Fortress Forever

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9u-9u-9u 01-02-2011 05:11 AM

Anyone know of any good sites to play chess?
I want to play a friend online since they're too far away to play in person.

I've tried the main ones (yahoo, chess, pogo) but I was looking for something else. Are there others? Or has anyone ever used a chess program I could get where you can play 1-on-1?

I've been looking for a decent way to play another person and I thought someone had already found something that works.

Iggy 01-02-2011 04:27 PM

What's wrong with Pogo? Last time I played, you could set it up with a password for your game, and then just give the person you want to play the password. Of course, I'm a payed subscriber, and that feature may not be available in the free section(though I can't imagine it's not).

I don't know of any others.

Anshinritsumai 01-02-2011 05:18 PM

I play over at Chess (dot) com with a buddy of mine.

We've never had any problems with it, and have played both live chess (instant 1v1) and turn-based chess (if not available at the same time, get alerts when it's your turn).

Otherwise, good luck?

9u-9u-9u 01-07-2011 12:38 AM

Hm.. I suppose that answers my question, there must not be any others. I guess I'll keep using those sites for now.

Thanks Iggy and Anshinritsumai

Iggy 01-07-2011 12:51 AM

No problem. If you ever want to play, PM me here and we'll set up a time and date. I enjoy a good game of Chess. My screen name on Pogo is KaptainSkitzo, so you can PM me there as well.

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