Fortress Forever

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JackBauer 12-27-2015 02:39 PM

Does anyone still play any pc games?
if so, what are you currently into?

my time is very limited so I play cs.go every now and then. due the star wars hype I got myself and its fun for 30-60 mins.

Ash_Marks 12-28-2015 08:56 PM

I've been playing Rampage Knights and Of Guards And Thieves lately. RK is really fun with another person, and Of Guards And Thieves is super fun with a bunch of friends.

empepelado 12-29-2015 07:50 AM

Of course I do, long time ago I used to do when I had more time for myself. Sometimes I wish those years come back. :-P

Star wars games are the best for me.

Iggy 12-30-2015 04:40 PM

TFC, mostly. I bought Q*Bert Rebooted for the Steam Sale.... well worth it, IMHO. That's a nice little time waster. Peggle, Zuma, and I still play HL1/2/etc...

AfterShock 12-31-2015 04:32 PM

mostly blizzard games these days!

Heroes of the Storm
(overwatch soon)

My bro's play a lot of diablo 3 too.

I also dabble in survival / roguelike indie games on steam.

JackBauer 01-02-2016 06:14 PM

TFC still going strong then? :)

Iggy 01-04-2016 02:48 PM

There are a few populated servers left out there. I know Drippy-'s catches some shit for the "anti-bhop" plugin he's got, but you can't argue with the fact that the server is full(26/26) pretty much every evening. Most of the other servers have at least a few bots in them... but bots get boring after a while.

I should also mention that I bought through Origin, the 17 game collection of Command and Conquer. It didn't go on sale during the holidays, but for $20, it's still a deal for that many games(every variation of every C&C game(except the N64 exclusive missions), plus the soundtrack in MP3 format).

If I have one issue with it, it's that you can't play internet games with C&C and Tiberian Sun. But, all of the missions are there, and it plays very well on my Win7 64-bit machine.

Lost 01-07-2016 03:08 AM

Anyone try the Xcom games? I've seen it, it caught my interest, just dunno if I wanna get it when it's on sale.

JackBauer 01-09-2016 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 509731)
There are a few populated servers left out there. I know Drippy-'s catches some shit for the "anti-bhop" plugin he's got, but you can't argue with the fact that the server is full(26/26) pretty much every evening. Most of the other servers have at least a few bots in them... but bots get boring after a while.

Just been playing on some US servers and they were full. Had some great fun despite of my ping though. :mrgreen:

Iggy 01-09-2016 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by JackBauer (Post 509739)
Just been playing on some US servers and they were full. Had some great fun despite of my ping though. :mrgreen:

Yeah, there's a few that get people on them during certain times of the day. So there's almost always a game going on. There's a few non-2fort servers I'll play on, but Drippy-'s is still my main-stay. Good community, most of the players aren't asshats of one form or another, and most are willing to help new people out to learn how to play.

FDA_Approved 01-10-2016 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 509740)
and most are willing to help new people out to learn how to play.

Learn how to play no-bhop 2fort. They may not be asshats but they certainly are blasphemers. Basically playing a shittier version of tf2 at that point.

Iggy 01-11-2016 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by FDA_Approved (Post 509741)
Learn how to play no-bhop 2fort. They may not be asshats but they certainly are blasphemers. Basically playing a shittier version of tf2 at that point.

Let's be honest here.... who, when they first bought HL/TFC, got "instaskills" in the first 5 minutes?

Answer: NOBODY.

TFC has a pretty heavy learning curve. You're going to get your ass handed to you, even on a more noob friendly server. As least you won't see HW's moving faster than a Scout can run, and thinking "well, this game is WAAAY too hard." and stop playing. Once you've gotten decent without it, THEN it's time to move on and learn the more advanced stuff.

Also, Drippy- didn't completely lock it out.... it's capped. What was the name of that one server....... Geezers and Broads, or something like that? They banned people for rocket/conc/nade/pipe jumping with the flag! Literally BANNED you for doing what's considered "basic" movement. You got ONE warning.... and perm'd if you did it again.

Many of the new players are coming in from TF2. A game that has one of(in my opinion) the slowest paces of any FPS out there. To them, even on Drippy-'s, it's very fast paced mayhem.

I'm not saying I teach scheduled classes or anything, but I talk to the new players, tell them it's a difficult game to learn, and try to guide them to stick with it and learn it. I do offer to go into an empty server and teach them some stuff. I'm not the best player ever, but they can learn some basic stuff, which makes them want to learn more. Once they've got that mentality, the sky is the limit.

Oh, and yes, I do tell them about Fortress Forever. I let them know that FF is even faster paced than TFC, and to walk before they run.

homie in reboks' 01-11-2016 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 509742)
Oh, and yes, I do tell them about Fortress Forever. I let them know that FF is even faster paced than TFC, and to walk before they run.

FF is only faster paced because TFC punishes players harder for making movement mistakes. I'm pretty sure they're both relatively equal in terms of pace. TFC has the higher learning curve because it's harder to keep your speed consistent, no hit detection, demo pipes are made of rubber, etc... . FF made a lot of quality of life changes that diminished these issues.

