Fortress Forever

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XPelargos 03-28-2013 12:38 AM

Why Did You Make the Switch?

TFC is more familiar, has more active players, more maps, more history, etc.

Me: Movement. Concs feel smoother, bhopping double jumping and ramp sliding and trimping just feel more fluid.

Demoman is so much better though. Pipes feel right, they were fiddly little bastards in TFC.

The soldier feels better to me in TFC, rockets packed a little more punch,

but scout feels better to me in FF.

So why did YOU make the switch?

KubeDawg 03-28-2013 02:38 AM

Because this is the closest thing to a TFC:Source we will ever get. Also the speed of it is excellent.

Raynian 03-28-2013 06:51 AM

There are still active servers in TFC?

I mean, there's d2f, and pickups, but I can't be assed sorting through all the bot servers to check for others. As far as I can see TN is dead, very rarely you get a couple people on the skills/escape servers, and that's really it.

Elmo 03-28-2013 07:45 AM

For me it was the offy flow then later the hard and soft caps which work great imo

caesium 03-28-2013 03:17 PM

i ran out of grens

Bully 03-28-2013 03:28 PM

Heard about it on the old far2cool UKTFCL forum and then some ex-TFC'er and ex-Beta tester made me do it.

FDA_Approved 03-28-2013 04:07 PM

I didn't.

Agent Buckshot Moose 03-28-2013 05:11 PM

Because it was the natural continuation of TFC after HL2 came out. The game is better balanced than TFC and moves smoother.

GeoKill-----> 03-28-2013 05:46 PM

Game movement did it for me.

It took me forever to properly conc, bhop, trimp etc in TFC, but in FF within the week it was naturally easier to pick up; no messing around with scripts!

Sabbath 03-28-2013 08:00 PM

Vinny made me.

the_cake 03-28-2013 08:54 PM


Faster pace, you have to hit rockets, medics do more than +gren1+gren1+gren1+gren1, hw requires better precision and reflexes, demo has to juggle helping the front line and watching the pipes on most maps. I really hated the tfc soldier style that involved using rockets mostly for prefires then shotty+nades for confrontation. I still think the good outweighs the bad in terms of gameplay.


I really thought a hardcore game and community run by hardcore gamers was a great idea when I started FF. This was really stupid in retrospect. Community run projects and gamers are oil and water. I did e-meet some fun people though especially in the early days.

TFC requires a floppy drive and a commodore 64 and my grandpa played it and other TFC is old jokes:

TFC was aging; it's players were growing up and having less free time. It's rare that "new players" as in "completely new and not 20-30 year old ex-tfc" new players will take up an 8 year old at the time game. If Fortress were to survive it would need a new and modern incarnation that would attract a new generation of players. I took up FF in the interest of keeping fortress alive, as that simply wouldn't happen with TFC or TF2. That was the dream in the beginning anyway, but it didn't happen. In 1.5 years ff will be as old as TFC was when FF came out.

Features- 03-29-2013 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by the_cake (Post 498911)

TFC was aging; it's players were growing up and having less free time. It's rare that "new players" as in "completely new and not 20-30 year old ex-tfc" new players will take up an 8 year old at the time game. If Fortress were to survive it would need a new and modern incarnation that would attract a new generation of players. I took up FF in the interest of keeping fortress alive, as that simply wouldn't happen with TFC or TF2. That was the dream in the beginning anyway, but it didn't happen. In 1.5 years ff will be as old as TFC was when FF came out.

I rather play TFC as far as community goes, but I like the smooth movement in FF. I would like to see it as a big community but will never happen. People who enjoy fortress games are too old to put in the time an effort to collectively do anything together.

There are more TFC servers than FF servers and probably more newer players who play TFC than FF yet it is free go figure.

Rck 03-31-2013 08:40 PM

Never played any of TFC, just saw a friend playing it online and asked him about it and joined a few servers (Thanks LEGOMAN!)

Features- 03-31-2013 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rck (Post 498952)
Never played any of TFC, just saw a friend playing it online and asked him about it and joined a few servers (Thanks LEGOMAN!)


Fruitcake 04-01-2013 03:16 AM

Played on a tf2 classic mod server and whenever the server went quiet I needed somewhere else to play fortress games. That ended up being ff because I'm to lazy to learn tfc manual bhop.

AtomicSphinCteR 04-01-2013 06:29 AM

I was playing on a Neo TF server and saw someone on my friends list playing FF. I googled it, downloaded the game, joined a game on Talos (I think I spent the whole game piping the top of the security ramp on destroy) and I have been hooked ever since.
What hooked me was the fast pace of the game, and it just felt to me the way TFC was supposed to have been.
One thing I immediately liked was that there was a distinct learning curve and that really nailing the movement skills took some practice. The best parts of the game were not spoon fed to me, there was room to grow as a player.

the_cake 04-04-2013 12:59 AM

Totally forgot one really important one - reasonable explosion size. Making it difficult to counter spam with actual aim is just silly.

[TALOS]Smoke 04-04-2013 03:35 AM

I still play TFC a lot, primarily on df2. I think FF has stuck with what TFC was/is. I know it's not TFC, but it's a hell of a lot closer to it than TF2.
I would love to see some of the TFC aspects brought back/in to FF. I miss the gas grenades, and sometimes... *sigh* teles.
To me, FF is the logical progression for anyone who thinks the concept of TFC was perfect, and there are plenty of people that don't play anything but TFC.

Agent Buckshot Moose 04-04-2013 01:53 PM

Never really sure why gas grenades were removed a few patches ago. It was a very unique grenade for the spy.

Lynus 05-25-2013 12:35 PM

well certainly graphics played a bit of a decision for me back in 07 or whenever i picked up the game. the source engine was the tits.

the game itself is pretty good, most of the fun maps are ones that weren't tfc ports. the community and game used to be better imo... now it just feels desperate and cheap. too many changes from the gool ol days of no hard or soft cap w/ speed leaves something to be desired.

like others have said, ff is tfc's natural progression. however, recently ive been playing way more tfc - simply because as Features stated the community here blows cocks. id rather suck farts and fecal matter out of a herpe invested tranny ass. they not only annoy me, but they scare off potential new players nearly instantly in my experience. the majority of this low-life egotistical whiney baby, drug-addicted, tfc-rejected community are suckin fucks who fuckin suck and i don't liek em.

i only wish i was trollin.


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