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o_oinker 05-03-2006 07:46 AM

Quake 4 Fortress.
I don't think this has been posted here. I searched various versions of stuff before I posted (such as: q4f, qauke 4 fortress, quake 4, quake fortress, and do on) and didn't fin anything so here it is it hink this is rather neat.

Quake 4 Fortress, I never really liked ETF is seemed like a step backward like it released to late and the graphics weren't up to par with how games are released nowadays. never the less graphics aren't everything and I would prolly be playing ETF if there was actually a large comminity still. However quake 4 fortress catches my eye for graphics but the awsome fast moving gameplay it has (fromt here videos they have posted)

Just wondering what everyones opinion and such on this quake 4 mod.

PS: anyone up for some quake 4 threewave? hahaha be FOREVER! since i played that shizzat!

o_fresh 05-03-2006 08:13 AM

I dont like Quake 4 in general ¬_¬ Although Q4F looks pretty good.

o_mescalito 05-03-2006 10:05 AM

ha! cute. they made the scout able to climb on walls :o

nice work considering they've got only 4 devs left..

o_pizzahut 05-03-2006 10:31 AM

Here are some older threads:

o_ekse 05-03-2006 11:53 AM

the videos are cool

looks like raw fun :)

o_smax 05-03-2006 02:52 PM

/goes to store and purchases Q4

it is only 29 bucks now :D

PHISH 05-03-2006 03:59 PM

Dang I might have to buy quake 4 now if they keep this up.. Looks like aren't carrying over the conc moving your controls around from the later q3f betas?. Is he using the nailgun to travel up vertical surfaces? That's really interesting, very cool, looks like it could be fun. Is there going to be any way they'll be able to get around the max 16 players in multiplayer for quake4? Maybe somebody can correct me on that, I recall there being a really small limit for some reason.

o_afx 05-03-2006 04:25 PM

In terms of graphics it didnt look all that much of an improvement over q3f/etf to me, and whilst the nailgun climbing is a really nice idea it does kind of diminish the need to conc, no better than giving the scout a grappling hook really.

Im sure it'll be fun and unfortunately it'll probably tempt those for whom any tf game has to have the word quake in front of it, Even if the engine feels like crap(note i havnt really played enough q4 to say this, but i wasnt too impressed)
One final piece of negativity, The scout vid didnt really seem all that fast to me, Obviously its always hard to tell from vids though.

o_luminous 05-03-2006 04:30 PM

the mapping isnt all that special considering the "power" of the q4 engine, im sure it could be alot better. dont have q4 n wont be buyin it either prolly

o_ghost 05-03-2006 04:40 PM

I have Q4 so I'll probably give it a shot. I agree that it didn't look all that different from Q3F/ETF.

o_swampthing 05-03-2006 04:49 PM

Their Bases map on the video doesn't seem to push the map design any farther or really change the look texture wise.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing though, it's a very balanced map as it is. If they are just trying to port it, then ya it looks very good, just like q3f's version pretty much.

What I don't see so much is really updating the map's look. Not dimension/design wise, but more detailed I guess is the right word.

In the end It looks like it's very well done, and I'm sure it will play well also. I just hoped to see a little more experimenting with textures etc...

o_oinker 05-03-2006 05:39 PM

yea i really hope this mod ghoes somewhere and improved the textures a bit but it's still very much under development i enjoyed both q3f and tfc they are both completely diffrent styles of gameplay (well movement atleast) I enjoyed tfc's communication and tightly nit stratagies and I also enjoyed q3f raw movement bunnyhoping madness and the need for absolutley perfect aim becasue the games moved usualyl x2-x3 faster then tfc altho I did alot more clanning on TFC due to it's popularity.

But quake 4 is definitly a good multiplayer game. To me is feels like quake 3 with updated graphics and everyone loves quake 3 :D haha. (instagib games > all)

o_swampthing 05-03-2006 05:45 PM

I hope the mod does well also. It seems like they are basing it off of qwtf which is my background.

However, they're adding some different elements. They've shown in the video you can climb with the nail gun, similar to the plasma rifle in q3.

o_tyrus 05-03-2006 09:31 PM

That scout nail climbing was genious! Nicely taken from the plasma gun in Rocket Arena! Thats going to make for a lot of really neat tricks on old maps!! Most of the movement/gameplay looked identical to etf except for the model of the nail gun for recon. That model is going back to qwtf. The bunnyhopping, with a little bit of change in the air control, looked almost identical to etf as well.

Fucking shit, I had no idea that q4f was making such progress. Good luck to them!

Circuitous 05-04-2006 01:19 AM

Obviously it needs some touching up, but that seems pretty smooth. Quick, too. The conc's a bit weak, but the nailgun climbing was interesting. The Quake sounds were a nice touch. Is the sniper rifle using the AK-47 sound from CS?

o_kam 05-04-2006 09:12 AM

I thought they weren't gonna have bhop but now it seems like they're trying to make a qwtf port with wall riding (like the ff flamethrower will have ;););))

Circuitous 05-04-2006 09:13 AM

Oh, yeah... Photeknix said he wasn't gonna use bhop. Guess he came to his senses.

o_radio 05-04-2006 02:25 PM

i stopped posting on the forums somewhere around january when photeknix said that most of his team just disappeared somewhere. popped by two weeks ago to see what's the deal and he is still looking for coders and the only devs besides him that were posting were bolleh and that other guy, just like four months ago.

i personally don't expect anything out of that game anymore.

oh and


Q4F Level Designer

welcome swamp, I'd say stick around for a bit,
cause things are going to get very interesting soon... Very Happy

Q4F Project Leader

yes, very interesting...

we're releasing nude pictures of
3j's brothers girlfriends mothers uncles monkey.
you don't wanna miss it!

posts like this get me really excited. feels like the leader is shitting on his own mod, atleast that's how that reply reads.

o_swampthing 05-04-2006 04:00 PM

I don't think he's shitting on his mod... just lightening the mood. :)

Anyway, ya it does seem they are hurting on the dev team department. Here's some feedback I got on the q4f forum about typical maps in quake being basically giant concrete/rock structures, I really want to see more variety like urban maps and props. Just more than your basic quake-ish map.

Totally agree with you, that would be great, but ultimately only so much can be done with 2 mapeprs, a coder and project leader. Texture guy's MIA, Modellers MIA, without new textures being created or even new texture packs being released by the community I don't see it happening anytime soon :(

That's really a shame... I hope they can finish it and get it out there. I almost wonder why they are trying to make a separate mod, why not just try to combine with the FF team? I think everyone would benefit, quicker development, and you wouldn't be dividing up the TF communities into separate mods. I think that's the most important part, getting all the different TF segments to come together.

o_tu! 05-04-2006 09:29 PM

hopefully q4f will crash and burn like the q3f/etf series.

***me crosses fingers***

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