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~kev~ 03-06-2012 01:30 PM

Federal judge upholds gun ownership rights
Its been maybe 2 or 3 years ago there was a thread on gun rights. This was before the Washington DC case went to the supreme court. A member here kept saying the Second Amendment did not ensure the rights of citizens to own guns.

After the Washington DC case and the Illinois case where the supreme court upheld the rights of the citizens to own guns, we have yet a 3rd case. This time a federal court says,

Maryland residents do not have to provide a "good and substantial reason" to legally own a handgun, a federal judge ruled Monday, striking down as unconstitutional the state's requirements for getting a permit.

WiFiDi 03-07-2012 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by ~kev~ (Post 491911)
Its been maybe 2 or 3 years ago there was a thread on gun rights. This was before the Washington DC case went to the supreme court. A member here kept saying the Second Amendment did not ensure the rights of citizens to own guns.

After the Washington DC case and the Illinois case where the supreme court upheld the rights of the citizens to own guns, we have yet a 3rd case. This time a federal court says,

there is a debates and arguments section for this for this. :rolleyes:

but this isn't the first time and it for certain won't be the last time. judges are elected and its our job as the people to vote these particular ones out of office. :|

Lost 03-08-2012 01:42 AM

And today someone with a legally purchased handgun opened fire on a courthouse in Tulsa because he was upset about potentially going to jail over drug charges.

There is no perfect situation: stupid people will do stupid shit and no law will protect us from that.

KubeDawg 03-08-2012 01:47 AM

How'd he get in the courthouse with a gun? That's Tulsa crack team security for ya.

AfterShock 03-08-2012 01:00 PM

If you're going to allow everyday citizens to arm themselves (in case a corrupt government tries to take over the country like hitler or something - although remember, hitler had overwhelming support from the people so guns wouldnt have helped in this case), then you obviously need to deal with the fact that idiots will be using those arms.

I definitely see both sides of the argument, if a wacko manages to get in power then the people can more easily overthrow the government. But in todays global society i couldnt see how anyone could take over the USA in such a dramatic fashion that the residents would actually take up arms and march on the white house. I think that concept is absurd. There would be massive international intervention first anyway. Also the amount of steps involved to get to such a position is just too high.

I could understand it 100-200 years ago but I'm unsure I see the need any more.

CatzEyes93 03-08-2012 10:44 PM

Plaque in my home

"When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns"

I could say so much more than just that, but it kinda sums up many thoughts.

WiFiDi 03-09-2012 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by CatzEyes93 (Post 491975)
Plaque in my home

"When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns"

I could say so much more than just that, but it kinda sums up many thoughts.

ya know that pretty much sums up the entire gun argument right there. and then guess whose fucked.

AfterShock 03-09-2012 01:24 PM


"When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns"
That makes identifying outlaws rather easier, then :-)

P.S. The rest of the world manages fine.

Crazycarl 03-09-2012 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by AfterShock (Post 491982)
That makes identifying outlaws rather easier, then :-)

Right because they'll just walk around showing off their illegal guns everywhere.

WiFiDi 03-10-2012 04:52 AM

let me also mention that it won't be just a few singular people here and there that have guns it will be organized crime that has guns like motorcycle gangs or drug traffickers, heck they will probably also selling illegal guns and more people who shouldn't have guns will get them. this stuff already happens if its illegal the value of a gun goes up which means people are going to start fighting over gun trade. :rolleyes:
which means exponentially more people die.

we don't here this on the news but gangs are still are out there reaking havoc.

zE 03-10-2012 06:41 AM

We need legalized bazookas too, for self protection ofc.

KubeDawg 03-10-2012 08:05 AM

Yeah, gotta be able to rocket jump if I think I can make it when they outlaw guns.:mrgreen:

WiFiDi 03-11-2012 02:23 PM

when this is the only option left.

Iggy 03-12-2012 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by AfterShock (Post 491954)
If you're going to allow everyday citizens to arm themselves (in case a corrupt government tries to take over the country like hitler or something - although remember, hitler had overwhelming support from the people so guns wouldnt have helped in this case), then you obviously need to deal with the fact that idiots will be using those arms.

I definitely see both sides of the argument, if a wacko manages to get in power then the people can more easily overthrow the government. But in todays global society i couldnt see how anyone could take over the USA in such a dramatic fashion that the residents would actually take up arms and march on the white house. I think that concept is absurd. There would be massive international intervention first anyway. Also the amount of steps involved to get to such a position is just too high.

I could understand it 100-200 years ago but I'm unsure I see the need any more.

Sadly, many big cities leave the unarmed citizen as a probable victim. It's been demonstrated in states like Texas, that armed citizens mean a lower crime rate.

Will it stop all crime? Only the end of humanity will do that. You also can't stop lunatics from going off, nor can you stop illegal guns from getting into the wrong hands.

Don't mention the police... they react to crime, rather than prevent it. By the time they get to the scene, the perp is LONG gone. Prisons don't help much, because prisons are forced to release some prisoners to make room for more. The judicial part is corrupt as hell, but that's not the issue here.

Saying that arming the populous is to keep the government in check is just silly. Truth is, the government #1 knows where all the "legal" guns are, #2 has much better guns, #3 can disarm the populous whenever it wants.

Self protection is a valid reason. Valid enough, I think, to allow citizens that have no criminal record to carry them. Street thugs will think twice about mugging someone if they believe the "victim" may be armed.

Gangs(biker and otherwise), the Mob, and other organized criminals already have no regard for the law, nor do they have a problem getting weapons.

As an old friend once told me; "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6."

zE 03-12-2012 03:20 PM

Maybe because they send all people to jail even for having weed . o, and hm in a Us big city you might get shot, in euro land probably stabbed, I prefer stabbing lol.

But anyway societies evolve, gay marriage will happen, weed discrimination will happen, weapons more restricted will happen etc, just a matter of time.

GenghisTron 03-13-2012 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by AfterShock (Post 491982)
P.S. The rest of the world manages fine.

How's that knife crime epidemic in the UK working out?

AfterShock 03-15-2012 01:30 PM

What we call an epidemic is everyday life in the USA. (look at the stats)


Self protection is a valid reason. Valid enough, I think, to allow citizens that have no criminal record to carry them. Street thugs will think twice about mugging someone if they believe the "victim" may be armed.
Eh not really, it just means an arms race. Besides you're assuming criminals are in a sensible state of mind to be put off by that threat. In the UK if you rob a shop with a knife then it's pretty unlikely anyone is going to get stabbed. If the robber AND the shopkeeper have guns then the robber has to be ready to fire at any point if he thinks the shopkeeper is going for a gun.

This puts it better than I can:


A significant number of homicides result as a by-product of another violent crime which escalates, with the offender going into the crime without a clear or sustained intent to kill or be killed.

In the UK robbers break into your house usually while you're out, or asleep, or if there is something valuable right near a downstairs window, etc. Having a gun or not isn't going to stop any of that, but it will mean the criminal is more likely to have a gun. If you are home and wander downstairs wondering what the noise is, and startle that criminal, who's going to get shot?

Besides, are you really ready to shoot whoever you find before they can react and shoot you? Could you instantly pull the trigger no matter what? What if you find a young girl robbing you? We aren't all trained murderers. This isn't counter-strike :)

PartialSchism 03-16-2012 03:57 AM

I wouldn't hesitate to dump a few rounds into anyone that threatened me.
*combat glides away*

Dexter 03-17-2012 04:55 AM

Hi kev long time no see ..

as a big time gun lover and reloading nut, I give absolutely no shits about this, oops :(

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