FDA_Approved 01-11-2016 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 509742)

Many of the new players are coming in from TF2. A game that has one of(in my opinion) the slowest paces of any FPS out there. To them, even on Drippy-'s, it's very fast paced mayhem.

Honestly the only speed tfc has to offer over tf2 in a nobhop server is concing, and that's a moot point when it comes to 2fort.

Also I think a lot of older gamers are super delusional and jaded about the learning curve of arena shooters. It looks a lot steeper than it actually is just because very few players come into the genre, and most of the ones who do are pretty young and impressionable guys, who are either looking for their hipster gaming fix, or just saw their first avi and thinks it's the coolest thing they've ever seen. The type of person who has little to no gaming experience, much less a grasp on the concept of "skilled gaming".

NeonLight 01-11-2016 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by homie in reboks' (Post 509743)
FF is only faster paced because TFC punishes players harder for making movement mistakes. I'm pretty sure they're both relatively equal in terms of pace. TFC has the higher learning curve because it's harder to keep your speed consistent, no hit detection, demo pipes are made of rubber, etc... . FF made a lot of quality of life changes that diminished these issues.

FF has faster air movement, TFC has faster ground movement

Iggy 01-11-2016 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by FDA_Approved (Post 509744)
Honestly the only speed tfc has to offer over tf2 in a nobhop server is concing, and that's a moot point when it comes to 2fort.

Also I think a lot of older gamers are super delusional and jaded about the learning curve of arena shooters. It looks a lot steeper than it actually is just because very few players come into the genre, and most of the ones who do are pretty young and impressionable guys, who are either looking for their hipster gaming fix, or just saw their first avi and thinks it's the coolest thing they've ever seen. The type of person who has little to no gaming experience, much less a grasp on the concept of "skilled gaming".

Maybe so, but it doesn't hurt to try and help them along. The ones that stick with it tend to become "team players", and good additions to the community. Of course, there are always going to be the ones that think "damn, this game is nuts!" and leave never to return.

FDA_Approved 01-12-2016 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Iggy (Post 509747)
Maybe so, but it doesn't hurt to try and help them along.

I wasn't at all suggesting that you shouldn't, or that it wasn't worth it. Quite the opposite in my opinion.

Just saying it gives the wrong idea of how steep the learning curve actually is.

Iggy 01-12-2016 07:37 PM

I guess the curve has something to do with the individual player. Those who have played FPS games before know a little something, whereas "casual" gamers who haven't, are in for a shock.

Still, I do enjoy helping out the new people. I'll admit that my passion for TFC and FF is pretty high, even though I'm not the most skilled player ever.

Everything 01-30-2016 03:48 PM

The games I play now is pretty much a few MMORPGs, a few smaller RPGs, an ancient mod for an ancient GTA game, and a few misc games, sometimes *cough* downloaded to see how good they are, if you know what I mean.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and Guild Wars 2 - GW2 is fucking amazing.. and fucking HUGE. Too bad I ran into a small account problem I need to fix.. waiting on support. I tried out FF XIV because I was looking for a good mmorpg to play, came with a free month so I'll get enough out of that.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, console RPG with interesting mechanics that borrow from other games such as Shadow of the Colossis, Monster Hunter etc that got a PC port.

Path of Exile, dark gritty Diablo style RPG that a lot of the veteran Diablo 2 players wanted instead of Diablo 3 or some shit like that. Pretty good for free to play.

San Andreas Multiplayer, MP mod for GTA:SA, been with that for about a
good 5 years, playing on a specific server etc.

I'm pretty much done with TFC and or other 'fortress' games, was good while it lasted. First person shooters don't have much appeal to me anymore.


Originally Posted by Lost
Anyone try the Xcom games? I've seen it, it caught my interest, just dunno if I wanna get it when it's on sale.

Now XCOM and Hard West on the other hand, these turn-based strategy easy-to-die shooters where you manage several units.. dunno what you call them, they seem interesting.. I am looking forward to XCOM's sequel after playing the first for a bit.

KubeDawg 01-30-2016 06:35 PM

Rust is pretty fun/terrifying/allows for fight or flight scenarios which will happen a lot. It's probably the most complete non-zombie survival fps game I've played and is only getting better over time. I think it's $20 for early access as it is still in alpha on Steam, but the most recent update has fixed the majority of lag problems. I have a nice PC, but it's far from the best out there and I am still able to run Rust on the highest graphics settings @ ~40fps.

I wasn't sure if I'd like the post apocalyptic aspect to it but it feels like an island where the government has marooned a bunch of savage people, wiped their memories and you have to claw your way to the top of the food chain by gathering resources, crafting tools/supplies and building up your own base or raiding others, starting by waking up naked with only a rock and a torch. There's big rad towns which house a number of items you can unlock with their blueprints and the dev team is currently working on somewhat of an RPG aspect by adding a leveling tree to the things you can unlock.

Words I can say cannot begin to describe how fun and addictive this game is and I wholeheartedly recommend it. 8/10.

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