Fortress Forever

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AfterShock 06-05-2016 07:48 PM

Fortress Forever v2.6 Released (June 2016)
Fortress Forever v2.6 Release 5th June 2016

New scout movement weapon: The JumpGun

  • When fully charged it can be fired to produce an upwards thrust like a mid-air powerful jump
  • Whilst the weapon is out, it'll charge up; switching weapons loses charge
  • We don't have a weapons modeller at the moment, so it's using the railgun model for now. If you'd like to model us a new gun, please get in touch!
Dispenser changes:
  • Wrenching a dispenser now recharges 5 cells per whack; you can no longer insert your own ammo with your wrench
  • Dispensers are now cheaper, down from 100 cells to 30 cells
  • Dispensers have less maximum capacity, down from: 400 to 100 cells; 500 to 100 nails; 400 to 100 shells, 250 to 50 rockets, 500 to 100 armor. NOTE: It's explosion size is based on what percentage full it is, not the total ammo number. This means the explosion size has not changed, but it reaches full detonation size quicker.
  • Dispenser health reduced from 150 to 75
  • Dispensers no longer eat backpacks when they are full

Ragdoll and gib changes
  • Ragdolls are no longer affected by concussion grenades
  • Ragdolls are pushed less by explosions
  • Ragdolls last for 5 seconds, down from 15
  • Gibs are now more frequent from deaths with explosions (>30 dmg overkill rather than >50)
  • Dropped player weapons are now tied to cl_gib_lifetime

  • Railgun now glows more dramatically when it's fully charged

AfterShock 06-05-2016 09:16 PM

First bug -> RPG, AC and Tranq custom xhairs have been shifted down a slot due to the jumpgun.

9u-9u-9u 06-05-2016 09:24 PM

i have been looking forward to the jump gun this is exciting

how do i spawn with it

cl_spawnweapon_scout "jumpgun" ?

doublahroublah 06-05-2016 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by 9u-9u-9u (Post 510355)
i have been looking forward to the jump gun this is exciting

how do i spawn with it

cl_spawnweapon_scout "jumpgun" ?

Pretty sure cl_spawnweapon_* is still very broken so who the fuck cares.

Edit: Nevermind i'm retarded:


Originally Posted by AfterShock (Post 510352)

Fat-Suzy 06-06-2016 04:07 AM

someone needs to make a badass pogo stick model for this.

tfcwings 06-06-2016 06:06 AM

I'd like to know, why the dispenser nerf? :( I liked using it to build an SG to level 3 quickly once the dispenser was full. How do I quickly upgrade an SG with the updated dispenser when there are no ammo packs nearby?

AfterShock 06-06-2016 09:43 PM

Client only bugfix patch now live:
  • Fixed custom crosshairs for RPG, AC and Tranq

9u-9u-9u 06-06-2016 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by tfcwings (Post 510362)
I'd like to know, why the dispenser nerf? :( I liked using it to build an SG to level 3 quickly once the dispenser was full. How do I quickly upgrade an SG with the updated dispenser when there are no ammo packs nearby?

the new dispenser seems to bleed bags once it's full. i'm not sure if this is supposed to happen

KubeDawg 06-06-2016 10:24 PM


good update. jump gun is weird.

trepid_jon 06-07-2016 05:25 AM

Nice, gotta check it out. Plus the quick hotfix, Steam is the shit.

tfcwings 06-08-2016 07:43 AM

The jump gun is interesting for starters, but ... how do I do this with it? :D

squeek. 06-09-2016 09:03 PM

Pushed a tiny client-only patch yesterday that fixes some missing models in Hammer when using the setup outlined in the maps repository.

homie in reboks' 06-10-2016 04:07 PM

Is the jumpgun just a double jump that works around the auto-bhop?

FDA_Approved 06-11-2016 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by homie in reboks' (Post 510412)
Is the jumpgun just a double jump that works around the auto-bhop?

Basically. It needs to recharge, so you can't spam it. And it has a speed cap so you can't use it to super conc, and using it mid conc will lose a lot of speed.

tfcwings 06-11-2016 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by FDA_Approved (Post 510413)
Basically. It needs to recharge, so you can't spam it. And it has a speed cap so you can't use it to super conc, and using it mid conc will lose a lot of speed.

I find it's useful in cases where you're bunnyhopping and your jump timing isn't quite right for a proper conc. Just keep bhopping while primed, then right before the conc goes off, fire. (You may need to vary the timing a little.)

Sometimes I like using it AFTER I conc, though. :) For example, one time I was on destroy, and I conced from one base's front door, up and fell through the opening in the roof in the other base. (I didn't have the flag at the time, I think I was just practicing moves.) Using the jump gun enabled me to land on the cap point.

I'd *really* like to see the jump gun and jump pad be tweaked so they're like the mancannon in the video I posted the other day a few posts back in this thread, from squeek's youtube channel. :)

FDA_Approved 06-11-2016 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by tfcwings (Post 510414)
Just keep bhopping while primed, then right before the conc goes off, fire.

The speed you get off of doing that is significantly less than a regular conc. And unless you're just concing through yard you're probably not getting the trajectory you want off that.

oTTo 06-11-2016 11:38 PM

Good job guys. Great stuff with new ideas. You are keeping alive game. I miss old times.

dmc | oTTo

tfcwings 06-12-2016 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by FDA_Approved (Post 510423)
The speed you get off of doing that is significantly less than a regular conc. And unless you're just concing through yard you're probably not getting the trajectory you want off that.

Yeah, true. I need to practice more on my timing of when to prime while I'm bunnyhopping. I think the conc + jump pad caps at 1024, right? With a conc alone I've been able to go significantly above that as these video clips on ff_shutdown2 should show. :) (A couple times, I made it from my door to the roof above the enemy battlements. I did miss a few times though.)

FDA_Approved 06-12-2016 07:38 AM

I could be a nerd and spoil it all for you in numbers. If this spoils your sense of self made discovery I apologize.

The jump gun plus conc seems to give you around, a little above, 1200 ups. A good conc without the jump gun gives you around 1600-1632 something around there. (side note, for the extra crafty, you can down trimp conc off of sloped surfaces and get around 1900+)

Also tbh I don't make any effort to time my bhops into concs. It's probably the best way to do it, just so that you stay moving and unpredictable. But the difference in speed between a bhop conc, and a really good circle jump from a stand still, is probably no more than 30 ups. 30 ups when we're dealing with numbers in the thousands. And that's if you hit it with perfect timing, because your speed will be fluctuating due to how the speed caps work. Imo, that makes a standing conc infinitely more consistent and versatile. And it's not like you have to be standing around for ever, just take a second to pause and do your circle jump.

Still though, timing your bhops into concs is a very valuable skill. It can come into play in some very clutch situations.

Actually, going back to down trimp concs, that might be where you'd see a bigger speed differential between bhop concs and stand still concs. Because I'd imagine that down trimping after being at full bhop, would give you more speed than just a good circle jump down trimp. And that should then in theory give more speed to the conc. I'm not sure though, with the new bhop caps and all, how they work with down trimps.

Iggy 06-13-2016 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Fat-Suzy (Post 510361)
someone needs to make a badass pogo stick model for this.

This! Fucking this brilliant piece of thinking!!

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