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Fat-Suzy 10-31-2015 08:18 PM

3d Printed lvl 3 SG
Ok so a week ago i put together a reprap prusa i3 3d printer from a kit i bought online. Im still working on fine tuning all the settings so the print is still a little messy, ill make a better one in future.

I thought some of you might be interested in my latest test piece, a lvl 3 sg from FF! I took the .mdl file from the game and ran it through a program called crowbar to decompile it to a .smd file. From there i used BlenderSourceTools to import the file into blender which allows me to export as a .stl file.

I loaded the .stl up in a print control and slicing program called MatterControl which i have found to make the best prints for this sort of situation.

After 3 hours of melting plastic i had a big mess which took a bit of filing and sanding to get to the product you see before you.

I drilled out all the pivot points and glued in 3mm neodymium magnets so it can move around as it does in game. (the dish on top is too fragile to have moving).

If anyone is interested in the stl file to print your own pm me, or with the dev's permission ill post it.

Exiled 10-31-2015 10:57 PM


No but seriously... How much?

R00Kie 11-01-2015 02:26 AM

That is so awesome.

Bully 11-01-2015 10:17 AM

Amazing :thumbsup:

KubeDawg 11-01-2015 02:14 PM


AirTrek 11-01-2015 07:52 PM

That is kick ass, man. Can we get a video or a gif of it moving around???

Fat-Suzy 11-02-2015 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by AirTrek (Post 509618)
That is kick ass, man. Can we get a video or a gif of it moving around???


Bully 11-02-2015 07:45 AM

Brilliant! Is it possible to paint that plastic ?

Fat-Suzy 11-02-2015 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bully (Post 509620)
Brilliant! Is it possible to paint that plastic ?

Uh im going to say yes... i always planned on painting one of these. Its printed with ABS plastic, same stuff car bumpers or lego bricks are made from ;)

FDA_Approved 11-02-2015 05:40 PM

I've been thinking about having an SG print done up on shapeways. You can do full color sandstone, or I imagine you could hand paint any of their plastics if you wanted. But if I did get something printed up I'd go for a metal lvl 1 sg. Would be sick.

AfterShock 11-02-2015 08:12 PM

I'll buy one.

Exiled 11-03-2015 10:19 PM

ok, i'm serious...... How much Suzy?

Fat-Suzy 11-03-2015 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Exiled (Post 509624)
ok, i'm serious...... How much Suzy?

lol i never intended on actually selling any its not really my model to sell. I didnt realise how popular this would be, if you want me to make one for you it would cost around 30usd excluding shipping. I do feel terrible asking for so much but it does take 3ish hours to print and then another hour or so to clean up and magnetize.

If you want it printed quicker and more professionally i'd probably go to shapeways. their cheapest price for the same model in plastic is 27 usd but that would require you to source your own magnets and assemble yourself.

Does anyone know how i can get in touch with sev, the original designer? Id like his approval before i distribute the source file.

trepid_jon 11-11-2015 01:41 AM


That's seriously awesome.

caesium 11-24-2015 11:16 AM


Approx how much would it cost to print a map like schtop (with the roofs removed so I can see in of course!!) about 1m square?

tfcwings 11-25-2015 12:20 AM

Awesome! :D

Now to make it actually functional, but non-lethally. I've had the idea that I'd like a life-sized SG to shoot water-based ammo, for example high-powered squirt guns for the cannons and either snowballs or water balloons for the rocket launcher part. :)

davidjame 12-08-2015 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Fat-Suzy (Post 509621)
Uh im going to say yes... i always planned on painting one of these. Its printed with ABS plastic, same stuff car bumpers or lego bricks are made from ;)

Where to buy this Printer? bro

Fat-Suzy 12-10-2015 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by davidjame (Post 509649)
Where to buy this Printer? bro

check the links in the op

Headz 01-26-2016 11:20 PM

dam this is proper sweet, sell me a kit !!
Real nice job there Suzy. :thumbsup:

Iggy 02-03-2016 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fat-Suzy (Post 509625)
lol i never intended on actually selling any its not really my model to sell. I didnt realise how popular this would be, if you want me to make one for you it would cost around 30usd excluding shipping. I do feel terrible asking for so much but it does take 3ish hours to print and then another hour or so to clean up and magnetize.

If you want it printed quicker and more professionally i'd probably go to shapeways. their cheapest price for the same model in plastic is 27 usd but that would require you to source your own magnets and assemble yourself.

Does anyone know how i can get in touch with sev, the original designer? Id like his approval before i distribute the source file.

Honestly, I don't think that price is outrageous at all. 3D printing is still "new" technology, so naturally, it's going to be a bit costly.

I don't know how to contact Sev, but considering the model is a part of the game, and only people who play the game would be interested(and you're not really making a profit on it)...... If Squeek gives the ok(he's the last remaining Dev that I know of)..... I wouldn't feel bad about it.

I can appreciate your point of view, though. Pretty honourable, if you ask me. :thumbsup:

PromoCodeLand 03-22-2016 07:00 PM


XPelargos 04-17-2016 12:16 AM


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