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Innoc 12-27-2012 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Raynian (Post 497604)
hahaha holy shit are you seriously saying I'm insulting when you're...well, you.

I mean all that ethos and pathos in that second to last argument you're so right I hate everybody and I'm a terrible human being :( :( :(

I have a number of friends with VERY liberal views but am able to carry on civil conversations with them regardless of how deeply held a view may be. While I suspect many things that contribute to the inability to carry on a conversation with you it doesn't matter. I'm done with you.

Raynian 12-28-2012 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Innoc (Post 497605)
oh no he disproved all my arguments again but because he called me a jerk I'm going to run with that and say that I won this argument :( shitty ad hominem saying that because he's mean he can't make a solid point :( :(

GenghisTron 12-29-2012 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by GeoKill-----> (Post 497444)
banning Assault weapons

Define an 'assault weapon', please.

GenghisTron 12-31-2012 07:29 AM

XPelargos 01-08-2013 03:23 PM

innoc, to say "Don't insult me" and then insult someone 4 words later just makes things worse and takes attention away from the matter at hand. Surely you've learned this during your stint here on this planet.

Innoc 01-08-2013 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by XPelargos (Post 497817)
innoc, to say "Don't insult me" and then insult someone 4 words later just makes things worse and takes attention away from the matter at hand. Surely you've learned this during your stint here on this planet.

No, what you're describing is another lesson of repaying others with the kindness they show you.

Raynian 01-09-2013 12:21 AM

More like you're copping out on the argument because I brought up valid points and called you out on it, with a bit of smack to complement it. Now you're trying to make me out to be an awfully bad meanie guy and basing your argument on that.

That's what's called an ad hominem.

XPelargos 01-11-2013 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Innoc (Post 497828)
No, what you're describing is another lesson of repaying others with the kindness they show you.

You're acting like you're taking the high road (That's MY Job. 4/20 for lyyyyfffeee) when really, you're bringing yourself down to their level.

You're better than this. Let your logic speak for itself. Let the haters hate, because hating back does not solve any problems.

Paft 01-12-2013 04:28 AM

Lost 01-12-2013 06:34 PM

Fucking seriously? So I guess next we'll we'll see an official document announcing "The State of Yeager cedes from the Union"?

So because I don't think every asshole in the country needs to be carrying 500 rounds of ammo and a high powered rifle, I'm the bad guy? Fuck that guy.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

That is patriotic. The act of defending the rights of others even if they don't see the same way as oneself stands miles above screaming rhetoric to raise the paranoid masses. I can't imagine James Yeager ever putting himself in that position.

He's going to start killing people, huh? Fuck. That. Guy.

Lost 01-12-2013 06:35 PM

Hah. Fuck that guy.

KubeDawg 01-12-2013 07:12 PM

yeah that guy is a wacko, and it still doesn't address an assault rifle ban in a proper way.

Here's a great speech regarding the ineffectiveness of gun laws:

More people die from knives, baseball bats or even hammers than from assault rifles each year. Should we ban those as well?:thumbsdown:

Paft 01-13-2013 02:12 AM

To me that speech is ridiculous. I was shocked when she said that.

This is a prime example why the rest of the world laugh at America and brand you as morons. (Not my words). "I need guns to protect myself from guns."

With the absence of that very gun (guns?) the tragedy of her mothers death and others would not have happened in the first place. You cannot have such things in society as they will always fall into the wrong hands. I don't care about statistics and facts, in the wrong hands they still kill the innocent far far greater than any knife or a bat etc would. That's the whole point. So don't give me that shit.

I'm a typical little English man so of course our views will differ greatly. I have grown up in a "world" without guns. I have never seen or held one other than BB & pellet guns.

What are you protecting yourself from exactly in this day and age? Potential on-threat of zombies? (To be fair...I'd be sucking your cock if that did happen :D ) Make some homemade weapons if you don't feel safe. Or do you often have the threat of nutters entering your property. Perhaps I need to live in certain states for a while?

I think you gun totin' folk have them as an extension to your penis and/or so your government doesn't rise against you or some bat crazy shit you think may happen.

I do agree that we have a right to protect our self, but not if that means innocent people will also die because of this right. You're basically turning a blind eye and saying "meh, shit happens."

I like this comment on YT


take the guns away, so the only people who have guns are officials, and criminals.

when a criminal is caught with a gun, large fines, and long prison terms, and a permanent marker on their record.

Guns don't kill people, idiots with guns kill people, take the gun away from them, and you're just left with a mouthy idiot.
Anyway, don't worry, things probably won't change for a long time. Not in your life time.

The 2nd Amendment is all very heroic and poetic but christ that was in 1791. Kinda laughable now. It is a very different world today.

edit2: I think I've got everything I need to say of my chest now. Also, I'm not hating on anyone here or America or yanks. I love Mc Donalds! Just kidding. FYI I have 2 yanks sleeping in the next room and my Uncle is American.

Paft 01-13-2013 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lost (Post 497872)

Hah. Fuck that guy.


edit: Interview


The 2nd amendment of the bill of rights
holyfingmoses — 1/11/13 11:33pm

was adopted in 1791. So...this guy and his like are basing the argument on a concept about our country that is 222 years old. Just thinking about it makes my powdered wig spin.


