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o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-11-2007 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by rizzo
My suggestion:

Rename it and let the original map maker do ff_midair if (s)hes alive

I cant seem to find the original makers name anywhere, if anyone knows an email or something for he/she thatd b gr8


Originally Posted by Player

hmm, never seen that version/versions of it, but it/they looks better than the first version, and maby the second

o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-11-2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by luminous
having 2/3/4 different dm areas so that more than 1 fight can be going on at the same time on the same map?

will do, i never thought of that

o_darknight 01-11-2007 07:38 PM

The only thing that made this map worthwhile playing (for me) was that you could respawn and smite your enemy. With multiple arenas and seperate spawns I'd much prefer to play mulch_dm.

Unless. You create a spawn room with 2/3/4/whatever buttons labeled with different arenas. Press one of the buttons and you spawn in that arena and then when you die, have it respawn you again in the same arena until you press the 'leave zone 1' button ... or something.

Maybe it's just me that liked the constant DM rather than spending most of my time stood around waiting for my opponent or reloading/restocking.

o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-11-2007 07:56 PM

good point, i think il stick to the original idea, 1 small platform

o_exoronic 01-11-2007 08:23 PM

put up some seeling and walls pal

sucks this way tbh

o_sta_sirtiger 01-11-2007 08:31 PM

yuck! I've been working on my version of midair - heck, i wont even call it midair since I like to be unique, for 20 minutes and it looks so much better than this. I'll make a new thread about a real DM map soon ^_^.

o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-11-2007 08:51 PM

ahhh... its good to have ignore :lol:

o and Exoronic, il think about it

o_darknight 01-11-2007 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by STA_SirTiger
yuck! I've been working on my version of midair - heck, i wont even call it midair since I like to be unique, for 20 minutes and it looks so much better than this. I'll make a new thread about a real DM map soon ^_^.

ur leik teh most aewsum dud evar lolololol

o_luminous 01-12-2007 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by STA_SirTiger
yuck! I've been working on my version of midair - heck, i wont even call it midair since I like to be unique, for 20 minutes and it looks so much better than this. I'll make a new thread about a real DM map soon ^_^.

what is your problem with bingo? just cus he may not have the most SUPEROMGWTFPWNAGE mapping skills that it seems you do, why put him down in every reply you make to his thread?

o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-12-2007 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by luminous every reply you make to his thread?

make that threadS


Originally Posted by luminous
...SUPEROMGWTFPWNAGE mapping skills that it seems you do...

and i am yet to see a map of his

o_geokill-----> 01-12-2007 05:28 AM

Yeah SirTiger Bitches alot but doesn't show his own work. :D

o_player 01-12-2007 07:08 AM

He is slowly becoming more idiotic and darkness-like with every new post he decides to submit.

o_norris 01-12-2007 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Sh4x
Oh please...

It's a fucking platform floating into emptyness.

There's nothing to be constructive about.

Anyways, I'm sure Bingo Bango knows it's nothing against him and that we're just having a little fun. I think it's cool that he posts his 5-minutes maps in here for everyone to see, every single map makes this place a little less boring.

Jeeez.. We've talked about midair2 in billions of threads in this mapping section so far.. you are: a) some random flameboi or b) a total newb at tfc. Well now you are prolly both. anyway stop complaining now about this map and kill yourself. thanks.

Bingo: I'm not really sure who made the map. but OverKill may can answer that. He played DM maps since qwtf and also created a few himself afaik ;) anyway I think you can redo the map but stick to the original design but make it better looking. we also should think about some LUA gimmicks like an airshot-o-meter ;D

o_nezumi 01-12-2007 12:21 PM

Either Caesium or Sidd42 made a speedometer texture. Might be fun. There's probably some other cool stuff you could make with material proxies that would make a neat gimmick for the map.

o_sh4x 01-12-2007 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Norris
Jeeez.. We've talked about midair2 in billions of threads in this mapping section so far.. you are: a) some random flameboi or b) a total newb at tfc. Well now you are prolly both. anyway stop complaining now about this map and kill yourself. thanks.

Bingo: I'm not really sure who made the map. but OverKill may can answer that. He played DM maps since qwtf and also created a few himself afaik ;) anyway I think you can redo the map but stick to the original design but make it better looking. we also should think about some LUA gimmicks like an airshot-o-meter ;D

stfu Chuck, it's still a floating platform into emptyness. The fact that it's old doesn't make it any better.

Oh and keep spelling like Avril Lavigne, it makes you look so cool.

o_sta_sirtiger 01-12-2007 06:14 PM

\0/ great thread!
Well Bingo, I don't spend 5 minutes of mapping like you do, reason why you haven't seen work from me. He was given harsh criticism 1000 times, not only from me, but he doesn't listen to them, so what the hell do yall expect him to get the next time?: shit.

Originally Posted by Circuitous
Please note there's a difference between feedback and holding his hand.

yes, i happen not to be holding his hand

o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-12-2007 06:45 PM

i dont ask for ppl to hold my hand, i ask ppl for constructive feedback, if you give negative feedback then that youre choice and youre responsibility to add suggestions along with youre negative feedback. When you first came in here, you seemed to b a cool guy and I was fine having a new friend on the forum, but then when I cam out with ff_lockdown you became an asshole out of nowhere. Ever since then you rip on any of my maps. Finally you gave some uggestions in ths thread, but the fact that you gave them in sarcasim didnt really help. Im sorry if I find it easier to do simple maps made for playability, not looks, I started doing it that way because that was the advice that I got from Kester (for those of u who are out of the loop, Kester is the Lead Level Designer of Black Mesa Source).

o_ma|2io 01-12-2007 08:14 PM

Noone will play your map accept it. Mulch looks way better, or w/e theyre calling it everyone will still call it mulch.

o_sta_sirtiger 01-12-2007 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by -=BINGO-BANGO=-
i dont ask for ppl to hold my hand, i ask ppl for constructive feedback, if you give negative feedback then that youre choice and youre responsibility to add suggestions along with youre negative feedback. When you first came in here, you seemed to b a cool guy and I was fine having a new friend on the forum, but then when I cam out with ff_lockdown you became an asshole out of nowhere. Ever since then you rip on any of my maps. Finally you gave some uggestions in ths thread, but the fact that you gave them in sarcasim didnt really help. Im sorry if I find it easier to do simple maps made for playability, not looks, I started doing it that way because that was the advice that I got from Kester (for those of u who are out of the loop, Kester is the Lead Level Designer of Black Mesa Source).

I understand - however, you were given constructive feedback by many of us, and you seemed to ignore it (proof: this map, battlefield, lockdown). So why are you even asking for it if you're not going to even listen? I am sorry if you took my feedback in a "sarcasm" way, but I hope that you actually listen and practice your mapping skills. Plain old simple were HL1 days, not HL2. You can do so many things without affecting gameplay, and still make it look beautiful.

o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-12-2007 08:46 PM

ff_lockdown- Suggestions were made, none wer fufilled because the map was to big to play on certain ppls comps

ff_battlefield- more detail, I rebuilt all hallways and I am taking a break from that map

this map- Add walls, removes the feel from the map. Add several different platforms, thought about it, but if there is less people than 2x the amount of platforms ppl will have to wait for a person to fight or commit suicide

but w/e just forget it

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