HELP_DEMOMAN" "Взрывное оружие Подрывника, его баланс скорости и мощи делает его хорошим как оборонительным, так и атакующим классом."
"FF_HELP_MEDIC" "Медик быстро передвигается и хорош в атаке благодаря прыжкам с дезориентирующей грантой, и в обороне, благодаря спообности лечить напарников."
"FF_HELP_HWGUY" "С невероятной мощью своей пушки, Пулеметчик является лучшим обороняющимся классом, если враг не далеко."
"FF_HELP_PYRO" "Имея баланс скорости и мощи, Поджигатель является довольно сильным атакующим."
"FF_HELP_SPY" "Шпион достаточно необычный класс, который вводит врагов в заблуждение, маскируясь под них, и может быстро убить, зарезав со спины."
"FF_HELP_ENGINEER" "Большинтсво обороняющихся имеют Инженера. Правильно расположенная пушка может значительно увеличить оборонительную мощь команды."
"FF_HELP_CIVILIAN" "Гражданин"
"FF_HELP_RANDOM" "Случайный класс"
"FF_WPNHUD_AUTORIFLE" "Автоматическая винтовка"
"FF_WPNHUD_CROWBAR" "Монтировка"
"FF_WPNHUD_DETPACK" "Взрывпакет"
"FF_WPNHUD_RAILGUN" "Рельсовая пушка"
"FF_WPNHUD_IC" "Наступательная ракетница"
"FF_WPNHUD_SNIPERRIFLE" "Снайперская винтовка"
"FF_WPNHUD_SPANNER" "Гаечный ключ"
"FF_WPNHUD_MANCANNON" "Платформа для прыжков"
"FF_WPNHUD_RAILGUN_AMMO" "Рельсовые патроны"
"FF_WPNHUD_IC_AMMO" "Горячие ракеты"
"FF_Combat_Title" "Управление в битве"
"FF_Attack1" "Первичная атака"
"FF_Attack2" "Вторичная\специальная атака"
"FF_Gren1" "Кинуть Первичную гранату"
"FF_Gren2" "Кинуть вторичную гранату"

Miyu<3 08-12-2010 12:03 AM

Gordon, Крутота, мне просто содержимое файлика заменить?
А эти иероглифы в главном меню пропадут? Или для этого тоже шаманить надо?

Bridget 08-12-2010 12:19 AM

кириллический шрифт не пока работает в этой игре.

Miyu<3 12-20-2010 01:26 PM

Bad... But why?

Bridget 12-20-2010 01:38 PM

The Fortress Forever HUD fonts do not support it.

loKkdoKk 01-12-2012 01:19 PM

I was young and had enough knowledge of English. language to complete the transfer.
But now when I gained experience I had almost completed the translation. and posted screenshots of the creators of the modification.

Gamingmaster000 09-15-2012 06:38 PM

I shall help the FF team to translate to Mandarin

Westheimer 01-29-2013 11:35 AM

I guess this thread is dead?

Muleke_Trairao 01-22-2015 08:16 AM

Um...Hello? I know you guys stopped posting here for about 'some' time now, but i am interested in translating FF to Brazilian Portuguese(pt-BR). I wanna know if you guys are still doing this because i don't wanna start translating before knowing if my file is going to be added in the game or not.

oaties 01-22-2015 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Muleke_Trairao (Post 506177)
Um...Hello? I know you guys stopped posting here for about 'some' time now, but i am interested in translating FF to Brazilian Portuguese(pt-BR). I wanna know if you guys are still doing this because i don't wanna start translating before knowing if my file is going to be added in the game or not.

Do it man there are no people working on one now. If its good quality it will be added to the game for sure.

I'd love if Brazilian players started playing. They revived pub TFC, and are always looking for free games ;)

Muleke_Trairao 01-22-2015 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by oaties (Post 506183)
Do it man there are no people working on one now. If its good quality it will be added to the game for sure.

I'd love if Brazilian players started playing. They revived pub TFC, and are always looking for free games ;)

Yeah, i'll do it.
Just one thing to the devs: i simply REFUSE to translate class names because in portuguese, and many other languages, they sound dumb and stupid. I'm serious.

oaties 01-22-2015 09:36 PM

Yeah i could see that, something like soldier or sniper might be fine but I could imagine words such as pyro, medic, heavy etc sounding quite dumb in other languages.

I'm sure people will know the classes even with english names.

XPelargos 01-22-2015 09:42 PM

Pyro = "El Enfuegador" :mrgreen:

But yeah, totally do a translation, squeek would probably be helpful getting the strings to you. Always good to get some more freegame seeking people in here.

squeek. 01-22-2015 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Muleke_Trairao (Post 506177)
Um...Hello? I know you guys stopped posting here for about 'some' time now, but i am interested in translating FF to Brazilian Portuguese(pt-BR). I wanna know if you guys are still doing this because i don't wanna start translating before knowing if my file is going to be added in the game or not.

A Brazilian Portuguese translation was posted in this thread by Gemini Saga, which I created a pull request for here:

If you're familiar with Git, then you can fork the fortressforever-scripts repository and make changes to the language/portuguese-br branch and submit those changes as a pull request.

If you're not familiar/comfortable with Git, you can look at the existing translation here and then post any corrections/updates in this thread and I'll incorporate them.

The current English strings can be found here.

Muleke_Trairao 01-22-2015 10:06 PM

I was reading the whole thread until i found out that a guy named Gemini Saga, who is a brazilian, already made the translations BUT that was in 2009, the file has more stuff in it now then before AND is organized differently (just compare the files posted here on this thread and your file to see the difference).
I tried to load the old file with the new version of FF, didn't work.
I'm gonna talk to him and see if i can start all over again using his translations on the new file(maybe change some if i feel like it), and translate the new strings as well. This will take some time, unless someone has a better and faster idea on how to make this easier for me...

Muleke_Trairao 01-22-2015 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 506189)
A Brazilian Portuguese translation was posted in this thread by Gemini Saga, which I created a pull request for here:

If you're familiar with Git, then you can fork the fortressforever-scripts repository and make changes to the language/portuguese-br branch and submit those changes as a pull request.

If you're not familiar/comfortable with Git, you can look at the existing translation here and then post any corrections/updates in this thread and I'll incorporate them.

The current English strings can be found here.

Yeah, i've just read this now. Guess we're typing at the same time.

Muleke_Trairao 02-19-2015 11:04 AM

So, squeek., i see that the translation has 773 lines while the original english file has 975 lines and both are organized differently. How can i know which lines were added to it? The new ones, i mean. So i can translate what's different, or maybe even Gemini himself if he's still active...And how can i put everything together translated into one file? Because if i was going to manually paste his translations to the new file and change the new lines as well, it would take a lot of time, but IF that's the only option i'm cool with that.

squeek. 02-20-2015 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Muleke_Trairao (Post 506408)
So, squeek., i see that the translation has 773 lines while the original english file has 975 lines and both are organized differently. How can i know which lines were added to it? The new ones, i mean. So i can translate what's different, or maybe even Gemini himself if he's still active...And how can i put everything together translated into one file? Because if i was going to manually paste his translations to the new file and change the new lines as well, it would take a lot of time, but IF that's the only option i'm cool with that.



I'll try to generate you an updated template that includes Gemini's translated strings.

squeek. 02-21-2015 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 506409)
I'll try to generate you an updated template that includes Gemini's translated strings.

Here you go:

Any untranslated strings will be in English. The rest use Gemini's translations. The format/ordering exactly match the English language file.

Generated using this Lua script.

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