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homie in reboks' 05-05-2015 02:04 AM

FF League - Preseason : WEEK 1
We made it fam. Feel free to trash talk here, but keep it friendly. Everyone is welcome to post predictions. Also, if there is space open in the server spectators are allowed as long as they know the password. Teams are not allowed to refuse spectators, but spectator chat should be turned off during matches.

Here's the matches coming up for week 1 of preseason. Week one starts May 11th and ends May 17th. Teams have the entire week to play their match and send me the results. Both captains need to send me the same results or else I'll be mad. (Preseason games will help determine which teams make it to Platinum division and Silver division).


^HeLL (130) vs 2 Gud (90)

givashit. (130) vs Wizard High Council (90)

inhouse (190) vs BIG (30)

Blunt Force Trauma (40) vs Saints (130)

The Club (0) vs DET- (0)


Information for servers and voice programs can all be found on the lower tabs on the google document:

If you have any questions feel free to contact me or any of the other admins: FDA, `BuNNy, Voss, or David-

NeonLight 05-05-2015 02:05 AM

ur all dumb and going to lose. winhouse dabes

homie in reboks' 05-05-2015 02:07 AM

more like outhouse amirite

Dr.Satan 05-05-2015 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by <+DrSatan>
NeoNL smells like TFC O_o

VinnytheBoss 05-05-2015 02:13 AM


AirTrek 05-05-2015 12:05 PM

lol Wizard High Council :lol: nice name.

The Club, bitches. Come to our treehouse and get kicked out because you're all no good bloody noob suckaz.

Dr.Satan 05-05-2015 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by AirTrek (Post 508716)
The Club bitches.

traxamillion 05-05-2015 05:29 PM

hell vs 2gud - hell
givashit vs whc - givashit
inhouse vs big - inhouse
bft vs saints - bft

*match of the week*
the club vs. det - Moyannoying caps in last minute to win by 1 cap.

FF_critic 05-06-2015 02:29 AM

The start of a league in FF is always exciting; the players and the clans they make have traditionally been value-based and open to new people and new ideas. The latest being the no newb left behind policy where the best teams sought after new recruits to mentor.

One such clan to lead by example is inhouse. I think this will be one of the most exciting matches in the preseason against team BIG. When I talk about values it's embodied in its leader who came all the way from latvia to train some of the recruits new to FF he discovered through his talent network. It is commendable that to them, winning isn't a part of their strategy, they are more concerned with learning how to play the game.

Their opponent, the pious clan BIG has been known a long time for its missionary work. The leader OJ had a self-realization crisis in 1994 when his favorite actor and sports hero O. J. Simpson was indicted. This lead him to become a born again Christian adopting the name BIG, Born In Galilee, to remind him of his redemption from sin, and to atone for the crimes of his namesake.

I am eager to watch clan ^HeLL compete in this league again. It is always a highlighting event to see them perform, especially after proving to their school previously that they could win. Once again in revolt against their high school teachers who wouldn't allow them to use the word "H. E. double hockeystick" they will attempt to put it in their face that they are mature enough to use vulgar language and will have a chance to prove it again.

Their preseason face-off was chosen to be clan 2 Gud purposely as both struggle internally in a battle of semantics. 2 Gud has yet to master spelling including its members' names. Their cohesion through nature and their animal spirits however make them a formidable team.

Team givashit. had a tumultuous struggle in coming to decide on a name between its members. Each wanted its differing and favorite pokemon. After one member became so determined about his choice he hacked the database manually changing it to jigglypuff. The admins revoked any naming privileges from the members themselves after that point and in protest the team settled on what they thought of the matter.

We do not know much yet about the dark horses of this season except for the Saints. Known for their holy separation from human wants and desires they save the souls of strangers outside of the game using their clipboards and sharp dress code. Stumbling onto the game by accident they signed up believing the forum stood for family fundraiser.

homie in reboks' 05-06-2015 02:34 AM

Fucking incredible previews by the FF_critic

Oreoman 05-07-2015 05:03 AM

i lol'd

AirTrek 05-07-2015 03:41 PM


Examine the Flag

eomoyaff 05-10-2015 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by traxamillion (Post 508719)
hell vs 2gud - hell
givashit vs whc - givashit
inhouse vs big - inhouse
bft vs saints - bft

*match of the week*
the club vs. det - Moyannoying caps in last minute to win by 1 cap.


Honestly, I'm just looking forward to facing off against David. He's been an awesome guy, and a good teammate in pickups. Looking forward to such a rivalry \o

Also what map? o_O :headcrush:

KubeDawg 05-10-2015 08:42 PM


eomoyaff 05-10-2015 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by KubeDawg (Post 508757)

not the new phantom? Why is that?

FDA_Approved 05-10-2015 10:40 PM

Because the old one is structurally better.

Hampster 05-11-2015 02:45 AM

Are "inactive" teams going to have a chance to play in the preseason?

Ruta 05-11-2015 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Hampster (Post 508761)
Are "inactive" teams going to have a chance to play in the preseason?

I don't think so, though they should be scheduled for matches when the season starts. I'm sure you could scrim the other inactive teams in the mean time if they have a server

NeonLight 05-11-2015 04:08 AM

Yeah I'm not really sure what homie wants from inactive teams. I highly recommend scrimming other teams tho. If you want pm me the results too and that will help with placement post preseason

eomoyaff 05-11-2015 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by FDA_Approved (Post 508760)
Because the old one is structurally better.

Sorry, I know I should probably care less -- Just we actually have a polished version that feels just like the other one. Only with a fixed and better manageable button. I've not had any frame drops or issues. Call me confused at "structurally better." :oops:

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