Fortress Forever

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.50bmg 06-29-2008 10:12 PM

FYC is forming a Fortress Forever Intra-Guild League. This league: {FYC}^IGL will be an 5v5 CTF style league with friendly competition between balanced teams of {FYC} members. Teams will operate with players of mixed skill level containing up to but not exceeding three UGC clan member – or equivalent skill level players. The remainder of the team must be filled out with players of somewhat lower skill level, but who have the desire to improve and the willingness to follow orders in a league setting.

Once a team is approved by the {FYC}^gods, each team will chose it’s own name and have a section on the forums for its own private use. From there on, that team may schedule practices, scrims or any other event as it chooses.

If you are interested in joining the {FYC}^IGL, Please follow the directions below. If you are of UGC clan level skill, and wish to form a team, Please contact the forum webmaster(Little Dragon) with your team name and proposed roster. Remember: teams must contain no more than three (3) individuals of UGC clan level skill to maintain team balance.

If you have any questions, feel free to post your questions on the forum, or contact .50bmg directly via steam or at

Instructions for joining the {FYC}^IGL

Step 1: Become an {FYC} member: Request an invitation to {FYC} – any member can invite others, and league participation requires {FYC} membership.

Step 2: Register at the {FYC} Forum

Step 3: Find and read the rules of the league: This will ensure you know what is expected of you as well as make your future team captain’s job easier.

Step 4: If you have not already been drafted into an {FYC}^IGL team, then Please post your intentions in the {FYC}^IGL recruitment thread – All skill levels are Welcome, but Please join with the intention of working hard to improve yourself.

Step 5: While waiting for recruitment, read and post on the forums – league membership requires active forum participation as most league information including match dates and rules will be posted there.

Step 6: Team membership! Once on a team, pay attention to your captains. They hold the secrets to playing this game at a high level, and can teach you far more than you could ever learn on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and have fun!

Hoopajoo 06-30-2008 02:52 AM

How is calling yourself "gods" not elitist? ^IGL or ^stooges might be more appropriate. IGL is already a league btw... might have picked a diff acronym.

If me and Gator were on a team with 3 noobs would that be "even"? We are interested in training new people to the game.

You should set your forum template to fixed width btw. It looks disgusting on widescreen.

Gator- 06-30-2008 02:53 AM

Jesus :o!

You did mention a max of three UGC players. So here's my ideal roster:

Gator [UGC] + Hoop [UGC] + Cynical [UGC] + Achillies [currently training him] + darkstar [currently training him]

Credge 06-30-2008 02:58 AM

I have a feeling that you two are missing the point of this.

Agent Buckshot Moose 06-30-2008 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Credge
I have a feeling that you two are missing the point of this.

Gator- 06-30-2008 03:05 AM

Try to elaborate if you can.

Hoopajoo 06-30-2008 03:19 AM

I'm missing the point of Credge's haircut.

Credge 06-30-2008 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Gator-
Try to elaborate if you can.

Sure thing.


Originally Posted by .50bmg
Step 6: Team membership! Once on a team, pay attention to your captains. They hold the secrets to playing this game at a high level, and can teach you far more than you could ever learn on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and have fun!

The point of the league is to get those who aren't as good better, not by playing against better people but by playing with better people.

You don't learn much or get better when somebody is capping on you every 4 seconds or when you get constantly airshot and you have no idea what you are doing wrong.


Originally Posted by Hoopajoo
I'm missing the point of Credge's haircut.

And all the girls say he's pretty fly for a white guy.

Gator- 06-30-2008 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Credge
The point of the league is to get those who aren't as good better

Thanks, you made my point!


Originally Posted by Gator-
Achillies [currently training him] + darkstar [currently training him]

Hoopajoo 06-30-2008 03:48 AM

Me and gator are wanting to join and train 2 or 3 non league players to get better. We ourselves are good, yes, but we will be playing for the purpose of training new players.

We would split up me on O and gator on D for instance, and the trainees would be trying to stick to the defensive plan with guidance.

