Fortress Forever

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luminous 05-27-2007 10:56 PM

im pretty sure they will just "float" where theyre placed, but you could have the resup fields like certain maps have that you just fall/walk through

barronofhellion 05-28-2007 03:22 PM

everybody say woot for the 1st (custom) texture added, i actually cheated and used the model of the airvent i had done for a garden picture i did a long time ago
( ) that never even got rendered, i just rendered it and painted on it ,

own3r 05-28-2007 06:05 PM

Before you worry about textures and all that could you get dev textures on there? (search dev on texture filter) orange walls grey floors etc :) so we can have a look at this layout?

barronofhellion 05-28-2007 06:30 PM

well i really had hoped to make only what i needed to, texture it then copy and paste it to mirror it for the other side , and then again for the blue base that way i only have to texture/scale/orient things once (besides the team colors) i know its easy to copy the textures scale/oriention but i really had not wanted to besides if i send the map i can just include the textures couldnt i? is there some other reason i am missing for using the dev textures? i guess i could use the dev textures on sertain things like the main wall ( plan on doing some serious detail ) and such, but if i even gave the map out right now , things like the air vent you would not know that there would be a window there because it would have been a dev texture,,,

Beetle 05-28-2007 08:04 PM

he's just saying its harder to see the layout when everything's the same shade yellow.

GambiT 05-28-2007 09:07 PM

i never use the dev textures..

texture it as you want it..then copy it and paste into a new map then replace all of the colored textures with the opposing teams textures. then paste back into the map.

nodnarb 05-28-2007 09:33 PM

I use dev textures so I can go back and replace all of them with nodraw.

barronofhellion 05-28-2007 11:27 PM

well i used the dev ( that orange texture ) on the map and you couldnt make out anything, it was like a big orange fog , anyways i picked a random puke like brick texture, here is the REALLY early version ... i finnaly got gravity to work off the bat , and the wind tunnels finnaly work without banging your head on the ceiling or , well hovering for 5 mins , bad thing about hl2dm is you have no air control so it might change again after ff comes out and i can see whats its going to work like ... keep in mind this is way before the other side has been pasted , and also the blue teams side pasted.. that is if you can make anything out in the pukeness of fullbright... unzip to the hl2dm folder , i included the 1st 2 new textures... mainly to show whats there ...
here if filefronts beeing a tard

Beetle 05-29-2007 12:23 AM

lose the low gravity. otherwise it looks like its going to be a fun map to play. I say replace the gravity with bouncepads (or ones like the ones in spaceball)

barronofhellion 05-29-2007 01:10 AM

damnit i knew i should have done my own map consept 1st

own3r 05-29-2007 11:36 AM

I just had a go it was quite a good fun.
Some useful commands:


sv_cheats 1

noclip      allows you to fly :)

bind space noclip    tap on and off spacebar an instant 'conc' :)

sv_airaccellerate 50    a bit more air control for you

bind mwheelup +jump  use mousewheel up for jump
since you've bound spacebar to 'conc'

I would recommend gravity 4.4 times stronger than it is now. To help tweak this try using

For the vertical push tubes there are several options to cope with the stronger gravity, more push brushes, one long brush the length of the tube or huge power on a single brush at the bottom.

I think the walls on the ground floor need to be further from the side walls a bit, also shown a hint brush position for kicks.

barronofhellion 05-29-2007 01:15 PM

:( gravity 4.4x stronger would be ,, more then normal gravity, thus not like the original map , but inline with the other review of do away with lowgrav. as for the vertical push tubes there was 6 in them but i found out whatever the most powerfull push was the one that was actually doing anything ,.. but there is about 3 used right now... as for that wall, eh i cant even tell where that is ... ehmmh and its my map
edit---- oh wait i see it now, ok yea i can add more to the wall

own3r 05-29-2007 01:50 PM

With current gravity snipers would have a field day and it would take about 5 minutes to land from a conc UT doesn't have these problems :)
If you increased gravity to a compromise of reducing airtime but not destroying your hp in 2 falls that would be ideal.

It was quite a lot of fun 'concing' around this map via noclip, I think some major fog would be needed though for both performance and to stop the defenders on the other side of the map being sniped from the other side of the map. If i remember this map had a 'strong' green colour scheme in the midfield so maybe some radioactive fog might be apt :)

barronofhellion 05-29-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by own3r
With current gravity snipers would have a field day and it would take about 5 minutes to land from a conc UT doesn't have these problems :)

Ut doesn't have concs !?! or did i missunderstand what your tring to say ?and the snipers (rifle in ut and electric lightning rilfe in ut2004) were a big part of the map, but never were a problem , mainly because you just can goto the bottom of the map and you take the express tube right around them , but then again i dont know how easy it is to snipe in ff, and i timed the gravity to work just as it was in the original map


Originally Posted by own3r
If you increased gravity to a compromise of reducing airtime but not destroying your hp in 2 falls that would be ideal.

well i guess due to popular demand ill just do 2 versons of the map, one with lowgrav and one without , personaly i perfer the standard grav , but i am tring to do a good conversion of the map and thats how the original is, the sv_airaccellerate command i will however add though to the low grav version thanks for the help , i have it set for the map changes the server commands does it reset on the next map change ? because that would probably piss off some admins , if my map changes the server commands...


Originally Posted by own3r
I think some major fog would

oh hell yes i was thinking the same thing , that would also stop the snipers from dominating
i guess ill name the map FF_HallOfGiants_2007_CTF_Lowgrav and FF_HallOfGiants_2007_CTF god thats a long mapname lol

own3r 05-29-2007 04:37 PM

TBH just have the one version, servers than want lowgrav will turn it on in the server.

barronofhellion 05-29-2007 05:06 PM

well, i guess that would work, defeats me tring to do a port like conversion though :cry:

Beetle 05-29-2007 05:11 PM

You wouldn't want that anyway. Two different games - it has to be adjusted accordingly.

barronofhellion 05-29-2007 06:14 PM

well, i did not like geting shot off the pathways and then falling forever and then geting killed by landing on the ground , or missing a jump because i thought i could make it and taking damage as well.
also i plan on doing a cool space looking skybox as well with probaby floaty astriods in the skybox

Circuitous 05-29-2007 08:22 PM


problem solved

barronofhellion 05-29-2007 08:28 PM

pardon my nubnessness but what extention is lua

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