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squeek. 06-09-2012 06:31 AM

Engi Tricks on Monkey
Found these in the past few days.

WiFiDi 06-09-2012 09:18 AM

next time fov change 90 or something more normal. other than that... :mrgreen::thumbsup:

CaptainAhab 06-09-2012 05:09 PM

Hey, awesome!

Thanks for posting. And aye, what FOV are you using? :shock:

FDA_Approved 06-09-2012 05:46 PM

Fov looks normal to me. It's his viewmodels he's got cranked up like a pro tfc avi maker.

moosh 06-09-2012 06:25 PM

what on earth are you trimping off?

FDA_Approved 06-09-2012 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by moosh (Post 493943)
what on earth are you trimping off?

Double jump*

It's activated when the jump off the ramp to the FR ground is within a certain time frame. Time is the only requisit for a double jump, not geometry or speed.

squeek. 06-09-2012 08:17 PM

I use 120 default_fov and 120 viewmodel_fov. No real reason I have high viewmodel_fov, I just got used to it and don't think about it anymore.

And, yeah, the double jump is possible by downtrimping off the ramp in order to decrease the time between jumps so that you double jump off the ground. As FDA said, double jumps are triggered by time between jumps and nothing else.

moosh 06-10-2012 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by FDA_Approved (Post 493944)
Double jump*

Trimp sounds better in my opinion. Besides, what's the difference? Hitting a ramp from an explosion is called trimping? Well why not just call regular djumping trimping and call former trimp a trimp conc or explosion trimp?


Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 493945)
And, yeah, the double jump is possible by downtrimping off the ramp in order to decrease the time between jumps so that you double jump off the ground. As FDA said, double jumps are triggered by time between jumps and nothing else.

Sounds like one of my japanese animes! Cool, I didn't know that. I always thought you had to trimp >:[ off a sloped surface, but come to think of it, you can trimp off a lot of props that aren't sloped.

By the way, the faster you're going, the less time between jumps, the more vertical height you get after a trimp >:[ no? If not, what factors in the vertical height gained? Is there a maximum height you can get off a trimp >:[?

Trimping >:[ is confusing. :)

FDA_Approved 06-10-2012 07:56 AM

I believe trimping only occurs on sloped surfaces (don't quote me) and is speed dependant.

Where as double jumps can happen on any surface and depends on the time between two jumps. If the time is short enough then the second jump is magnified.

I think a lot of confusion comes from the fact that slopes are about the second easiest place for double jumps to occur. That's because when your bhoping up a ramp you have a lot of jumps that happen in rapid succession.

moosh 06-10-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 491471)
Good stuff. Been doing that schtop jump to button for ages.

To nitpick, that's technically called double jumping. Trimping (in FF) is specific to jumping while rampsliding. Double jumping, however, is not speed-dependent and is triggered by two jumps within a set period of time (hence why jumping, hitting your head on something, and then jumping again will trigger a double jump).

Found this in an another thread. IMO somebody make a sticky that distinguishes trimping from double jumping so people like me actually understand what the fuck is going on with all this trimpdjumpdoubletrimpconcbhophophophiphop thingamagig.

squeek. 06-10-2012 08:18 AM

They are two distinct movement techniques.

Trimping is done by jumping off of an adequately sloped surface (relative to your movement direction) while going over 550 speed. It was intended to essentially only be triggered by hitting jump while rampsliding. When you trimp, your horizontal movement speed is multiplied by 0.714285 repeating (1.0 / 1.4). Your vertical speed is set to (-flDotProduct * flHorizontalSpeed * 1.4), where flDotProduct is DotProduct(vecVelocity, pm.plane.normal). The vertical speed you can achieve from a trimp is capped at 5000.

Double jumping is done by a second jump within 0.5 seconds after the first. Nothing about the ground surface angle matters. Horizontal speed is unaffected. Your vertical speed is set to 190 no matter what.

Supertrimping is done by a bug in the code that allows a trimp and a double jump to be triggered at the same time (the 190 speed from the double jump is added to the trimp's calculated vertical speed). We could fix it, but I think it's better to leave it as is for now because of zE's trimp maps.

EDIT: It gets even more confusing because afaik in QWTF, trimping referred to what double jumping is in FF.

moosh 06-10-2012 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 493967)
They are two distinct movement techniques.

Trimping is done by jumping off of an adequately sloped surface (relative to your movement direction) while going over 550 speed. It was intended to essentially only be triggered by hitting jump while rampsliding. When you trimp, your horizontal movement speed is multiplied by 0.714285 repeating (1.0 / 1.4). Your vertical speed is set to (-flDotProduct * flHorizontalSpeed * 1.4), where flDotProduct is DotProduct(vecVelocity, pm.plane.normal). The vertical speed you can achieve from a trimp is capped at 5000.

Double jumping is done by a second jump within 0.5 seconds after the first. Nothing about the ground surface angle matters. Horizontal speed is unaffected. Your vertical speed is set to 190 no matter what.

Supertrimping is done by a bug in the code that allows a trimp and a double jump to be triggered at the same time (the 190 speed from the double jump is added to the trimp's calculated vertical speed). We could fix it, but I think it's better to leave it as is for now because of zE's trimp maps.

EDIT: It gets even more confusing because afaik in QWTF, trimping referred to what double jumping is in FF.

Squeek saves the day once again. I didn't learn shit this complicated in physics class. Very interesting info. :thumbsup: FF is srs biznus.

Raynian 06-10-2012 08:45 AM

squeek. 06-10-2012 08:53 AM

Blame the original FF devs. For once I'm innocent.

Crazycarl 06-10-2012 06:35 PM

Look at that guy's face. Guilty as sin. Why else would he wear a mask?

squeek. 06-10-2012 10:02 PM

Crazycarl 06-11-2012 05:19 AM

Oh. Oh, I see. o_o

XPelargos 06-15-2012 08:11 PM

Great thread or greatest thread? Even includes a self-avatar-quote from the legendary squeek.

FDA_Approved 06-20-2012 01:05 AM

Why don't we call FF double jumps trimps. And FF trimps, ramp jumps or some shit like that. Or speed jumps, or speedy-rampy-jumps, speed dependent ramp slide jumps, or slide jumps, or jump slides, chutes and ladders (wat).

Elmo 06-22-2012 11:37 AM

Double jump you jump twice within a time period.

Trimping you jump once if you're on a ramp and you're going fast enough.


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