I would think me and Gator would be much more suited to training newbs than the majority of UGC players, most of which can't even bhop.

Am I missing something?

GeoKill-----> 06-30-2008 04:17 AM

Ya is gator noob friendly? :D

Gator- 06-30-2008 04:31 AM

Very, actually.

Ask Austin and Achillies :)

Credge 06-30-2008 04:54 AM

No offense, but both of those players don't need to be trained :|. Not at all.

Gator- 06-30-2008 04:57 AM

You've lost me now.

GeoKill-----> 06-30-2008 05:03 AM

Austin needs lots of help same with Achillies
Even my clan ran out out patience with Austin

Credge 06-30-2008 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Gator-
You've lost me now.


Originally Posted by Gator-
Achillies [currently training him] + darkstar [currently training him]
Neither of these guys need training. Specifically DS.

Gator- 06-30-2008 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Credge
Neither of these guys need training. Specifically DS.

oh really, I wasn't aware of that.

You're just a hater so I'll stop replying to you.

Hoopajoo 06-30-2008 05:19 AM

As geo just said, Austin definitely needs training. He walks in straight lines and cannot do anything.

Darkstar is capable of playing offense but not defense, and his offense is merely average. He has plenty of room for improvement.

Achilles is very new to the game and also walks in straight lines and cannot play soldier at all....

Credge are you merely trying to be a hater? Or are you THAT BAD at FF that you think thiose newbs don't need training? Did they own your ass?

Darkstar is not a league player nor amazingly good, so that would make our team: me, gator, 2 very new players, and a non league average player that needs to learn defense entirely. We legitimately want to participate in the coaching of new players.

I for one recently started which is a work in progress mind you, but it is merely one of the steps I am personally taking towards the bettering of the game and training of new players, so stfu please.

As for gator being newb friendly, he is making strides. I mean, c'mon, he plays in UGC.

Credge 06-30-2008 05:47 AM


You're right. I'm totally oblivious to player skill, especially those of players who I've been in two clans with. I'm just hatin' on you guys for some reason. Dunno what the reason could be though. There's no sarcasm. I honestly don't know why I would be 'hatin'.

Speaking of.


Originally Posted by Hoopajoo
Credge are you merely trying to be a hater? Or are you THAT BAD at FF that you think thiose newbs don't need training? Did they own your ass?

Hypocrite. Get a grip.

Edit: Just some FYI, you guys are one of the bigger reasons why FF league play has died down and turned into some gay hybrid of itself.

KubeDawg 06-30-2008 07:50 AM

TBH, they're just jealous that they won't likely to be able to start up a clan in the FYC league.

Back to topic, the point they are missing is calling ourselves ^gods isn't elitist in the bit, in fact, it's opposite of that. Now worship me or I shall strike thee down. See what I mean? Everyone else gets it but you two. It's like an inside joke that's common knowledge...

Back to real topic, FYC league is getting those who are currently not in a league, or who've leagued before, and simply aren't that great and want to learn more, or just pubbers who've never really put any thought into playing in a league before. We don't pretend to know what people want, but this is an option we want to give the entire FF community to be a part of something additionally, other than pubbing at their current skill level.

The idea is this. 1 or 2 league level players(thats right, I said 'league level', meaning they could just be phenomenal, but never played in a league), and the rest would be regular pubbers(read the paragraph before this)...

How would this work? How could we judge a person's individual skill level to sort of balance this out, so that most of the clans in the FYC league would be overall similar skill level? Well, we have a system in place that would essentially provide us with the info we need to know about that player, such as literally watching and seeing how they play, asking key questions, such as have they played in a clan/league before, and ask more detailed questions such as having the ability to conc, or air strafe, or concaim etc. If they answer yes to most of these things, and we see their skill being sufficient to be exceptional, then they can generally become a clan leader so they can teach others how to play.

Once we've determined the skill level of a certain player, we then allow the player to take a look at the type of clan they'd like to be in, as well as have the clan keep an eye out for the type of recruit they want, and allow both the clan and the player come to a joint decision so we can find the best fit for the player/clan.

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