Fortress Forever

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Da Spadger 09-15-2007 07:29 PM

Yep, repeatedly.

Of course, it could be because my keyboard is different from the american ones. Those doesn't have Å, Ä and Ö for example. :/

THBRonx 09-15-2007 09:15 PM

I´ve some problems here with my cfg files. I hope you can help me out here.

I´ve one 'config.cfg' that looks like:

And have one 'config'_default.cfg' that looks like:

As you can see, the 'config.cfg' (created when I joined the game for the first time) don´t have the comands and binds listed one by one per line. I don´t know if it´s the problem but some binds in-game didn´t work.

For exemple: I´ve one bind that I typed on both configs (config.cfg and config_default.cfg) to use with 'L' key. In-game the 'L' key was used for other action (in this case, it was assigned to the FlashLight, I checked the keyboard options and the key to FlashLight was other).
Any ideia of what´s wrong here? Because I don´t know if I need to use both cfg files or only one.

One more thing:
I´ve this bind:

bind "L"                "say_team Team! I´m [ %c ] , with [ %h ] life, @ [ %l ] !!! "
But in-game its don´t work.

The next binds aren´t working too:


bind "kp_ins" "saveme; say_team Help! My  Life: %h"
bind "kp_del" "engyme; say_team Help! I´ve only: %a"

Thanks and sorry for my bad english.

PorkChopVII 09-15-2007 09:23 PM

put that stuff in autoexec.cfg

make sure your numlock is on, if that does make a difference, im not at home so i cant tell if it does in game..

Essobie 09-15-2007 11:00 PM

I glanced through the thread and didn't see anything about this, but is there any way to send something to the chat box without having to do a say_team or a say? Sort of like echo (I think it was echo for Quake... been a LONG time)?

I'd like to preview classes in a disguise script I've got going before selecting what to disguise as.

4est 09-15-2007 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Essobie
I glanced through the thread and didn't see anything about this, but is there any way to send something to the chat box without having to do a say_team or a say? Sort of like echo (I think it was echo for Quake... been a LONG time)?

I'd like to preview classes in a disguise script I've got going before selecting what to disguise as.

It WAS echo. However, STEAM killed echo. Since STEAM came out, the echo command only shows in the console.

PorkChopVII 09-15-2007 11:11 PM

oh ya because doesnt do the developer mode right? where you can see the messages in top left corner or whatever?

in replacement if you want information on how to add sound effects that only you will hear ask me ill hook you up.. when my demo enters says "PIPE CLEANUP" woooooooooooooo

Rayzor 09-15-2007 11:26 PM

hm i cant test that now, cos heres no ff installed.. but

developer "1"

worked for my old tfc scripts to show "echoes" in upper left.

THBRonx 09-15-2007 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by PorkChopVII
put that stuff in autoexec.cfg

make sure your numlock is on, if that does make a difference, im not at home so i cant tell if it does in game..

Ok, the binds (medic, armour) are now working (thanks for the tip about autoexec) but not the 'Flashlight' thing. It´s really weird, don´t know why my 'L' key is automatically assigned for this.

4est 09-15-2007 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rayzor
hm i cant test that now, cos heres no ff installed.. but

developer "1"

worked for my old tfc scripts to show "echoes" in upper left.

Well the OLD echo did not need developer mode enabled. Having Dev enabled drove me nuts in TFC because the messages were non-stop.

skuLL 09-16-2007 12:43 AM

This will make class-specific binds a LOT easier to make.

BTW, I haven't played FF yet.
I had to travel to get the USA Visa. Stayed in line for 4 hours.
I'll be back home tomorrow for some FF fragging.

Everything 09-16-2007 01:21 AM

Is there a way to give yourself all the weapons like in TFC? or one at a time?( In listen server) via give tf_weapon or something, I know it changed but just wondering.

Edit: Please help me!!

A Boojum Snark 09-16-2007 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Da Spadger
I can get to the console with -console in the launch command, but can I bind a key to it? Tilde doesn't bring up the console for me, so I want to bind it to something else.

The command you are looking for is toggleconsole, bind that manually to some key of your choice and I'd think it should work.

Rayzor 09-16-2007 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by 4est
Well the OLD echo did not need developer mode enabled. Having Dev enabled drove me nuts in TFC because the messages were non-stop.


developer "1"
developer "0"

Much better tbh :P

4est 09-16-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rayzor

developer "1"
developer "0"

Much better tbh :P

Yes - Spot on. Once a STEAM update took out echo, I changed my Engineer wrench alias to activate/deactivate developer mode. That let me see the contents of a dispenser w/o having to read dev code non-stop.

PorkChopVII 09-16-2007 01:40 PM

didnt think they actualy took out echo, because im able to have messages display from echo in console. granted i cant get the delevoper mode to work, so not tripping, but i thought you can still echo messages :D

schizodefective 09-16-2007 07:43 PM

admin commands
is it possible to bind admin commands to keys?
e.g admin_chat, admin_csay ect

thanks for any help

PorkChopVII 09-16-2007 08:24 PM

actually wanted to find that out, BUT whats cool about tools like mani is that you can use normal say commands to exec admin commands, like "@say hi my name is Bob McGee, what would you like on your burger."

but if you are refering to like normal rcon commands ya you can. I dont think you can custom make a message mode like you could with HL engine.

I hope this information helps, if you need me to elaborate then ask.

Acciaccatura 09-16-2007 08:33 PM

Map Specific Configs
Are map specific configs supported yet? I've got a few communication binds I'd like to be customisable per map. If they are already in, I'm probably missing a cvar or something, any ideas?

Great work on the mod guys.

PorkChopVII 09-16-2007 08:35 PM

where you placing your map.cfg file?

Acciaccatura 09-16-2007 08:37 PM

Straight in the cfg directory, named ff_well.cfg , as per TFC.

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