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Zatoichi 11-07-2007 04:59 PM

i doubt anyone is interested, but this is mine..its jsut set up for the 4 main def classes, with announce to teamates in red and sloted for default class weapons(i think).
alias spy1 "disguise enemy soldier; speak vox/female/soldier; slot4; say_team ^2Disguised as enemy soldier; alias spyrotate spy2"
alias spy2 "disguise enemy Demoman; speak vox/female/demoman; slot4; say_team ^2Disguised as enemy demo; alias spyrotate spy3"
alias spy3 "disguise enemy Hwguy; speak vox/female/heavyweapons; slot4; say_team ^2Disguised as enemy HW; alias spyrotate spy4"
alias spy4 "disguise enemy Engineer; speak vox/female/engineer; slot3; say_team ^2Disguised as enemy Engineer; alias spyrotate spy1"

alias spyrotate "spy1"

Bind mwheeldown "spyrotate"

EquilibriuM 11-08-2007 07:41 AM

rocketjumping seems a bit touchy in FF for me at least, at times i blast the ground to get up on building etc. yet its like im sticking to the ground, was wondering if i could use a rocketjump script to get better results? b/c i see alot of these scripts have delays in them like 2.0sec etc. so i was wondering if someone could make me a simple rj script i use arrow keys and mouse1 to fire. and some of you might laugh at me but do most of these scripts still go into autoexec? mostly i asked b/c i looked over tao's bible and there are so many things like aliases, class cfg, and cfg ahh just seems alot more complicated then it was in tfc, and im not good with coding of any kind =P

Dr.Satan 11-08-2007 04:09 PM

It's no more complicated then it was. You still just have a class.cfg for each class...soldier.cfg, medic.cfg, etc. You can put in your autoexec, but if you have keys that are used for different things depending on the class (my "f" for example does something different for scout then for solly then for demo then for spy) you will want to put those different scripts into the coresponding class cfg.

Also the class cfg's exec everytime you die so you can't put something like say_team "Medic I shall heal and steal" or anything b/c everytime you died it would go off!

If ya need help PM me or post here and we'll get ya set up!

EquilibriuM 11-08-2007 05:28 PM

well i would just like a rj script for my solly class only. and thx for your time brother. :D

Dr.Satan 11-08-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by ZeRo SkillZ
well i would just like a rj script for my solly class only. and thx for your time brother. :D

That's going to be really tough b/c you can't use cl_pitchup / down any longer...

TobeyII 11-09-2007 05:47 PM

Come on Soulja, are you not able to rocketjump yourself? You are not that clumsy.

EquilibriuM 11-09-2007 07:26 PM

satan the look up down i can do manual as long as this script will keep me from sticking to the ground like i am now trying to rj ide be happy!

Dr.Satan 11-09-2007 08:32 PM

what do you mean by sticking to the ground?

EquilibriuM 11-10-2007 03:54 AM

its like a choke point i rj from the ground and go pretty much nowhere or could that just be actually fps choke doing that? other ppl i play with seem to encounter it also though, so im not sure.

Doompiggy 11-10-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by ZeRo SkillZ
satan the look up down i can do manual as long as this script will keep me from sticking to the ground like i am now trying to rj ide be happy!

A script can't stop crappy physics/collision. If you do the looking then all the script has to do is jump and fire, which I would assume you could do that. Thus, a script is useless

EquilibriuM 11-10-2007 05:40 PM

i guess ur right sasuke u nubbins!

EquilibriuM 11-19-2007 04:28 PM

Ok i need a indvidual class autoreload and discard script plz. but no discard for NG b/c i needs mah cells fool :D oh and i use arrow keys guess that makes me a goofy hand eh? thx in advance but if cant be made for me f u in advance rofl j/k
well autoexec script be fine to as long as Ng dont discard ammo i guess, either way it needs to be made is fine.

Dr.Satan 11-19-2007 05:27 PM

well you know the game has a built in auto reload script right?

discard won't be hard. Do you want a button to do it or it to automatically discard when you move (f, b, l, r)

Skanky Butterpuss 11-19-2007 06:28 PM

cl_autoreload 1

Zatoichi 11-19-2007 07:45 PM

in autoexec.
alias +disforward "+forward; discard"
alias -disforward "-forward"
bind w "+disforward"

in engie cfg
bind "w" "+forward"

EquilibriuM 11-19-2007 09:40 PM

i hate the autoreload thats already in the game it likes to hang up on reloading, or after i fire all rounds and it starts to reload 2-4-6 rounds and i try to fire it doesnt let me shoot properly. but yea ide want discard to forward backward left right i guess or however you usally do it.the above post i think i tried it that way before but it was discarding still on all classes i cant remember.

Dr.Satan 11-19-2007 10:18 PM

Make sure you have set:
cl_autoreload 0


Special Instructions:
Change w, s, a, d to your desired movement keys.
Place in specific class.cfg
alias +f "+forward; +reload; discard"
alias -f "-forward; +reload; -reload; discard"
alias +b "+back; +reload; discard"
alias -b "-back; +reload; -reload; discard"
alias +l "+moveleft; +reload; discard"
alias -l "-moveleft; +reload; -reload; discard"
alias +r "+moveright; +reload; discard"
alias -r "-moveright; +reload; -reload; discard"
bind w "+f"
bind s "+b"
bind a "+l"
bind d "+r

bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"

I also suggest you use a cleanup.cfg:


Instructions: Open a new notepad and save to your /cfg file
 as "cleanup.cfg" (w/out the quotes)
Insert the following:

echo Cleanup Config Loaded

unbind w
unbind s
unbind a
unbind d


exec cleanup.cfg

The cleanup cfg isn't nessiciary, but generally encouraged if you are using the same key for seperate classes.

EDIT - also please test this...idk if moveright and moveleft are the correct commands (just copied this over from my old TFC auto reload script) so let me know if it works!

EquilibriuM 11-20-2007 01:48 AM

thx dr satan all working perfectly, but your still not getting my cookies :D

Dr.Satan 11-20-2007 01:52 AM


EquilibriuM 11-20-2007 05:03 AM

oh can you edit engy so he has reload with movement?

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