Fortress Forever

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o_osiris 03-19-2005 01:26 AM

UPDATED: Finally got a few pictures for you guys check them out on my post on page 3

Im making this thread so that if you have any comments or questions about the remake of this map they can be asked here. Does anyone have any requests they'd like to make about changes to any parts of the map? (sniper dens, a ladder here, a ladder there, etc.)

o_sobe green 03-19-2005 02:14 AM

I'd like to see just about every part of the map opened up a bit. Right now Point 2 and Point 4 turn into spam fests on pubs especially larger ones. I'd like to see Point 1 and 5 be the major choke point. But alot of people probably won't agree with me.

The main problem is getting to the last command point isn't that hard. But getting the point before the last is usually where most of the battle takes place.

o_elvis2049 03-19-2005 08:58 AM

maby making 2 entrans @ 4 (more like currently is on 2)
couse its almost inpossible getting throu 4 with all that spam.

ps is anyone making the map osaka??
couse that map is realy good :D

o_sobe green 03-19-2005 10:59 AM

Wasn't that map made by one of the [WTF] guys? *scratches head*

o_elvis2049 03-19-2005 01:35 PM

dno :D

o_elvis2049 03-19-2005 04:17 PM

lol @ mister kiddo
LMAO thats how you handle baby's ;)
gj amdins

o_so?e 03-19-2005 05:08 PM

I love warpath. It has always been my favorite map and i played it alot.

My piece of advice:

- Keep the dens on 3 exactly as they are now.


I'd like to see just about every part of the map opened up a bit. Right now Point 2 and Point 4 turn into spam fests on pubs especially larger ones. I'd like to see Point 1 and 5 be the major choke point. But alot of people probably won't agree with me.

The main problem is getting to the last command point isn't that hard. But getting the point before the last is usually where most of the battle takes place.
- To get rid of this valid point i suggest to place the initial respawns A closer to the caption points 1/5. The way they are now it takes too long to get into your own base when battlement is right there. Suggestion: Respawn right behind the gate (see the picture, A).
- In this situation, when lets say red is holding 2 its actual respawn (C) is too far away as well: Better would be D. When holding 3, teams should reaspawn at C instead.
This would also solve the problem of the concentrated battle on caps 2 and 4 and bring the fight more to the end points. See the picture i added (numbers=caps, letters=respawn rooms).

As you know, opposing respawns are:

Different point: Ladders up to the roofs of caption points 2/4 would be fun.

edit: I hope I made it more clear now

o_alligator 03-19-2005 05:42 PM
Please Enjoy!

o_etzell 03-19-2005 05:49 PM

Question: If red is spawning in Blue's respawn 4, that means that there are no turrets in that respawn, right? If so, that leads to bad times for pubs.

o_so?e 03-19-2005 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Etzell
Question: If red is spawning in Blue's respawn 4, that means that there are no turrets in that respawn, right? If so, that leads to bad times for pubs.


Yes there are turrets. Or can be added easily.

o_so?e 03-19-2005 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Alligator
Please Enjoy!

Awesome! Is this related to Osiris work?

o_sobe green 03-19-2005 06:30 PM

No I think thats another remake. Nice name btw.

o_etzell 03-19-2005 06:32 PM

If red is in blue's respawn, because red has command of Cp4, doesn't that mean that the turrets would go off and shoot red to hell as soon as they spawn? Since it IS the blue respawn.

o_so?e 03-19-2005 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Etzell
If red is in blue's respawn, because red has command of Cp4, doesn't that mean that the turrets would go off and shoot red to hell as soon as they spawn? Since it IS the blue respawn.

Err, no. You would change the turrets settings of course! :roll:
Red doesnt use a same respawn room as blue.

o_etzell 03-19-2005 08:16 PM

Oh, I see. My bad.

o_alligator 03-19-2005 08:59 PM

if you guys want to play Warpath (source...will run in HL2 only) post here and ill give you guys a link =0

o_osiris 03-20-2005 04:30 AM

I wouldnt mind seeing this map :)

o_valk 03-20-2005 04:30 AM

get some rain happenin in the middle area - give it some atmosphere, a battleground but without the tanks etc, tfc style. change the walls in front of the spanws in the middle to sandbags, give some grass like on sd2 by kermit ~

atmopshere of a continuous struggle in the middle plz~

o_osiris 03-20-2005 04:31 AM

I was thinking of changing the maps theme a wee bit (and by wee, I mean alot) but I was undecided... now that I think about it, I might just add a poll to this


Originally Posted by Alligator
Please Enjoy!

Just watched that, pretty wicked remake if you ask me. Not to mention that video was pretty freakin funny :lol:

o_valk 03-20-2005 04:44 AM

yeah when i say rainy i dont mean to follow the doom3 / ETF style and go dark as well
something along the lines of this;

an overcast day - bit of rain, but only in the middle
dont go nighttime, thats a massive cahnge from original warpath and imo, wont be as good >_>

that kinda thing again ~

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