Edit: To be fair to the guy he fucked up in rage. He can't help but run his macho mouth off even after it. I doubt he was a threat anyway.

KubeDawg 01-13-2013 08:16 AM

Today is not so different from then. We still have a tyrannical government that continues to destroy our freedoms at every chance they get. The main problem is it is incremental, meaning the loss of freedom is often hidden away in hundred page bills that our elected officials rarely read and the losses are small enough for most people to not care that much about, but as they continue to build, the problem becomes more prevalent.
40,000 new laws in 2012... While I don't think we are near the brink of a civil war, I still do think the government is more than capable of leading us down the wrong path. But if that day were to ever come, I'd rather have a weapon to match my opponent than have something inferior.

Atreuce 01-14-2013 10:17 PM


Lost 01-15-2013 01:04 AM

I think we're enchanted by the possession of the guns themselves more than the actuality that they keep us free from tyranny.

That word is thrown around a lot these days. Tyranny. Yet a very, diminishing few alive today have an understanding of what tyranny is and what a true dictatorship can, and will, do to its population.

Let's start with everyone's favorite: Hitler. What did he do? Killed a fuckton of people. How? He was voted in, on the back of a very violent, and very effective political machine. Do we have that here? Yes, the extreme right that threaten violence at the very mention of someone passing laws to protect the rest of the country. A very small portion, and totally without leadership, thank whatever gods you believe.

Next favorite? Stalin. This guy was bad. With the exception of killing Jews, I think he was worse than Hitler, and with a far greater potential for being a fuckhead than Hitler ever could have. What did he do? He murdered millions of his own brave, ignorant kin. Why? Because he could, and because who was going to stop him?

Another modern dictator? Saddam. Did as bad as he could get away with. Raped, murdered, fucked up his own people. Why? Because he could.

And there are dozens more that we could throw into the pile, and that's just in our time (South America, Korea, Vietnam, Iran, everything in Africa, eastern Europe, that little place called China), but bringing out example after example does nothing but point out that we do not live in a dictatorship, or even the beginnings of one. Should we be ever vigilant? Fuck yes. Roosevelt, that man who without doubt helped keep Europe from getting skullfucked by everyone with an army, did everything he could get away with to limit our rights. Why? Because it made his job easier. He took away right to trial, he also made it perfectly legal for the government to take what was ours without recourse. They could spy on us, jail us, kill us, without reason. And we didn't have NEAR the amount of guns right now, but that wasn't a dictatorship, and not because every asshole had three AR-20fucks. That was what we let ourselves get into in the blind name of security.

Think of history, if you can remember. If you can't, either because you didn't give a fuck or were too stoned/drunk/high to remember, then get wiki on some shit. Dictatorships develop out of a void, often times due to severe economic hardships. When you're fucking starving, an asshole with a gun and a plan who's telling you how to live is better than a powerless government who probably got you into that spot in the first place. Hitler, Stalin, probably even Ghandi and Jesus, share that same quality. Right man, right time, and a country full of hungry, sad, sore people tired of working for nothing.

So, should we be worried about a man in an office who isn't even trying to pass laws to limit your guns (Congress does that, and we just let the same old fucksticks keep their jobs year after year) or the cold fact that we stand to spend ourselves into a pit so deep no one will be able to, or want to, bail us out of?

Innoc 01-16-2013 01:14 AM

Tyranny also happens on a smaller scale.

Battle of Athens

You also have other events that have been previously posted showing that when Gov't cannot respond the ability to use a firearm for self defense of yourself and others occurs.

1992 Riots and Korean-Americans

There's other events but I don't see any of this swaying any of those holding the opposing view.

I dislike analogies but compare this to drunk driving and the deaths that occur there. More people are killed by that combination in the US annually than by Firearms. So why not apply the same logic as is trying to be applied to firearms? After all its not the firearm committing the crime but the person holding/using it? More laws banning vehicles or alcohol?

No...that's stupid. Prosecute the hell out of offenders right? There are ways to counter the crazy but somehow creating law or measures that focus on the bad actors in this are never attractive to those who have some loathing for guns and those who enjoy and use them lawfully.

Fact is the Right to Own firearms is protected by the 2nd Amendment. That's a fact, not a wish. If you want it changed then do it the right way and work to amend the Constitution. Not by Executive Order, not by Judicial Activism and not by ridiculously restrictive controls and taxation.

Lost 01-18-2013 01:11 AM

That's the thing, no one's opinion will be swayed by anything we say here. But maybe something will set a spark inside another man's noggin that will encourage him to think more about what we have at hand.

And I totally agree with you, tighter restrictions, taxes, and shit like that will never fix the problem. Neither will harsher punishments, primarily because fucksticks that do mass killings commit suicide. It ain't rape if they're dead and you can't make em pay once they vent their own brain.

My opinion is that I'd rather no personal firearms be allowed in the US except shit like hunting rifles. I totally understand the appeal of possessing and playing with guns, especially those that have history. Let them be all over the place. The bigger the fucking better. You can't conceal a fucking .50 Barrett and walk into a mall.

But it's pretty goddamned obvious what we're doing today isn't working. At all. And all we get are bandaids placed gingerly over gaping wound.

Paft 01-18-2013 07:16 AM

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