Fortress Forever

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o_nezumi 05-21-2006 11:05 PM

I will, but you'd be surprised how well the docks clip already. There's just like 1 broken bord you get hung up on.

o_nezumi 05-22-2006 03:52 PM

Here's the round 1 doors before they open. You can see there are 3 doors for the attackers to come through.

...and after they open. The lower door has like the coolest opening animaiton ever. It seriously looks like a big deal when they do. :o

Round 3 starts with an elevator ride up a shaft for the attackers. The defenders can get as far as the top of the shaft, but that's sealed off untill the round starts. (There will be 2 nearby but very small exits that will each be a lot like the side exit in dustbowl round 1). This is the elevator. Yes the wheels roll up and down. With any luck it'll be possible to build SGs on movable objects in FF and we might witness the advent of the offensive sentry gun :lol:

And the top of the shaft.

Please note that these screens are fairly wip-y, especially the last one where most of the cliffs are missing.

But there we go. I'm still trying to work up the courage to map the round 2 section.

o_kam 05-22-2006 04:16 PM

The lighting is much better. Quite soothing actually :)

Mulchman MM 05-22-2006 04:35 PM

bsp me (and only me!)

Lost 05-22-2006 05:29 PM

Same here! :mrgreen:

Really, keep it up Nez, looking damned sweet.

BTW, are you going to keep the top 2 doors or replace them if something else is released with the FF textures? I think a more weathered look would be more appropriate than the Combine stuff, but only because of the coloring.

o_player 05-22-2006 06:14 PM

That is a very sexy map indeed. We must get a .bsp soon otherwise you will be getting scary phone calls :P

o_etzell 05-22-2006 07:06 PM

I have to agree with the sentiment that the combine walls look VERY out of place. Try a simple re-skin, see if that works any magics.

o_ohcanep 05-22-2006 07:23 PM

Looking smooth... umm, I'd say lightning looks fairly better now.

That evelator has to move fairly quickly back and forth, doesn't it? It seems to be the only way up, anyway.

o_sidd42 05-22-2006 08:06 PM

I would definitely keep the combine colouring. It gives the whole map a great feel and theme; traditional dustbowl but with new combine technology. It's also great for the colour balance of the map, dustbowl can easily look really washed out with too much sandy yellow, and blue doors and features reduce this effect, even if you only use them at the start and end of each phase.

Looks nice!

Lost 05-22-2006 09:09 PM

Thats the idea for desert maps though, sunbaked and weather-worn. He could add some more Combine-ish things, maybe a thumper up out range on a cliff or even one on the ground the Offense passes on the way up, maybe some of the defense positions be Combine design, like on the beach in HL2 before Nova Prospekt. Shit, go for it Nez, see what it looks like, especially if you like the doors. I personally love the way doors work in HL2, they sort of fold together, so I'd like to see em stay, even if all you do is reskin them.

Circuitous 05-22-2006 09:18 PM

Very sweet. Finish it already.

Question about the elevator though. Do they ride that DURING the attack? I was thinking when I saw it that it'd be really cool if, during the 30 second wait or whatever before the gates open, was taken up with the elevator ride. And when they reach the top, the gates open.

o_ohcanep 05-22-2006 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Circuitous
Do they ride that DURING the attack? I was thinking when I saw it that it'd be really cool if, during the 30 second wait or whatever before the gates open, was taken up with the elevator ride. And when they reach the top, the gates open.

I thought so too but where would attackers respawn after that? The idea of SGs emerging from the elevator shaft sounds fun... how fun, depends on their range though. :confused:

Circuitous 05-22-2006 09:37 PM

They'd respawn on the elevator?

o_ohcanep 05-22-2006 09:47 PM

Well, that would be possible of course, it's just in direct sight of defenders...

Circuitous 05-22-2006 09:48 PM

Doesn't have to be.

o_ohcanep 05-22-2006 10:06 PM

Also true, just takes away the offensive SG opening. :)

o_nezumi 05-22-2006 10:30 PM

You can see some doors leading away on the left and bottom of the elevator screenshot. The attackers respawn is a short way down those. Also, you can't really see it but the elevator has a roof on it. The attackers can't get onto the elevator before the doors open, but the elevator goes up and down automatically after the doors do open.

I'm a little on the fence with the combine stuff. My plan at this point is to put more of it around as detail (All the lights inside the bunkers already look sorta combine-ish) to make what I have now look less out of place. Failing that I could just make all the combine props look like rusty red metal.

Lost 05-22-2006 10:33 PM

Stick it in there and see what its like. At the least, throw a thumper or two in. :mrgreen:

o_frenchtoast 05-22-2006 10:53 PM

I <3 this map. As soon as you're ready to throw a .bsp out there don't hesitate to do so.

I personally like the combine elements in there, it kinda throws in a mix to the mundaneness of sand and brick.

The skybox doesn't quite fit though....

o_tyrus 05-22-2006 10:56 PM

People like you make me want to give up on mapping ;)

I could never be so creative lol! (i won't give up though...just may take a long long time to finish my map)

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