Fortress Forever

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o_smax 04-04-2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Paft Dunk
no idea what on tilt means. never used that phrase in my life.

It's a term used in poker

On tilt: Playing very poorly or wildly, usually after losing a hand badly.

I believe in this case darksoul was using it as a metaphor in regards to how you reacted to the prior posts ;)...

ka'mon bra you never played poker? It's the greatest game in the world! (besides tfc)

o_paft 04-04-2006 06:42 PM

Well thankyou for the info smax. Still i will continue to never use that phrase in my life. :D

And no, the closed game I've played to poker is SNAP.
My life only consisted of Team fortress classic. My one and only true love.
Ohhh how i miss you... :cry:

mervaka 04-05-2006 12:05 AM

it still exists? i mean, i still play TA, and thats older than TFC

o_paft 04-05-2006 11:49 AM

Posted by Mervaka
it still exists?

If thats refering to me, i cry about this all the time, i dont have a machine good enough to run tfc on. Not played in 3years+.

o_player 04-05-2006 05:28 PM

Only I see you on the Jolt servers every now and then...

o_paft 04-05-2006 10:09 PM

Well yes many weeks back, testing to see it tfc would run.
And no it wouldn't run at all. Due to poor specifications, But i couldn't help loading tfc up just to try and relive the experience of such a classic game, but sadly i couldn't.
I've already said this anyway.

o_player 04-05-2006 11:19 PM

Why don't you just buy a new computer?

o_paft 04-05-2006 11:24 PM

Oh yes just like that? Some people aren't made of money you know. I'm currently saving but it's dam hard when your not working. I'm at college Monday though to Thursday.

Current balance is £200 :D

Whats going on this the bunny-hopping? sorry but i can't be bothered reading that many posts.

Could some one give me a quick and simple run though of the bh changes. If there are any that is?
Sounds like people will be bh/ing at different speeds?
Will the bh be the same as Half-life 2?
As i can't be botherd reading pages upon pages.

P.s i could never bunny-hopping in tfc anyway. i have played for 4 years but those years were not solid, i had problems with my computer alot so i was on and off all time. Now i can't play at all. I managed fine without the skill so it never botherd me much.

but as i haven't and can't currently play Half-life 2, i think I'm going to suffer in FF badly...?

Circuitous 04-06-2006 02:27 AM

Sigh. Why do people post if they haven't read the thread? At least they announce the fact.

- Still capped, but cap will be increased (200%?)
- Cap no longer shoves you back down to 100% - you just maintain top speed.
- Quake-style jumping: hold jump before landing to immediately jump again.
- HL/Quake-style air control: strafe and turn the same direction to build speed.

If you can't play TFC you stand no chance of playing Fortress Forever.

o_kam 04-06-2006 04:41 AM

don't forget there's no 'brickwall' capping

Circuitous 04-06-2006 04:43 AM

Right, yeah, that too. Added.

o_paft 04-06-2006 01:01 PM

Of course i can play tfc *massive sigh that is the only game i ever played, other games don't matter to me.
I said I've just not had the chance to perfect my bh skills. I'm not friging saying why again.

And i said why i didn't read the thread. Not every one has enough time to reading 3 + pages. It's just easier to ask someone for a quick run though which you did.

Just because someone can't bunny hop correctly doesn't mean there rubbish.
God dam you guys on here... you make me laugh, you think your all big cheeses and when someone asks a question your like "* Muhhahahaha* He askes a question Muhahahaha" "we must also try and make him look puny"

o_ghost 04-06-2006 01:27 PM

But you've been posting in this thread since the second page, and that was a week ago. Surely you could've found the time to skim the 32 posts prior to your first and the few between your posts by now.

o_ivaqual 04-06-2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Paft Dunk
read 3 + pages

God forbid !

o_paft 04-06-2006 01:35 PM

Not really as it's so so boring and the fact i had to reply to unnecessary comment's. Also I'm at college so its hard to keep up and i get a few seconds to scan the pages not got enough time give 100% of my time, I've got better things to be doing.

You lot make a big bastard fuss when someone asks the simplest of question's. I just wanted to clarify what was happening god dam it.
If it wasn't to much trouble you wouldn't of replied in the first place.

But oh sorry! you guys are the big cheeses around here, i must not medal with your powerful minds. :D

edit: nagual678 how pathetic are you *Muhahahaha*

o_player 04-06-2006 01:37 PM

To be honest with, I dont see where you got this idea from...


Originally Posted by Paft Dunk
Just because someone can't bunny hop correctly doesn't mean there rubbish.
God dam you guys on here... you make me laugh, you think your all big cheeses and when someone asks a question your like "* Muhhahahaha* He askes a question Muhahahaha" "we must also try and make him look puny"

o_paft 04-06-2006 01:42 PM

Circ: If you can't play TFC you stand no chance of playing Fortress Forever.

Meaning if you can't bunny hop you rubbish, or that overly used phrase N00b.

But he will deny that he mean that in his next reply. And you will stickup for him all lick his arse. ;)

Any way naff off in future

o_ghost 04-06-2006 02:04 PM

I think he means, if your computer is so crappy that it won't play TFC then you computer will stand no chance at playing FF. Since, ya were just talking about how you wish you could play TFC. But you couldn't, cause your computer can't play it. That was said directly above Circ's post.

o_paft 04-06-2006 02:08 PM

Well that was a a bit obvious as i cant' run Team fortress classic.
Anyway i don't care i can't bothered replying. :confused:

o_smax 04-06-2006 02:23 PM

Paft: You seriously need to start stealing/working or SOMETHING to get a new computer...especially if your current one can't even run TFC. How old is it anyway like 10 years old? Another thing: 200£ is MORE than enough to upgrade a computer to run good 'ol TFC...its an 8 year old game for God's sake!!

I do pity you for not being able to play TFC because for at least the first few months after FF is released all the vets are gonna be the first to have it, and you will have a sore ass for many moons...assuming your computer gets upgraded ;)

Ok back on topic...I'm really excited about FF's movement. Air control is what sets HL apart from most FPS games imho. I'm also really excited about the way the devs decided to handle the bhopping more 140%

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