Fortress Forever

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o_nezumi 05-17-2006 12:02 AM

ff_anticitizen (not cacti anymore)
I'm making a dustbowl-ish map.

I've got the first stage sort-of done:

Here's the doors that open leading to the first area:

Here's the attackers spawn room:

Here's some defensive structures:

The map is of course in 3 stages. The first is this wide open sandy area you see, and it's designed to be a bit easy for the attackers.

The second is all inside some sort of giant dessert facility.

The thrid area is back outside and will be an uphill battle for the attackers.

I know attacking uphill in an AvD map is a recipie for boredom so I'm going to try to balance it out by making the section relitively short and allow the attackers to gain access to grenades relitively easily.

The original Dustbowl had problems where too many/too few people would always make the map unbalanced. By making the begining of my map easy and the end hard I'm trying to make it so that there is an apropriate challenge somewhere along the course of the map for a wider variety of team sizes. Hopefully I can do this without making it so that there's no ammount of players that is balanced for the whole map.

So, for now, I'm working on the second stage but it's turning out to be a bitch. I'll update as things go on (but I may not get to work on this very often)

o_bumgravy 05-17-2006 12:11 AM

Bloody yourself on a cactus tree, wipe it on your dress and send it to MEEEEEE

I think this looks cool! Youve already got quite a good theme going, looking forward to see how this developifies.

Circuitous 05-17-2006 12:23 AM

Looks sweet. Also: haha, "dessert facility." Skybox doesn't fit. I'm diggin' the windows and T shapes and stuff in the buildings, those're really cool.

o_foxtrick 05-17-2006 02:02 AM

Its a very nice job, as the other guy said, great theme all kept relative!.

The defensive area you show(3rd pic), though the windows shape and sizes go with the theme, it looks all abit too easy for grenades to be thrown in without much accuracy then again suppose you counter that with just how many defensive holes there are.

Oh yeah, you know the bridge that links the two defensive posts, maybe have abit of a 'front lip' so there is alittle bit of cover, even if its only enough to cover half the height of a engineer or soldier etc, high enough to not be used for a sg but a good spot for dispenser etc. Only really suggesting it as with how open that area is for attackers :p

o_geokill-----> 05-17-2006 04:36 AM

Sky box looks good but does not make sense b/c the lightning is too bright

Overall Theme looks good. Like a sort of futuristic arena set in the desert

o_caesium 05-17-2006 09:44 AM

Looks good. Any chance of a bsp to download please? (not really possible to comment on the design til then).

o_eat 05-17-2006 04:23 PM

Looks like Tatooine!

o_nezumi 05-17-2006 08:34 PM

The skybox is just a placeholder for now. I'm assuming we'll get some good sunny skies when FF comes out. In all likelyhood I'll just use whatever sky dustbowl does. I was thinking all the concrete textures on the buildings and stuff would be placeholder too but I think I like them now. All the rock textures and props are placeholders for FF rock textures and props (Again, I'm assuming FF will have good 'dustbowly' rocks and rock/sand textures).

I might also release an early version of this map if I can just get the middle section done. I'm *this* close to scrapping all I have on that section (Which ammounts to one hallway) and starting over.

Actually, I'm probably going to just go start the third section which I think will be much more fun to make.

o_tyrus 05-17-2006 08:40 PM

Post more screenshots, I like this map already!

o_shadow34721 05-17-2006 08:41 PM

i doubt ff will have its own skyboxes...
i like the map alot, some nice simplistic classic tfc architexture, very good. (although there are a few curves that just seem unnecesary)
overall, to nitpick the lighting seems a bit on the yellow side.
good start.

o_ohcanep 05-17-2006 09:06 PM

I have to agree that lightning looks pretty yellow-ish. If not anything else, the sand stands out a little in that light. I think the amount of all those windows in the defensive structures make up for the fact that they are, it would seem, larger than dustbowl's. Only one doorway leading out of attackers' respawn? Obviously if it's wide enough that shouldn't be an issue.

mervaka 05-17-2006 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nezumi

has a very flagrun sort of feel there, i like it.

the spawn room looks cool too, although i think it would serve as a great flag room! have a room below it

also, the guys are right, the light needs to be a bit more neutral, but keep it in the yellows, it compliments the sand well!

Lost 05-17-2006 11:25 PM

Looking good Nez, keep it up. And be sure to post a .bsp for it when you get it done!

o_fonfa 05-18-2006 02:48 AM

looking great. the rocks aren't good yet, i know it's a wip. insane brushwork you got there.

o_yank 05-18-2006 04:13 AM

where's the cacti?!

EDIT: i'm actually just kidding, though i do hope you put some in eventually =p looking really good

PHISH 05-18-2006 05:00 AM

I'm not comitting to this, but I will flirt around w/ creating a more...sunny.. skybox since I learned how to do all the crap involved in making one.

o_carnifex 05-18-2006 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by PHISH
I'm not comitting to this, but I will flirt around w/ creating a more...sunny.. skybox since I learned how to do all the crap involved in making one.

I think the skybox isn't that bad tho :rolleyes:. But the problem is that the map is too bright if there are clouds covering the sun (as your skybox shows), thats why it looks a bit weirdish.. A little bit darker and it's perfect !

Mulchman MM 05-18-2006 01:10 PM

More screens/playable bsp! :)

hopefully someone can make you some cactusususususususus's as well.

mervaka 05-18-2006 02:50 PM


o_nezumi 05-18-2006 08:46 PM

All right, the yellow is turned down a bit now. I'm gonna maybe try to get a working version of the first section done.

My plan, eventually, is to maybe make a skybox that's a solid dusty color, then add distance fog to the map of that color. Then I turn the brightness on the light_environment down a bunch and the ambient up.

I'm not sure though. Dustbowl had better have it's own skybox. None of the standard HL2 skies are even remotely close to what dustbowl needs (Unless the map winds up being very different). This skybox I'm using now is a random custom one I got from someplace, so it's gonna change one way or another.

And if anyone wants to model me a cactus I'd be really really happy --> :mrgreen: (See, this is the reason I wish I was on the dev team :lol: )

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